Won't she translate Spanish
12,599 parallel translation
And she won't do it.
Y ella no quiere hacerlo.
Because she was sorry. Afraid that she won't be forgiven.
Es porque lo sentía... temía que no la perdonara.
Oh, well Cindy fuckin'Lou will just have to fuckin'wait, won't she?
Pues la puta Cindy Lou va a tener que joderse y esperar, ¿ verdad? ¡ Ahora largo!
And I can guarantee you she won't.
- Y puedo garantizar que no lo hará. - ¿ Cómo?
Don't fear, he won't take our weapon till she's here.
No tengas miedo, no va a sacarnos su arma si ella está aquí.
How much ever better she may be, sure she won't be 50 % of what I'm!
¿ Cuanto seré mejor que ella? , ¡ seguro de que no será un 50 % de lo que yo soy!
Don't you just hate it when you kidnap a girl, and she won't stop kicking the back of your seat?
¿ No le molesta cuando secuestras a una chica, y no para de patear el asiento trasero?
- She won't do that.
- Ella no haría eso.
So, Hailie is dying and she still won't help us?
Así que Hailie está muriendo ¿ y aún así no nos ayudará?
She won't let the officers process her.
No deja que la procesen.
She won't talk to me.
Ella no hablará conmigo.
She won't be back.
No va a volver.
She'll be OK, won't ya?
- Estará bien, ¿ verdad que sí?
Won't be a good look if she changes her mind.
No quedará bien que cambie de opinión.
How can you guarantee she won't use again and have further episodes?
¿ Cómo puede garantizar que no volverá a consumir - y tendrá más episodios?
I'm confident she won't.
- Me consta que no.
I mean, she... she won't pick up the phone, she won't answer my texts.
Quiero decir, no... no cogerá el teléfono, No responderá mis mensajes.
She won't let us cut her nails. ( yelling )
No nos deja cortarle las uñas.
Well, the sex will suck and she won't call, and the it'll be on her for not putting in more effort.
Bueno, el sexo va a chupar y ella no va a llamar, y el que va a ser de ella para no poner más esfuerzo.
She won't shag you if that's what you're thinking.
No va a echarte un polvo si es lo que piensas.
And I won't pretend that you don't know what she did to both of us.
Y no fingiré que no sabes lo que nos hizo a ambos.
Oh, she won't.
Oh, no lo hará.
- Yeah. - See, I do a lot of divorce and you should know that a woman might get the house, the assets, the children, but that doesn't mean that she's won.
- Vea, hago un montón de divorcios... y debería saber que una mujer puede conseguir la casa, el dinero, los niños, pero eso no quiere decir que ganó.
A woman might get the house, the assets, the children, but that doesn't mean that she's won.
Una mujer podría tener la casa, los enseres, los hijos, pero eso no significa que haya ganado.
She still won't let Sadie walk, and now you can't either.
Aún así no dejará que Sadie desfile, y ahora tú no puedes tampoco.
She won't!
¡ No!
She won't learn to behave!
¡ No aprenderá a comportarse!
She still won't answer her phone.
Sigue sin contestar al teléfono.
She threw a party, and now Josh is on his way here, and there's like a gazillion people in there, and they won't leave!
Ella hizo una fiesta, y ahora Josh está de camino aquí, y hay como un tropecientos personas allí, y no dejará!
She won't respond to any of my texts or emails.
No responde a ninguno de mis mensajes o emails.
She won't even go to the police until she talks to Mr. D.
Ella ni siquiera irá a la policía hasta que hable con Mr. D
So, everyone's going to be here at 5 : 00... I told them to park down the street, so she won't see the cars...
Bueno, todos van a estar aquí a las 5 : 00... les dije que parquearan en la otra calle para que no vea los autos...
Mrs Leatherby doesn't know she has the money, she won't miss it.
Mrs Leatherby no sabe que tenía este dinero.
She won't say a word about SOC, nothing about terrorists or the tragic end of her unit.
No dirá una palabra sobre SOC, nada sobre terroristas o el trágico final de su unidad.
She won't be needing it anymore.
Ella no va a necesitar más.
Otherwise, he will die and... there will be a million things that she won't have said to him.
Sino, él morirá y... habrá millones de cosas... que ella no le habrá dicho.
She won't stop bleeding. Damn it! She's maxed out on pressors.
No para de sangrar. ¡ Mierda! Voy a pinzar el hílio.
It won't be when she loses her job.
No lo será cuando pierda su trabajo.
And we just won't know if that caused damage unless she wakes up.
Y no sabemos si eso ha causado lesiones a no ser que se despierte.
Have fun. I can't believe she won't take us to L.A. with her.
No puedo creer que no nos llevara a Los Ángeles con ella.
If she's in the system at all, we won't get them till Tuesday, Wednesday, maybe. It's backed up downtown.
Están en ello.
No, no, man. She won't.
No, no, hombre, ella no lo hará.
If we release her to seduce David Whele, how do we know she won't kill him, or worse, us?
Si la liberamos para seducir a David Whele, ¿ cómo sabemos que no le matará, o peor, a nosotras?
Thank god you're here. My daughter, she won't open the door.
Gracias a Dios que están aquí.
If she's so great, how come you won't marry her?
Si ella es tan genial, porque no te casas con ella?
Then she won't mind if we go home.
Entonces no le molestará que nos vayamos a casa.
-'She won't stop crying.'
- No para de llorar.
They're not concentrated, so she won't overdose.
No son concentradas, así que no sufrirá una sobredosis.
She won't have to talk much, just sit there looking pretty and pretending to listen while they go wanking on about shooting and the congestion charge. ( They'll think she's an escort. )
Ella no tendrá que hablar mucho, solo sentarse ahí luciendo linda y pretendiendo escuchar mientras ellos se pajean entre tragos y la tarifa. ( Ellos pensarán que es una acompañante. )
She won't know what's hit her.
Ella no sabrá que la golpeó.
She won't.
No lo hará.
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