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Watch her head translate Spanish

65 parallel translation
Watch her head!
¡ Cuidado con la cabeza!
Watch her head. Watch her head.
Cuidado con su cabeza.
Watch her head, too.
Cuidado con la cabeza.
Watch her head.
Cuidado con la cabeza.
Be careful. Watch her head.
Cuidado con la cabeza.
Get her up. Watch her head. Watch her head.
- Cuidado con su cabeza.
Watch her head.
Cuidado con su cabeza.
Watch her head.
Cuidado con su cabeza. Yo iré en el otro coche.
- Watch her head. - Yeah.
- Cuidado con la cabeza.
Watch her head, Bobby.
Cuidado con su cabeza, Bobby.
Watch her head. All right.
Muy bien.
watch her head.
Mira su cabeza
Watch her head.
Cuiden su cabeza.
Watch her head swell to twice its size!
¡ Ver cómo su cabeza se hinchaba hasta doblar su tamaño real!
Watch her head. Easy, easy.
Cuidado con la cabeza, despacio, despacio.
All right, guys, watch her head.
Vale, chicos, cuidado con la cabeza.
- Aah! - Watch her head on this rock.
Cuidado con la cabeza.
Just watch her head.
Cuidado con la cabeza.
Watch her head. Watch her head.
Cuidado con la cabeza.
Watch her head. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Cuidado con la cabeza.
Watch her head, watch her head.
Cuidado con la cabeza.
Watch her head.
Vigila su cabeza.
- Lock the wheels. - Watch her head.
Tienes que trabar las ruedas.
- Watch her head! There we are.
¡ Cuidado con la cabeza!
- Watch her head.
Cuidado con la cabeza.
Keep her head down, watch her feet.
Cuidado con la cabeza. Cuidado con las patas.
You know, I used to watch her as she came across that hill with that funny coat and that little jigger on her head.
Solía mirarla... cuando atravesaba la colina con ese abrigo gracioso... con esa pequeña jarra en la cabeza.
And then every head will turn and watch her as she goes sweeping out.
Luego, todos se girarán a mirarla cuando salga majestuosamente.
Or just because you're an actress if they cut her head off you stand by and watch?
¿ No los tiene? Habrase visto, porque es actriz... ¿ Si le arrancan la cabeza, se quedaría mirando?
I'd work for nothing just to watch her hair bounce as she walked... Smell her creamy skin, cradle her head on my shoulder. Feel the slope of her waist, the curve of her back...
Trabajaría gratis por tenerla cerca, por ver cómo le bailaba el pelo al caminar y oler su piel cremosa, por acurrucarla en mi hombro y sentir su cintura y la curva de su espalda.
Yeah, for Bud... For Bud I wised up put her head by the foot of the bed so I could watch too.
Sí, para Bud... para él fui más listo le puse la cabeza en el pie de la cama para poder ver también.
- Watch her head!
- ¡ Cuidado!
You can watch me open up her head.
- Puedes ver cómo le abro la cabeza. - ¡ No! - Sí.
No, but she'll have to watch out for ferrets building a nest in her head.
No, pero tendrá que tener cuidado que los hurones no aniden en su cabeza.
I'll head out, find this girl, tell her exactly where you are, and watch as she kills you.
Saldré, encontraré a esa chica, le diré dónde estáis y me sentaré a ver cómo os mata.
Watch her head.
Estarás bien.
Her head CT was negative. Surgery wants to watch her overnight.
Cirugía quiere que pase aquí la noche.
Let her watch, noodle-head.
Déjala mirar, cabeza de chorlito.
- Watch her head. - Just give ma second.
- Permíteme un momento.
Now she's face down, covering her head with her hands. One of the strikes breaks her watch.
Ahora ella está mirando para abajo protegiendo su cabeza con las manos.
Be careful. MAN : Watch her head.
¡ Cuidado con su cabeza!
I could visit my cheating ex-girlfriend and watch her throw a Brussels sprout at my fucking head.
Puedo visitar mi engañosa ex-novia y mirar... Sí, ¿ y qué hay de tu madre?
As I watch her, tons of words whirl through my head.
Mientras la miraba, un montón de frases se mezclan en mi cabeza.
While Paul chases moths and Jeanette messes around with her lizards, I head out for the islands to watch the seals play.
Mientras Paul caza mariposas y Jeanette anda por ahí con sus lagartijas, yo me voy a las islas a ver cómo juegan las focas.
It's the military chip they put in her head, it makes her loco, you better watch that.
Es el chip militar que le pusieron en la cabeza, la hace enloquecer, será mejor que vigiles eso.
A selfish bitch, and nothing proves that more than her deciding to make you watch her blow her fucking head off.
- Una puta mal entendida. Una puta egoísta, y nada demuestra eso más, que su... decisión de hacer que vieras como se volaba la maldita cabeza.
If you don't drop the ax you're going to watch me cut her fucking head of!
¡ Si no sueltas el hacha, vas a verme cortarle su maldita cabeza!
Convince them to go to Willow Street, or you'll watch her goddamn head under water.
Convéncelos de ir a la calle Willow... o verás sumergirse su cabeza.
Well, then maybe we all get to watch her slam her head into a five-ton block of granite.
Bueno, entonces quizás la veamos chocar su cabeza contra un bloque de granito de cinco toneladas.
I feel like now when I watch porn, it's like, you know, fucking her in the ass, and choking her and, you know, having as many cocks as you possibly can, and it's all this spit and put her head in the toilet.
Me siento igual, que cuando veo porno. Y es cómo, ya sabes, darla por el culo. Y ahogárlo, ya sabes,
Figure I'd... let her watch one more episode of Blue Bloods, and then... take her out to the Yankee Candle, let her get to browsing', and then shoot her in the back of the head.
He pensado... en dejar que vea un capítulo más de Blue Bloods y luego... llevarla a la tienda de velas perfumadas, dejar que eche un vistazo y, luego, pegarle un tiro en la nuca.

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