Who would do this translate Spanish
504 parallel translation
who would do this?
¿ Quién haría esto?
I just can't imagine who would do this thing.
No sé quién puede haber hecho esto.
But who would do this to struggling business persons like us?
¿ Quién querría hacerle esto a dos emprendedores...
Who would do this to him?
¿ Quién le haría esto?
- Who would do this? Why?
- ¿ Quién haría esto?
- Who would do this?
- ¿ Quién es capaz de esto?
Who would do this?
- ¿ Quién haría esto?
You cannot put name to the man who would do this thing?
¿ Sabe quién haría una cosa tan terrible?
As you've paid me the great compliment of asking me to be your wife, I wonder if it would interest you to know that... as a woman who's done nearly everything there is to do in this world. This is one of the things I've never done.
Ya que me pediste que fuera... tu esposa, puede que te interese saber... que como mujer que lo ha hecho prácticamente todo,... en este mundo,... eso es algo que nunca he hecho.
Why would a girl who had everything to live for, do this?
¿ Cómo puede hacer esto una muchacha que tiene todo en la vida?
Woofelcooler, qué piensa usted de una persona... que publicara ese tipo de libro?
There are plenty of folks in this county who would do less for a lot more.
Mucha gente de este condado hace lo mismo por mucho más.
Do you know there are some men who would kill for this bracelet?
¿ Sabes que algunas personas matarían por esta pulsera?
I came with this swindler who cheated me and told me to assist him in the business of selling bulls and we'll split the profits, but seeing the damage it would do to my conscience I declare that he's not a priest and that the bulls preaches are false.
Yo vine con este echacuervo que me engañó y me dijo que le ayudara en el negocio de vender bulas y que partiríamos la ganancia, pero viendo el daño que haría a mi conciencia declaro que no es clérigo y que las bulas que predica son falsas.
I'm sure that Meza, like all parents who had a late child, feels great affection for this kid, and he would do anything for him.
Sé positivamente que Meza, como todos los padres que han tenido un hijo tardíamente, siente por este niño un cariño desmedido, y por él sería capaz de todo.
That across this planet there are other scientifically advanced monkeys who would pulverize us into dust if they thought they could do so with impunity? I don't need a lesson in current events.
En nuestro planeta existen todavia otros monos avanzados, nos pulverizaran si creen que pueden lograrlo con impunidad.
No, and I don't understand a man who would let a pig do this to his daughter!
No, y no entiendo a un hombre que deja que un indeseable le haga eso a su hija!
This is no time to be making jokes. Who do you suppose would be able to kill that renegade?
No es hora de hacer bromas, ¿ quien sería capaz de matar ese bandido?
Who would do such a thing to a girl like this?
¿ Quién le haría algo así a una chica como ésta?
When I think of all the women who would do anything for this and I don't really want it.
Y pensar en todas las mujeres que harían cualquier cosa por esto, y yo en realidad no lo quiero.
What do you think the comrades who died would have said to this?
¿ Qué les parece... que hubiesen dicho de esto los compañeros que murieron?
If it goes on like this,... Who knows what you would do with all that money.
Si esto sigue así, ¿ qué haremos con todo el dinero?
And do you think you can find an idiot in Spain who would be part of this conspiracy?
¿ Y te parece que vas a encontrar en España un idiota que acepte eso?
Now, Who would do a thing like this to a man's property?
¿ Quién le haría esto a la propiedad de un hombre?
And, how sweet it is to succeed in this, how delicious it is to be a whore to everyone who would have to do with you!
Y, lo dulce que es tener éxito en esto, Lo delicioso que es ser una puta para todo el mundo Que tendría que ver contigo!
To do this, they got an ofticial from the propaganda ministry who would fulfil the function of registrar.
Para ello, consiguieron un ofticial desde el ministerio de propaganda que cumpliría la función de registrador.
We warned you. Who else would do this?
Ningún otro haría algo así.
Did you really think that I would believe this shambles is the work of professional builders? People who do it for a living?
¿ Pensabas que creería que esta chapuza la han hecho profesionales?
There are very few people in this world who do not lack wisdom and if I opened my heart to you, you would think me less wise than you are yourself.
A todos le hace falta una vez en su vida. y si pudiese abrir mi corazón parecería menos prudente que vos.
I feel that this project with Falls could be also important as anything I've done. - You are the only a man who would do it.
El proyecto Niagara podría ser lo más importante que haya hecho.
- But who would do something like this?
- ¿ Pero quién haría algo así?
Who would do something like this?
¿ Quién haría algo así?
Maybe you could make such a sacrifice but I really don't know anybody who would do that or talk like this
Quizás usted podría hacer ese sacrificio... pero en realidad no conozco a nadie que hiciera algo así, o dijera algo así.
What do you suppose a man who packs such a fancy lunch would work in a dump like this.
Que tal si entramos aqui no es malo comer en un local de chicas?
Tomomi... Who would do this?
¡ ¿ Quién haría esto? !
He's not the kind of person who would do something like this.
El no es el tipo de persona que haría algo como ésto.
Where we gonna find a broad who would do something like this?
¿ Dónde tenemos una mujer que sea capaz de hacer todo eso?
And I see nowadays there are not many people in this world who would dare to really do something for this need that we have namely we don't have enough adequate images.
Hoy hay poquísimas personas en este mundo que luchan por la necesidad de imágenes adecuadas.
- He took money from me for this job, who would do such a thing?
- Me tomó dinero para este trabajo, ¿ quién haría tal cosa?
Do you know any father who would let his kid do something like this?
Conoces algún padre que deje que su hijo haga algo como esto?
Do you think this person would be well served... by a doctor who just wanted to be average?
¿ Crees que esta persona estaría bien tratada... por un médico que solo busca estar en el promedio?
Who the hell would do this?
¿ Quién pudo haber hecho esto? !
Who would do a thing like this, that's what I've like to know.
- ¿ Quién haría eso? Quisiera saberlo.
Who else would do something lik e this?
¿ Quién más me diría algo así?
I don't even know who would want to do this.
No se quién querria hacer eso.
Besides, who would pay money to see a burnt-out has-been like Aubrey do anything except maybe rinse her hair to see what color she's using this month?
Además, ¿ quién pagaría para ver a una Aubrey acabada lavando su cabello para ver de qué color se lo pintó este mes?
I mean, who would wanna do this to Brother Edward deliberately?
¿ Quién querría hacerle esto al hermano Edward deliberadamente?
And how many people do you know who would actually want to do something like this?
¿ Cuánta gente estaría dispuesta a hacerlo?
Once there was this grunge singer... who did all the things grunge singers would do.
Una vez habia un vocalista grunge... que hizo todo lo que haria un vocalista grunge.
If it doesn't do something with it... like make some kind of change... or make some kind of difference... this group of people who feels this certain way... this group of people who, like, thinks these things... that the underdogs we've all met and lived with think... if they finally get to the forefront... and nothing comes of it, that would be the tragedy.
si no hubiese hecho algo... como un cambio... o hacer algo distinto... este grupo de gente que siente la certeza... este grupo que piensa estas cosas... todos los callejeros que conocimos y que vivieron con esto... si ellos se ponen a la vanguardia finalmente... y no generase nada, sería trágico.
I cannot believe that a man who would bring up a boy like Quinn could do this.
No puedo creer que un hombre que crió a un muchacho como Quinn podría hacer esto.
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who would do such a thing 43
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who would know 21
who would've thought 34
who would have thought 73
who would you pick 16
who would do such a thing 43
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who would do something like that 20
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who would do something like that 20
who would do something like this 17
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do this 162
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