To leave translate Spanish
77,617 parallel translation
And if... you still want to leave, I'll have a car take you home and you'll never hear from me again.
Y si... todavía quieres marcharte, haré que un coche te lleve a casa y no volverás a saber de mí.
It's the perfect time to leave. I'm drunk enough to take an Uber, but not drunk enough to flash the Uber driver.
Estoy ebria como para tomar un Uber, pero no tan ebria como para exhibirme.
Mom and Dad had to move some of your stuff, but we had to leave lots of things behind.
Mamá y papá tuvieron que mover algunas de tus cosas, pero tuvimos que dejar muchas cosas.
Bram was arrested trying to leave the colony.
Arrestaron a Bram tratando de salir de la colonia.
I mean, he... he had to leave public school. This is his second senior year.
- Digo, tuvo que dejar la escuela pública y esta es la segunda vez que cursa el último año.
He was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, which is why he had to leave public school.
Le diagnosticaron la enfermedad de Crohn por eso tuvo que dejar la escuela pública.
I-I need you to leave me alone, Alison.
Necesito que me dejes en paz, Alison.
I'll tell him to leave right now.
Le diré que se vaya ya mismo.
I'm happy to leave if you want me to.
Me iré con todo gusto, si es lo que quieres.
I wanted him to leave.
Quería que se fuera.
You need to leave me the fuck alone.
Tienes que dejarme en paz.
It's time for you to leave.
Es hora de que te vayas.
Okay, is this one of those times where you say to leave, but you really mean...
Vale, ¿ esta es una de esas veces en las que dices que me vaya, pero realmente quieres decir...?
You're gonna walk back in there, you're gonna be perfectly calm, and you're gonna tell your girlfriend she needs to leave because something's come up that needs your attention.
Vas a volver a entrar, y vas a estar completamente tranquilo, y le dirás a tu novia que tiene que irse porque ha surgido algo que requiere de tu atención.
In fact, I would like you to leave my office.
De hecho, me gustaría que abandonarais mi despacho.
I asked you to leave.
Os he pedido que os vayáis.
I told you to leave my father alone!
¡ Te dije que dejaras en paz a mi padre!
The only desire I have is to leave, run...
El único deseo que tengo es irme, escapar...
You get to leave here. You get to go home to someone you love.
Tú puedes irte de aquí, puedes volver a casa con la persona que amas.
I really don't want to leave you here.
De verdad que no quiero dejarte aquí.
I'm sorry, gentlemen, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Debo pedirles que salgan.
They ask you to leave and what, you don't trust me or how I'd react?
¿ Te piden que te vayas y no confías en mí o en cómo reaccionaría?
I have to go back to base, I don't want to leave things like this.
Tengo que volver a la base, no quiero dejar las cosas así.
And I believe I told you to leave, Mr. Garland.
Y creo que le dije que se fuera, Sr. Garland.
I mean, with all that is going on, it's a good place to leave things.
Quiero decir, con todo lo que está pasando, es un buen lugar para dejar las cosas.
There are ways to leave quietly.
Hay formas de irse sin hacer ruido.
There are good ways to leave... or there are bad.
Hay formas buenas de irse... o malas.
Mr. O'Hara, you need to leave.
Sr. O'Hara, tiene que irse.
I want to leave a surprise for Mr. D'Abberville.
Quiero dejar una sorpresa para el Sr. D'Abberville.
I thought I told you to leave.
Pensé que te había dicho que te fueras.
We have to leave right now. You go get Jacob. I won't make you deal with that one.
Dice que tenemos que... tenemos que irnos ahora mismo.
I was going to leave a message.
- Hola. - Iba a dejar un mensaje.
They are bound by ancient law to leave this planet in peace.
Están obligados por las antiguas leyes a abandonar este planeta en paz. - No va a ganar.
The aliens would be forced to leave.
Los alienígenas se verían forzados a abandonarnos.
Mon-El would have to leave Earth.
Mon-El tendría que dejar la Tierra.
Your mother's going to leave.
Tu madre va a dejarnos.
To leave a message, Please speak after the tone.
Por favor, deje un mensaje después de la señal.
You can leave a light on. You can install a motion detector light. You can leave a TV on low when you go to bed.
Pueden dejar una luz encendida, instalar un sensor de movimiento, dejar la TV prendida al acostarse.
What was I supposed to do, leave him there?
¿ Que se suponía que hiciera? ¿ Dejarlo ahí?
If you talk to Cherry about this, you leave your entire family vulnerable to being sued.
Si hablas con Cherry sobre esto pondrás a toda tu familia en riesgo de ser demandada.
If you don't pick up and leave, you aren't going to have a life.
Si no haces la maleta y te vas, no vas a tener una vida.
And according to her, my father made her leave that message.
Y según ella, mi padre hizo que ella dejara ese mensaje.
If you decide to stay here, if you do not leave with me, that is what will happen.
Si decides quedarte aquí, si no te vas conmigo, eso es lo que va a suceder.
She ever say anything to you, leave anything behind that might help me identify her?
¿ Alguna vez te dijo algo o dejó algo atrás, que me pueda ayudar a identificarla?
And that's why, when I leave office a week from today, I'll be leaving to launch a foundation that will help appeal cases like Shaun's, where there are signs of biased sentencing or inadequate defense.
Y es por eso que cuando deje mi cargo en una semana comenzaré una fundación que ayude a apelar casos como el de Shaun donde hay signos de una condena tendenciosa o una inadecuada defensa.
You don't consent to a search, and you'd like him to leave.
Quiero oír cómo se lo dices ahora mismo.
- And you need to leave!
Voy de camino.
Leave it to woodhouse.
Vaya con Woodhouse.
What was I going to say, "When you leave these walls,"
¿ Qué iba a decir?
My accomplice and I have proved To the world that it's possible, By simply using the personal data. That day by day We leave behind in the digital world.
Mi amigo y yo demostramos al mundo que con solo alterar los datos que dejamos cada día en el mundo digital es posible desacreditar a cualquier persona.
Why leave a bomb behind to kill your wife, and then do stuff to it that means we have to collect it as evidence?
¿ Por qué dejar atrás una bomba para matar a su esposa y luego hacerle algo que resulte en que tengamos que recogerla como evidencia?
leave me 436
leave 1433
leaves 53
leave it here 29
leave me the fuck alone 22
leave it with me 73
leave me in peace 46
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886
leave us alone 361
leave 1433
leaves 53
leave it here 29
leave me the fuck alone 22
leave it with me 73
leave me in peace 46
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886
leave us alone 361
leave it to me 292
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave me a message 124
leave it out 59
leave her 167
leave it at that 22
leave us 380
leave now 176
leave me out of this 19
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave me a message 124
leave it out 59
leave her 167
leave it at that 22
leave us 380
leave now 176
leave me out of this 19