She translate Spanish
1,449,351 parallel translation
She's at it again.
Ella está en ello de nuevo.
You know how stubborn she is.
Ya sabes lo cabezota que es.
Or did she ever even exist?
¿ Alguna vez existió?
She's vanished.
Se ha desvanecido.
She'll be joining you soon.
Ella estará junto a ti pronto.
She was...
Ella era...
She was everything!
¡ Ella lo era todo!
And she has been taken, or worse, erased!
Y ahora se la han llevado, o peor, ¡ la han borrado!
Put him in there with whatever she is.
Mételo ahí con lo que sea que es ella.
Well, what if she eats him?
Bueno, ¿ qué pasa si se lo come?
Every second she is gone is another we are doomed.
Cada segundo que ella no está es otro segundo que estamos condenados.
And when that useless cword of a sister finally realizes how much she needs me...
Y cuando esa inútil de hermana que empieza por C por fin se dé cuenta de cuanto me necesita...
But if I came back... she must have gotten dead.
Pero si yo he vuelto... ella debió morir.
Is she dead?
¿ Está muerta?
She's only shaded.
Solo está sombreada.
- She's missing.
- Está desaparecida.
She's the only one that can save us from all this, baby... girl.
Es la única que puede salvarnos de todo esto, pequeña...
She was... Was killed by a freak, calls himself the Jack of Knives.
Ella fue... fue asesinada por un fenómeno, se llama así mismo Jack de Espadas.
Ha. She's funny.
Es graciosa.
- Is she...
- Oh, ¿ está...?
Because she... all her arguments are right about vegetarianism.
Porque sus argumentos sobre la carne son válidos.
She'll go, like, "How can you kill an animal" when you can get the same from the grass of the field?
Ella dice : " ¿ Cómo puedes matar un animal si puedes obtener lo mismo del pasto del campo?
Of course, she's right... and I'm wrong.
Ella tiene razón y yo no.
"Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas," all it really means is you can go to Vegas, you can have sex with a prostitute... And she will not tell your wife.
"Lo que pasa en Las Vegas, se queda en Las Vegas" significa que vas allá, puedes tener sexo con una prostituta... y ella no se lo dirá a tu esposa.
I remember my grandmother, you know, she was like...
Yo recuerdo a mi abuela.
I think she was like 85 at the time or something, and I looked at her - she was sitting in her chair - and I said, "Hey, Grandma."
Tenía como 85 años en ese entonces, la vi sentada en su silla y le dije : "Oye, abuela"..
She had a bruise, right?
Ella tenía un moretón.
And she said, "Yes. Do you remember that gentle breeze yesterday?"
"Sí. ¿ Recuerdas esa briza suave de ayer?".
She's like, " All right, Henry.
Ella dirá : " Bien, Henry.
She's like, "No, I shouldn't have brought it up."
Ella dirá : "No, no debí mencionarlo".
- Your mother said that she arranged for a photographer, but you cancelled.
Tu madre dice que hizo arreglos con un fotógrafo, pero tú cancelaste.
- She's not here. - What do you mean, she's not here?
No está aquí.
I just got off the phone with a client, and she never filed their motion to dismiss.
Acabo de hablar con su cliente. No presentó la solicitud de desestimación.
She was the smartest fourth-year we had!
Era la de cuarto año más inteligente que teníamos.
- She was also insubordinate, and I made a decision.
También era insubordinada, y tomé una decisión.
She was working for me on Delta Securities, - and I need her back.
Trabajaba para mí en Delta Securities y la necesito de regreso.
- Oh, I don't care if she gets married at the Taj Mahal.
No me importa si se casa en el Taj Mahal.
- Since this morning, and it's a long story, but someone gave them inside information about us, and given that she just started...
Desde esta mañana. Es una larga historia, pero alguien les dio información interna de nosotros.
And Stephanie might not talk to you, but I know she won't talk to me.
Stephanie tal vez no hable contigo, pero seguro no hablará conmigo. Bien.
And I am telling you, she regretted that for the rest of her life.
Y le puedo decir que ella se arrepintió el resto de su vida.
And that they included a woman who said she had witnessed the body of the dead nun.
E incluyeron a una mujer que dijo haber visto el cadáver de la monja.
" She lies buried on the side of a steep hill in Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania, a threadbare suburban town directly across the Allegheny River from Pittsburgh.
" Está enterrada al lado de una colina en Sharpsburg, Pensilvania, un pueblo olvidado y suburbano al otro lado del río Allegheny frente a Pittsburgh.
She had been murdered.
- La habían asesinado.
She's the bulldog.
Es la bulldog.
The first day she walked in and said, "We're gonna read The Scarlet Letter,"
El primer día entró y dijo : "Vamos a leer La letra escarlata".
She exemplified this spirit of compassion and kindness.
Tenía un espíritu de compasión y amabilidad.
You felt like you were an individual with her and she was, like, encouraging you to bloom as a person.
Podías ser tú misma con ella y te animaba a florecer como persona.
I guess because she was so close in age to us, everything she said was romantic.
Supongo que porque teníamos casi la misma edad, todo lo que decía era romántico.
And she was able to touch a lot of people in a short amount of time.
Ella logró influenciar a mucha gente en poco tiempo.
- she's ever coming back here.
De ninguna manera va a regresar.
She took it, instead of going to court.
Ella la aceptó en lugar de demandar.
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