When we were young translate Spanish
429 parallel translation
When we were young boys -
Cuando éramos chicos jóvenes - -
We were the same when we were young, remember?
Nosotros éramos así, ¿ te acuerdas?
'You told me you loved me when we were young one day
"Me dijiste que me amabas, un día, cuándo éramos jóvenes"
When we were young telegrams were new, expensive and exciting.
Cuando éramos jóvenes, los telegramas eran emocionantes.
When we were young we used to say hello to each other, but it's a lie that I wanted to marry him or that he wanted to marry me.
Cuando éramos jóvenes acostumbrábamos a saludarnos, pero es mentira que quisiera casarme con él o que él quisiera casarse conmigo.
We did have fun when we were young, didn't we?
De jóvenes nos divertimos mucho, ¿ verdad?
But listen, Mother, it's different now from when we were young.
Okimi, las crías de hoy ya no son como nosotras.
When we were young, geisha were seen as very different creatures
Cuando éramos jóvenes, a las geishas se las veía como criaturas diferentes.
Seeing you suddenly like that put me in mind of the old days when we were young.
Verte de repente me hizo recordar aquellos día de nuestra juventud.
Her romance kept us in suspense... when we were young!
Su romance nos tiene en vilo... ¡ Cuando nosotros éramos jóvenes!
When we were young we wanted to change society.
Cuando éramos jóvenes, queríamos cambiar el mundo.
Things are different from when we were young.
Las cosas son diferentes de cuando éramos jóvenes.
When we were young, you were one of the first to make me feel I was more than a pretty face.
Cuando éramos jóvenes, fuiste de lo primero que me hizo sentir que yo era más que una cara bonita.
No, I think we like to look back, remember when we were young.
No, nos gusta mirar hacia atrás, y recordar cuando éramos jóvenes.
And the life of young people is much faster paced than our lives were when we were young.
La vida de los jóvenes va más deprisa que cuando nosotros éramos jóvenes.
Now, let me welcome you all to this reunion. An occasion for us all to think back to those extraordinary years, when we were young and had a cause to live for!
A todos les doy la bienvenida a esta reunión, una ocasión para rememorar aquellos extraordinarios años
That wasn't there when we were young.
Eso no estaba pasaba cuando éramos jóvenes.
Do you remember when we were young? When we were making love?
¿ Recuerdas cuando éramos pequeños?
When we were young we weren't thinking, We acted We are still the same
Hay que cambiar el problema en todos los sentidos...
Remember when we were young?
Picarón Antoine. ¿ Te acuerdas de cuando éramos pequeños?
As I said, remember when we were young...
He querido decir que me acuerdo de cuando éramos pequeños...
The way it was when we were young.
Como cuando éramos jóvenes.
We were friends when we were young.
Fuimos amigos cuando éramos jóvenes.
We stole melons together when we were young children, Ichi.
Robábamos melones juntos cuando éramos niños.
I was thinking of when we were young together.
Pensaba en ti y en mí y en cómo eran las cosas cuando éramos jóvenes.
" When we were young we to a master went, and took great pride in learned argument.
" De jóvenes, frecuentamos por un tiempo a un maestro ; / por un tiempo quedamos satisfechos de nuestros progresos. /
When we were young, I was in love.
Cuando éramos jóvenes, yo estaba enamorado.
¿ Recuerdas cuando éramos jóvenes?
When we were young and foolish and still singing in bowling alleys...
Cuando éramos jóvenes y cantábamos en boleras...
And seeing my beautiful wife sitting there, and my daughter, looking such a tremendous young lady, it is really hard to believe when we first arrived here, how frightened we were and what a difference one helping of specially cooked cabbage made!
Y viendo a mi hermosa esposa sentada allí, y mi hija, viéndose tan tremenda joven, es realmente difícil de creer que cuando llegamos aquí, ¡ Cómo estábamos de asustados... y qué diferencia puede hacer una col cocinado especialmente!
