Who would that be translate Spanish
1,471 parallel translation
And who would that be?
¿ Y cómo soy?
- And who would that be?
- ¿ Y quién creo que eres?
- Who would that be?
- ¿ Quiénes hacen eso?
- Who would that be?
- ¿ De veras? ¿ Y a quién?
Who would that be?
- ¿ Quien sería ese?
- Who would that be?
¿ Y quién piensa que lo hizo? ¿ Cómo que quién pienso?
Who would that be?
¿ Quién podría ser?
If you had to guess who it would be based on their job performance and who you think deserves to be fired, who would that be?
¿ Si tuvieras que adivinar quién sería basándote en el rendimiento laboral y quién merece ser despedido, a quién elegirías?
She would never be exactly who she was again... so for that night, she decided to be Lil'Kim.
Ya no volvería a ser nunca la misma persona... así que, por esa noche, decidió ser Lil'Kim.
There's, like, half a dozen women on the other side of that hedge who would kill to be where I am right now.
Ay, como, media docena de mujeres del otro lado... Qué matarian por estar donde estoy ahora.
And that would be who?
¿ Y quién es?
In addition to varsity sports... I would also like to make sure that students in band... students who make the honor roll... students who perform in school plays or write for the school newspaper... Even students who excel in vocational trades... should be eligible to earn Pirate Points.
Además de los deportistas me gustaría que los estudiantes de la banda aquéllos en la lista de honor quienes actúan en obras escolares o escriben para el periódico incluso los estudiantes que se distinguen...
You know, uh, if we were the type of people who attended school functions, this would probably be the time that I'd ask you to Homecoming Dance.
¿ Sabes? Si fuéramos el tipo de personas que va a las fiestas del colegio probablemente este sería el momento de pedirte que vayas al Baile de Despedida.
Who would have thought that there could be such an aggressive strain of herpes that it could keep you from flying.
¿ Qué clase de herpes puede ser tan agresivo que no la dejen viajar?
Who would pretend to be a lawyer that wasn't?
¿ Quién fingiría ser abogado que no lo fuera?
The ones who 1942, the US 1st Marine Division stormed the shore at Guadalcanal... seizing a nearly complete airfield at Lunga Point... which was renamed Henderson Field... and an anchorage at nearby Tulagi... that would later be known as Iron Bottom Sound... because of the number of ships sunk there in battle.
Los que en 1942, la Primera División de Marines invadió la costa en Guadalcanal... apoderándose de un aeródromo cerca de Lunga Point... que fue renombrado como Campo Henderson... y un fondeadero en la cercana Tulagi... que después sería conocido como Iron Bottom Sound... a causa del número de barcos hundidos allí en batalla.
The instant I saw him, I thought he was a bad person who would commit all sorts of crimes, and was the type of person that I would never want to be friends with in a million years.
La primera vez que le vi, pensé que tenía muy mala pinta. Un criminal, la clase de persona que no me gustaría tener como compañía. ¿ Qué?
I was hoping to find sir that you would be able to use your vast experience of things naval to promote a man who is not only my friend, but a fine seaman.
Esperaba que usted pudiese usar su vasta experiencia en asuntos navales para ascender a un hombre que es, no sólo mi amigo, sino también un buen marino.
And that successor would be you? Who else?
- ¿ Y esa sucesora serías tú?
I thought that would be safe if it hid who I was really
Pensé que estarías a salvo si escondía quien era en realidad
Who knows when that would be?
No sabes cuando sera eso. Tu no sabes.
Because if they chopped off the hand... of every guy who tried that with a stripper... half the men in Wichita would be wearing hooks.
Si le cortaran la mano... a todos los que lo intentaron... medio Wichita usaría garfios.
You know who would be good at something like that?
¿ Sabe quién sería perfecta para algo así?
Who would have dreamed that standing on a stage without any clothes on would be the safest place to be?
¿ Quién habría imaginado que estar desnuda sobre un escenario... sería el sitio más seguro?
Who would have thought that bacteria could be beautiful?
¿ Quién se hubiera imaginado que las bacterias podrían ser hermosas?
And that everyone who turned up would be welcome.
Y que cada uno que volviera sería bienvenido.
My parents wrote me that there was a girl who would be good to marry.
Mis padres escribieron que había una chica buena para desposarla.
In August of 2002 it was announced to us that all those folks, who had come in, made up this expanded Iraq desk would be called the Office of Special Plans.
En agosto de 2002, nos anunciaron que toda esta gente que había venido e instalado su gran oficina iraquí se llamaría la Oficina de Planes Especiales.
You know some day, you are going to be pretty damn glad... when some big BAD pharmaceutical company was wiling to invest in a new treatment when it was you, or your Mom or your Dad who has been hoping and praying, that someone would give them hope during the course of their disease.
Sabes algún dia, Te vas a sentir bastante aliviado... cuando una gran compañia farmacéutica estuviera dispuesta a invertir en un nuevo tratamiento si fueras tu, o tu mama o tu papa quienes estuvieran esperando y rezando, que alguien les diera esperanza durante el curso de su enfermedad.
I am throwing a birthday party, for my little baby, my doggy, a video project, I want to get a DVD, so it's more about who is going to see you and your work than it is about the money, call me back at nine one seven, three, zero, four, zero, three, 91285, very soon, that would be really great,
entonces, se trata mas sobre quienes van a ver tu trabajo y a ti que sobre el dinero llamame al 917303, 91285
that champ is really no good he puked till now who would be sick just by sitting in the car?
ese campeón no vale mucho, vomitó todo el tiempo quién se enferma con solo estar sentado en el auto?
