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You fell for it translate Spanish

229 parallel translation
You fell for it?
¿ Te lo tragaste?
And you fell for it. Pete, it frightens me what I'd like to do to you.
Y el gobernador me dio su palabra de honor... de que no interferiría hace dos días.
- You fell for it, Barney.
- Has picado, Barney.
You fell for it.
Has picado.
- You fell for it, didn't you?
- Picaste, ¿ eh?
You fell for it, Lambchop, eh?
- Has picado, ¿ eh, Pecorino?
Lambchop, you believed it? Tell me the truth, you fell for it?
Dime la verdad, ¿ realmente te lo creíste?
And you fell for it, both of you.
Y han caído los dos.
As usual, I was only joking and you fell for it
¿ Te has enfadado? ¿ No sabes encajar una broma? Anda, siéntate.
You fell for it, you sucker!
Caíste en mis brazos como un idiota.
You fell for it!
Cayó en la trampa.
She batted all of them big eyes at you... and you fell for it like an egg from a tall chicken.
Pestañeaba, mirándote con sus grandes ojos y te convenció igual que si fueras un colegial.
You're just sore'cause you fell for it.
Te pones así porque has caído como un pardillo.
Gazing at each other...... You fell for it.
Mirándonos cara a cara Lo sientes.
Don Costantino? - But he's a young man, not a girl. - You fell for it!
Don Costantino,... pero este es un jovencito, ¿ no?
Oldest trick in the bag, and you fell for it.
Es el truco más viejo y caíste.
This letter was written by a fool and you fell for it.
Esta carta fue escrita por un loco y tú caíste.
And you fell for it.
Y le creíste.
It was a joke and you fell for it like the fascists you are!
Era una broma y os la habéis tragado porque sois unos fachas.
Because you fell for it!
Y habéis caído.
You fell for it once again.
Otra vez has vuelto a tragártelo.
- You fell for it.
- Y has caído en él.
I can't believe you fell for it!
¡ No puedo creer que caíste con eso!
- You fell for it!
- ¡ Cayó!
And you fell for it like a world-class sucker.
Y caíste como un imbécil.
You fell for it.
Te engañé.
You fell for it.
Habéis picado.
You fell for it!
Han caído.
And you fell for it.
Y tú caíste por ella.
I went down to see the judge as you suggested and he fell for it.
He hablado con el juez y ha aceptado.
I was only playing with you. And you, poor sap, fell for it.
He estado jugando contigo y has picado como un tonto.
But it's no wonder she fell for you first.
Pero no me extraña que ella se enamorara de usted.
Then Ames fell dead across somebody else's grave, and you threw Farrow's gun down beside the body, figuring it was a cinch for the police to grab Farrow for murder and for you to grab the trumpet for yourself.
Entonces, Ames cayó muerto sobre la tumba de otro... y arrojaste la pistola de Farrow junto al cadáver... pensando que la policía acusaría a Farrow del homicidio... y tu podrías quedarte con la trompeta.
She fell for it like you fell for me.
Cayó en mis manos tal y como tú caíste por mí.
You mean, you've been lying to us, trailing us and deliberately hanging on to us. And I almost fell for it.
Después de que nos mintieras y deliberadamente te pegaras a nosotros.
The way it fell the first day I asked you to pose for me.
Como lo llevabas la primera vez que posaste para mí.
I was waiting for you to fall in love with someone, and then when that fell apart, My heart has been broken already, so it doesn t make any difference to me if you ve loved someone else. I was going to snap you up.
Esperaba que se enamorara de alguien, y luego cuando eso fracasara, no dejarla escapar.
And I fell for it like an idiot. I should have left you at the hotel!
- Siempre hago el tonto. ¡ Debería haberte dejado en el hotel!
But you almost fell for it, no?
Pero casi caes, ¿ eh? Di la verdad.
It was all a phony and you fellas fell for it.
Eso es. Era todo una farsa y ustedes, amigos, la creyeron.
Hanka, for the first time I fell right - and I thank you for it, Hanka.
Hanka, por primera vez en mi vida me siento bien conmigo mismo. Y todo es gracias a ti, Hanka.
Hey, amigo, you know when you told that story yesterday, I fell for it.
¿ Sabes, amigo? Cuando dijiste esa historia ayer, te creí.
You fell for it, like everyone else.
Lo creyó...
You see, I set a trap for you and you fell right into it.
Te tendí una trampa y caíste en ella.
You fell for it.
Te enamorarías de ella.
and you even fell for it.
y tu caiste.
Okay, you guys, she fell for it.
Ya esta, ella se lo creyó.
And you fell for it, little man.
Y te lo has tragado, hombrecito.
Fell for it, didn't you?
¿ Qué sería tan estúpido?
So naïve and incredible, yet somehow one fell for it. If he offered you a sweet, you could last another hour or two.
Aquello era de lo más ingenuo pero siempre aceptabas que gracias al caramelo aguantarías unas horas más.
I hung around with the girls because, well, they showed a bit of compassion, you see, and and I fell for it.
Andaba con las chicas... porque ellas mostraban un poco de compasión. Verás y... caí en eso.

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