When I married Félicité, we were both very young.
Cuando me casé con Félicité, éramos ambos muy jóvenes
And then when you didn't come back and we thought you were dead well, it wasn't an easy situation for Sandra to face alone so I went away with her and stayed until Young Pete was born.
Después de tu desaparición, cuando se te creía muerto, no era una situación fácil para ella, y nos fuimos juntas hasta que nació.
When last we met, you were quite violent about a young lady.
La última vez que nos vimos, fuiste muy agresiva con una joven.
Remember, Winfield, we were about young Sherman's age when we started out at the old Olive Street branch.
Recuerdas, Winfield, que teniamos la misma edad del joven Sherman cuando empezamos en la vieja sucursal de la calle Olive.
When a young girl, me and count Sartori, yes, Fabrizio Sartori, we were in love and you were born before..... I got married, you're his daughter.
Yo era una niña y él, el conde Sertori. Sí, Fabrizio Sertori. Nos amamos.
And just when we were trying so hard to make an elegant young lady out of you.
Y ahora que estamos intentando que seas una damita elegante.
Once when I was your age, we were on vacation, and I ran away with a young farm boy. Puppy love. They caught us right away.
Precisamente a tu edad, en unas vacaciones... me fugué con un pastorcito, un muchachito como tú...
When I was young we were worse off than you are now.
Yo de niña hacía lo que vosotras y cosas peores.
It was easier when we were young.
siempre a las corridas. Era más fácil cuando éramos jóvenes.
What we all mean to each other and, of course, your mother and me... when you were all young... and then now...
Lo que representamos el uno para el otro. Primero vuestra madre y yo... cuando erais todos jóvenes... y ahora...
There was a time when you could've saved me, Papa by letting me marry Chance, when we were both young and clean.
Hace tiempo pudiste haberme salvado, papá dejándome casarme con Chance, cuando éramos jóvenes y decentes.
You could have gone home when the last troop shipped out. But if you'll remember correctly, we were somewhat involved with several young ladies.
Pudimos zarpar en el último barco, pero si no recuerdo mal nos entretuvieron ciertas damiselas.
A nickname I gave Leonard when we were very young.
Así le decía a Leonard cuando éramos jóvenes.
We're living in different times, When you and I were young kids, there were no heroes, We got all sorts of heroes now,
Vivimos en diferentes epocas, cuando eramos niños, allí no había heroes, ahora tenemos todo tipo de heroes.
And then they said, "We shall want to show you when you were young."
Y luego dijeron : "Vamos a querer mostrarle cuando era joven".
I'll tell you of such a story, when I was still a bachelor there were four of us, young boys, and we were reading up on black magic.
Yo le contaré una historia que me pasó antes de casarme. Bueno, éramos cuatro. Cuatro chicos jóvenes y nos gustaba leer libros de la magia negra.
We were just two young schoolgirls when we first arrived at the count's mansion.
Éramos dos jovencitas la primera vez que llegamos a la mansión del conde.
I was in school when I met him, and though he was working, we were far too young to talk about marriage.
Cuando le conocí, era estudiante. Trabajaba en la Philips, pero éramos muy jóvenes para pensar... o hablar de matrimonio.
And it came at a time when we were both too young to handle it.
Y nos pasó a en el momento en que éramos demasiado jóvenes para manejarlo.
About the time when we were very young.
Cuando éramos jóvenes.
When your mom and I were young, we wanted to move to Canada, but we never did.
De jóvenes tu madre y yo quisimos ir a Canadá. - No sé por qué no fuimos.
when we first met 137
when were you born 26
when we were kids 120
when we were together 36
when we're together 26
when we got there 24
when were you going to tell me 27
when we're alone 19
when we come back 37
when we broke up 18
when were you born 26
when we were kids 120
when we were together 36
when we're together 26
when we got there 24
when were you going to tell me 27
when we're alone 19
when we come back 37
when we broke up 18