The only people who could oil that door would be those who lived with Miss Blacklock.
Las únicas personas que pudieron aceitar las bisagras son aquellos que viven con la Srta Blacklock.
The early church fathers understood that it would be a problem because the reactions had of paganiston who said : "Whatever you say to Jesus, we say the for Dionysus and Hercules, little thing."
Los antiguos padres de la iglesia entendieron que esto era un problema ya que recibían las mismas objeciones de parte de los paganos que decían : " lo que Uds. dicen acerca de Jesús lo hemos dicho acerca de Dionisos y Hércules hace mucho.
I was brought into the Company office and I was told by a major that I would be brought up on charges of leading and conspiring to mutiny against the United States government, because there were three of us who were refusing to go on combat operations.
Me llevaron a la Oficina de la Compañía y un mayor me dijo que se presentarían cargos contra mí por conspirar y liderar un motín contra el gobierno de los EEUU, porque tres de nosotros nos negábamos a participar en operaciones de combate.
People volunteered to do the various chores that we had, and then we solicited what I call a core committee, and that was a group of people who would be responsible for the strategy, the press releases,
La gente trabajó desinteresadamente, y luego formamos lo que yo llamo un Comité Jurídico ; es decir un grupo de personas responsable de la estrategia, de los comunicados de prensa de todo lo necesario para organizar nuestra campaña
Here you go. That's all I can tell you about me. Who I would like to be... would dream to be.
Aquí tienen, ésto es todo lo que querían saber de mi.
That was Grady. Who else would it be this early on a Sunday?
Era Grady. ¿ Quién otro podría ser tan temprano en domingo?
The person who controlled that would be very powerful.
La persona que controle eso sería muy poderosa.
Alan Dershowitz recently said that if we had a suspect in custody who knew that a bomb was about to go off and kill people, torture would be used.
Alan Dershowitz dijo recientemente que si tuviéramos a un sospechoso en custodia que supiera que una bomba iba a explotar y matar gente, se utilizaría la tortura.
That would be Stella, the woman in your life who sometimes you adore, and sometimes she drives you crazy.
Sería dde Stella, la mujer en tu vida.
Something about that they can't get taps on him, and if I would listen to who he speaks to, it would be something a good citizen would do.
Algo para que ellos pudieran poner en su contra y.......si oyera con quién estaría hablando, sería algo que un buen ciudadano haría.
So who would be here around that time?
¿ Y quién estaría aquí a esa hora?
But in the end, you're 14, 15, you got no money so I came to believe that the best thing for you would be to be with people who could care for you and do things for you.
Pero al final, con 14 o 15 años, no teníamos dinero y me convencí de que lo mejor para ti sería estar con gente que pudiera cuidarte y hacer cosas por ti.
That fantasy of what your life would be - white dress, prince charming, who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill.
En la fantasía de lo que podría ser tu vida. Tu vestido blanco, un príncipe azul que te llevaría en sus brazos a un castillo sobre una colina.
Why would you be with someone who makes you that unhappy?
¿ Por qué estará con alguien que es infeliz?
I don't want that bottle of wine. But I'm just so damn lonely that I just wanted to be around somebody who would listen to me.
Sabes, no quiero la botella de vino pero estoy tan sola que quiero estar junto a alguien
Which would make you think that we'd be left with 5 Jane Does, but you'd be wrong because I know who the first victim is.
Eso te haría pensar que quedaríamos con cinco no identificadas pero te equivocarías, porque yo sé quién es la primera víctima.
But that would be the case of a Senior Lead Special Agent who's worked hundreds of crime scene investigations throughout his storied career.
Pero ese sería el caso de un agente especial que ha trabajado en docenas de escenas del crimen a lo largo de su carrera.
Brott also informed them that the defective antibiotic would be detectable in the bloodstream of anyone who had consumed it.
Y Brott también les informó que los antibióticos defectuosos serían detectables en el torrente sanguíneo de quien los consumiera.
Well, that would be kind of worthless because I know a ton of 14-year-old girls who could kick his ass.
Bueno, eso no valdría nada porque sé que hay muchas adolescentes que lo harían pedazos.
Who'd have believed that Babylon would be a bombed-out memory? Who'd have believed that Babylon would be a bombed-out memory?
¿ Quien iba a pensar que sería lo que queda de la explosión
who would do that 91
who would know 21
who would've thought 34
who would have thought 73
who would you pick 16
who would do such a thing 43
who would you choose 19
who wouldn't 128
who would 60
who would it be 34
who would know 21
who would've thought 34
who would have thought 73
who would you pick 16
who would do such a thing 43
who would you choose 19
who wouldn't 128
who would 60
who would it be 34
who wouldn't be 47
who would do something like that 20
who would do something like this 17
who would do this 52
would that be okay 38
would that be all right 34
would that be so bad 32
that being said 144
that being the case 16
that better 41
who would do something like that 20
who would do something like this 17
who would do this 52
would that be okay 38
would that be all right 34
would that be so bad 32
that being said 144
that being the case 16
that better 41
who were you with 40
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who were they 101
who was 108
who was there 49
who wants a drink 19
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43
who were you calling 16
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who were they 101
who was 108
who was there 49
who wants a drink 19
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43
who were you calling 16