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That isn't fair translate Spanish

244 parallel translation
Oh, Jan, that isn't fair, and you know it isn't.
No es muy elegante, lo sabes.
Here, here, if that isn't fair, hmm?
¿ No les parece justo?
¿ No es justo?
That's fair enough, isn't it?
Es justo.
Cariño, no es que no quiera es que no sería justo para ti casarte ahora.
Isn't it only fair that if you forbid me to speak with you as I fear and I accept your orders, as I must that I should be allowed a little forbidding as well?
¿ No es justo que si me prohibe hablarle de lo que siento y lo acepto, debo poder prohibir tambien?
Well I guess that's fair enough, isn't it?
- Bueno, supongo que es bastante justo, ¿ verdad?
- Oh, I changed my mind. But that isn't fair.
- He cambiado de opinión.
But, Jerry, you can't do a thing like that. It isn't fair.
No puedes hacer eso, Jerry.
Fanny, that isn't fair.
Anda, Fanny.
Now, J.J., that isn't fair.
Vamos, J.J., eso no está bien.
That isn't fair!
Eso no es justo.
Yeah, well, that isn't fair.
¿ Sí? Pues no hay derecho.
The show is closing, you're gonna be left high and dry and you came to me for a loan. That's fair enough, isn't it?
Se va a quedar sin trabajo y necesita un préstamo, ¿ no?
That isn't fair, Nicole.
No es justo, Nicole.
But that isn't fair.
- Pero es que no es justo.
That isn't fair.
No es justo.
Whatever you do will be of your own free will but it isn't fair to bring up that child alone and you know it.
Haz lo que tu conciencia te diga pero no es justo criar sola a una niña.
That isn't fair, Edward.
No es justo, Edward.
That isn't fair, and you know it!
Eso no es justo y lo sabes.
Now, that's fair enough, isn't it?
Es bastante justo, ¿ No?
Now, that's fair enough, isn't it?
Es justo, ¿ no?
It isn't fair that a young boy should be brought up by an old woman who will leave him when he needs her most.
No es justo que un niño sea criado por una señora mayor... que lo dejará cuando él más la necesita.
It isn't fair that you should have to decide such a thing.
No es justo que debas decidir eso.
That isn't fair.
- No es justo.
- But that isn't fair!
Pero no es justo.
There's a fashion pavilion at the world's fair. Isn't that exciting?
Hay un pabellón de la moda en la feria mundial. ¿ No es estupendo?
- That isn't fair, Dev.
- No es justo, Dev.
That's fair enough, isn't it?
Es justo, ¿ no?
But, Michael, that isn't fair.
Pero Michael, eso no es justo.
Never let it be said that an Englishman isn't fair, at least on occasions. Wait a minute.
Un momento.
Now Kay, that isn't quite fair to Mary.
Ahora Kay, eso no es realmente justo para Mary.
- Or isn't that fair?
- ¿ O no es justo?
That's fair enough, isn't it?
¿ Está la cosa clara?
Go on, that's fair enough, isn't it?
Vamos, está lo suficientemente limpio, ¿ verdad?
You know that isn't fair
Saben que eso no es justo
That's fair enough, isn't it?
- Es justo, ¿ no?
Explain to him that, since he's bigger than you, it isn't fair.
Explícale que no es justo, siendo él más grande que tú.
So today... as I start my ministry in this hallowed old church... I think it only fair to explain... that it isn't the church or religion... that I'm trying to present, but Christ.
Por ello hoy, al comenzar mi ministerio en esta sagrada iglesia... creo que es justo que explique... que no es la iglesia ni la religión...
- If you knew a girl your own age, you wouldn't want me. And that isn't fair
- Si conocieras a una chica de tu edad, dejarías de quereme.
Bud, that isn't fair.
- Eso no es justo.
Now, Tom, that isn't fair to the police department, and you know it.
Ahora, Tom, que no es justo para el departamento de policía, y usted lo sabe.
I'm offering him a $ 10 raise. Isn't that fair?
Le ofrezco 10 dólares más. ¿ No es justo?
That isn't fair - you never seen me play.
Eso no es justo.
Don't say that, it isn't fair.
No digas eso. No es justo.
He says that isn't fair.
Dice que no es justo.
Tell you what, we'll call that game a draw. - Isn't that fair?
Dejaremos el resultado en empate.
Isn't that fair?
¿ No te parece justo?
That's fair, isn't it?
Es justo, ¿ no?
Now, that's a fair trade, isn't it, Dr. Cobb?
Creo que es un trato justo, ¿ no cree, Dr. Cobb?
That isn't fair. Look, son, there's one very important thing that you have to remember- - he is on the side of evil ;
Mira, hijo, hay una cosa muy importante que debes recordar.

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