We have to try translate Spanish
1,671 parallel translation
We have to try something.
Debemos intentar algo.
No. We have to try Casa A Pezzi.
No, deberíamos ir a Casa A Pezzi.
We have to try to get down there without drawing too much attention to ourselves.
Debería intentar bajar sin llamar mucho la atención
It's the whole reason we came here in the first place, we have to try.
Es la única razón por la que venimos a este lugar en primer lugar. Debemos intentarlo.
We have to try.
Debemos intentarlo.
But we have to try.
Pero tenemos que tratar.
We have to try to put things right.
Tenemos que tratar de arreglar las cosas.
Please, we have to try.
Por favor, tenemos que intentarlo.
She's gonna feel every slice, but we have to try.
Ella va a sentir cada corte, pero tenemos que tratar.
We have to try something new
Tenemos que intentar algo nuevo.
But we have to try.
Pero tenemos que intentar.
It won't be easy but we have to try, so they'll put you on chemotherapy
No será tan fácil contigo, pero tenemos que luchar así que empezaras con la quimioterapia.
- We have to try to control my ship to get.
Mueve tus manos. Dame el control de mi nave. Hazlo.
We'll just have to try the experiment again.
Bueno, sólo nos basta con repetir el experimento.
We're gonna have to try it again.
Vamos a tener que tratar de nuevo.
We'll have to try something different.
Tendremos que probar con algo diferente.
We have to make a try for it.
Debemos intentar llegar ahí
They have the Eye, and they'll nuke it if we try to take it, and we'll shoot them down if they try bringing it up to Galactica.
Ellos tienen el Ojo, y lo atomizarán si intentamos apoderarnos de él. Y nosotros los derribaremos si intentan subirlo a la Galactica.
We have worked years to instill the teachings of Jesus Christ into our daughter, and in one fell swoop, you try to destroy everything we did!
Trabajamos por años para mostrarle las enseñanzas de JesuCristo a nuestra hija, y de repente... pow! Ustedes intentan destruir todo lo que nosotros hicimos!
Well, we can have Dad wait here while I try to find better seats.
Bueno, papá puede esperar aquí mientras buscamos mejores asientos...
We do not have hookers, which isn't to say we didn't try.
No conseguimos rameras, aunque lo intentamos.
If we fail this time, I won't have the money to try again. I beg you!
Si ahora no lo logramos, nunca tendré dinero para intentarlo otra vez.
Well, we're never gonna have to find out because she can't try out.
Nunca tendremos que averiguarlo, porque ella no puede participar.
- We have to give it a try.
- Tenemos que intentarlo.
We have him right here and try to make him talk some more... Ok, thanks.
Lo tenemos justo aquí intentaremos hacer que hable más... bien, gracias.
We have five or six songs we're hoping to try to present that are brand-new here... and, um, I'll be surprised if two or three make it, so -
Tenemos unas 6 canciones nuevas que esperamos poder cantar en el concierto... y me llevaré una sorpresa si logramos cantar 3 de ellas.
Similarly when we have a large system like a power system or a telephone grid that can be effected by the weather and space, we need to know what the weather is going to be so that we can try to mitigate it.
Así mismo, si tenemos un satélite o grandes sistemas por el clima en el espacio necesitamos saber cómo estarán sus condiciones para tratar de mitigar sus efectos.
Buy a boiler pot of water on a stove, it'll start bubbling and bubbles come out from the bottom and try to get out trying to circulate that water that currents around, so... same thing inside Jupiter, we have gases and liquids down there
Si hervimos una olla con agua, comenzaran a aparecer burbujas desde el fondo que tratarán de circular y de salir... Lo mismo pasa dentro de Júpiter, hay gases y líquido dentro que tratan de expulsar el calor.
Can we have the robot behavior look for signs of life and then try to collect the samples based of what it's sensing?
Podremos hacer que un robot busque señales de vida y luego trate de tomar una muestra basado en lo que detecta.
They don't have the fuel to stay up there forever while we try to figure things out.
No tienen combustible para estar volando para siempre, mientras intentamos saber qué está pasando.
Now that we have Hector back, they'll try to make Mack turn.
Ahora que tenemos a Héctor de regreso, van a intentar voltear a Mack.
Everybody out there... use what ´ s in your mind... and try and come up with some better ways for us to live because we don ´ t have enough of them right now.
Todos ustedes ahí afuera... utilicen sus ideas... para inventar mejores formas de vida, porque ahora no tenemos suficientes.
If we have to do a search, we can try to draw him out.
Si tenemos que hacer una búsqueda, podemos tratar de excluirlo.
We'll try, but have you ever been to the sea?
Oh, bueno lo intentaremos, ¿ pero alguna vez has estado en el mar?
We just have to try to make it as difficult and as tedious as possible.
Pero tenemos que intentar hacer que sea lo m s dif cil y tedioso posible.
So we have to always try new things and like everyone's a load of like sheep going, "It's horrible", or "It's nice".
Así que siempre tenemos que probar cosas nuevas. Pero la gente no son más que un montón de ovejas repitiendo, "Es horrible" o "Es bueno"...
Do you think we will ever get to that level? About that... we'll have to try it out first. It's obvious even if we don't try.
Si estuviera ebrio y matara a alguien, ¿ Se olvidaría fácilmente?
We just try to do the things and see... how they have transformed and decayed or not.
Solo tratamos de hacer las cosas y ver... cómo se han transformado y deteriorado.
Sorry, I can't believe things have gotten that bad that relationships have turned into one big coping contest we try to endure like Chinese water torture.
No puedo creer que las cosas estén tan mal. .que las relaciones sean un concurso de resistencia. .que soportamos como una tortura china.
And the fears I may have are not that I will fail but of being unable to try since, from a financial angle, we are prisoners'like our heroes. "
Y los miedos que puedo tener no es que fallaré sino de ser incapaz de probar desde un ángulo financiero, que estamos prisioneros como nuestros héroes. "
Can we at least try to have a good time?
¿ Al menos podemos tratar de pasarla bien?
We have to try harder.
Tenemos que intentar más.
I guess we're going to have to try and find something else we've never done before.
Supongo que vamos tratar de encontrar otra cosa que nunca hemos hecho antes.
We try to be, but you guys have been pushing it lately.
Lo intentamos, pero últimamente no hay quien os aguante.
We're gonna try to have a normal night tonight.
Intentaremos tener una noche normal.
But we have to try.
Pero debemos intentarlo.
We'll have to try that wet sometime.
Necesitamos intentarlo mojados alguna vez.
We don't have time to watch you try to freestyle.
No hay tiempo para que intentes estilo libre.
We have to. We gotta try.
Tenemos que intentarlo.
I have no idea. Can we go inside - and try to enjoy the evening?
No tengo idea. ¿ Podemos entrar e intentar disfrutar la noche?
For us, the visual disease is what we have around, and what we try to do is to cure it somehow, with design.
Para nosotros, la enfermedad visual es lo que nos rodea, Y lo que tratamos de hacer es curarla de alguna manera, con el diseño.
we have to go 1146
we haven't 212
we have 1448
we have to talk 296
we have a deal 218
we haven't met yet 21
we have no choice 232
we have a lot in common 51
we have it 62
we have a lot of work to do 49
we haven't 212
we have 1448
we have to talk 296
we have a deal 218
we haven't met yet 21
we have no choice 232
we have a lot in common 51
we have it 62
we have a lot of work to do 49