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Where were you going translate Spanish

826 parallel translation
- Where were you going?
- ¿ Adónde vas?
Where were you going anyway?
¿ A dónde ibas?
Where were you going when you got in that cab?
¿ Adónde ibas cuando cogiste el taxi?
- Where were you going? - Why?
- ¿ Adónde vas?
Where were you going?
¿ Adónde vas?
Where were you going, Rawlins?
¿ Adónde vas, Rawlins?
- Where were you going, my pretty maid?
- ¿ Adónde ibas, linda doncella?
Then where were you going, Sir John?
- Entonces, ¿ a dónde iba?
Where were you going when you ran away?
¿ Adónde ibas cuando te escapaste?
Well, well, you're always running along the street at night. Say, where were you going in such a hurry last night?
Siempre estás corriendo, ¿ dónde ibas anoche?
Where were you going, Jenny?
- ¿ Adonde ibas, Jenny?
Where were you going?
¿ Adónde ibas?
Then where were you going?
¿ Entonces a dónde ibas?
Where were you going?
¿ A dónde ibas?
Where were you going when I...
¿ Adónde ibas cuando te...?
- Where were you going when you were stopped?
- Adónde iba cuando fué detenido?
Where were you going. In this?
¿ Dónde ibas así?
Where were you going, Sammy?
¿ Dónde vas, Sammy?
Where were you going, Mr. Barrett?
¿ Adónde te ibas?
- Where were you going?
¿ A dónde iba?
Where were you going?
¿ A dónde iban?
I've seen plenty. Where were you going with this lot?
- ¿ Adónde iba con esto?
Now, where were you going?
Ahora, dónde vas?
Where were you going?
A dónde iban?
BRASILIANO : Where were you going?
A dónde vas?
Where're those tickets you were going to leave for me?
¿ Dónde están mis entradas?
In other words, you were driving without looking where you were going, huh?
En otras palabras, estaba conduciendo sin mirar por dónde iba, ¿ eh?
She knew I was going to arrest you, and she told me where you were.
Me ha dicho dónde estabas.
You said you were going to find out where I could get a horse-hair lasso.
Dijístes que sabías donde encontrar un lazo de pelo de caballo.
How you were going to build a decent world where people could live decent and be decent.
De cómo ibas a construir un mundo decente, donde la gente pudiera vivir decentemente y fuera decente.
I'm going to show you the Tower of London, where the little princes were... and London Bridge.
Te enseñaré la Torre de Londres y el puente.
A liar because you were going to take me to where the deer was.
Una mentirosa por que me ibas a llevar donde estaba el ciervo.
This isn't exactly where you told me you were going.
No precisamente en el sitio adonde me dijo que iría.
- Where were you going?
- ¿ A dónde ibas?
Forgot where you were going.
Olvidaste a dónde ibas.
And if I were you, I think I'd tell the police where you're going.
Y si yo fuera usted, le diría a la policía adónde piensa ir.
But you haven't even told me where you were going. - Huh?
Pero ni siquiera me ha dicho adónde va.
You said you were going to a camp where it was warm and beautiful.
Dijiste que ibas a un campamento que era muy hermoso.
Where did you think you were going?
¿ Adónde creíste que ibas?
- Do you know where they were going?
- ¿ Sabes adónde han ido?
Do you know where they were going?
¿ Sabes adónde han ido?
Besides, I wouldn't have brought it up right now, but just the same... for the past several weeks you've been going out in the afternoons... and you've always managed to avoid telling me where you were.
Además, no habría sacado el tema en este momento, pero es lo mismo... durante las últimas semanas has estado saliendo por las tardes... y siempre te las has arreglado para no decirme dónde habías estado.
He told me where you were going. There's no need to deny it.
Me contó dónde le dijiste que ibas, así que será inútil que lo niegues.
You'd better go where you were going, and I'll go where l was going.
Es mejor que tu sigas tu camino y yo seguire el mio.
- Did he know where you were going?
- ¿ ÉL sabía adónde iba usted?
At least not so blind that you couldn't see where you were going.
No tan ciego como para no ver donde pisabas.
Where were you thinking of going?
- ¿ Adónde piensa ir?
I'm not going to ask you where you were in Rouen.
No te voy a preguntar dónde estuviste en Rouen.
Why didn't you tell me where you were going?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste a dónde ibas a ir?
Where'd you think you were going?
¿ A dónde quieres ir?
No need to have lied to me about where you were going, how far it was.
No era necesario que me mintiera.

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