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You look happy translate Spanish

1,474 parallel translation
You look happy.
Te ves feliz.
You look happy.
Parece contenta.
You look so happy.
Estás tan feliz.
Look at you. You lose your panda, you lose the book deal, you're still happy as a bean.
Pierdes tu panda, pierdes el contrato del libro, y estas como unas pascuas.
You don't look happy.
- No parece feliz.
So, you all look pretty happy... being students.
Parecéis todos muy felices Siendo estudiantes
Now, I guarantee you, if you just give it time you'll be happy with the way you look.
Le garantizo, que si sólo le da tiempo estará feliz de la forma que luce ahora.
When I look at you, I'm happy too, but when you talk, eh...
Cuando yo te miro, tambien soy feliz, pero cuando hablas, eh...
Look, I want you both to be happy.
Yo quiero que ambos sean felices.
Look, I'm really happy you've taken up an instrument, and I'll be even happier when you learn an actual song.
Me encanta que hayas empezado a tocar un instrumento y me gustará aún más cuando te aprendas una canción entera.
Look, I can't guarantee that we won't fight. But we're two women who love you, and want you to be happy.
No garantizo que no vayamos a pelear, pero las dos te amamos y queremos que seas feliz.
Yeah, you do. I know. Look, I'm happy for you.
Si, lo sé...
You can't even imagine how happy I am Look.. I'm close to tears?
Ser abuelos es la alegría más grande en el mundo... la alegría más grande
Look, here am I, thinking we are very happy only to discover that, on the contrary, we, or at any rate, you are very unhappy.
Aquí estoy yo, pensando que somos felices sólo para descubrir que nosotros... o en todo caso, tú eres muy infeliz.
I'm so happy that my Adam has found someone as nice as you. Oh, Sherry, look thanks for making me feel so welcome, and oh, for such an amazing meal.
oh, gracias estoy tan feliz que Adam haya encontrado a alguien tan bueno como tu oh, Sherry, mire, gracias por hacerme sentir tan bienvenido, y, oh, por tan deliciosa comida.
- You look high on happy pills.
- Pareces drogada, con píldoras.
I'm sure he'll be pretty happy about it, but you made me look like an idiot.
Estoy seguro de que le gustará el artículo, pero me hiciste parecer una idiota.
Look for those secrets and you will be happy forever.
Busca esos secretos y serás feliz. Para siempre.
I know, I.... Look, I'm happy for you.
Lo sé, yo... mira, estoy feliz por ti.
Look, you'd never want him to be happy, and that's why you blame him.
¡ No! Mamá, tú nunca has querido que sea feliz, y por eso lo culpas a él.
I'd be happy just to stay with you and look at you all night.
Yo sería feliz quedândome contigo y mirándote toda la noche.
But if you make it look like a bust, real pig action, cherry top popping then we're all happy.
Si se ve como una redada, como un allanamiento policial quedamos todos contentos.
You look too happy.
Te veo muy contento.
You don't look very happy about it.
No pareces muy feliz por ello.
I know, l- - look, I'm- - l'm happy for you.
Lo se, yo... mira, estoy feliz por ti.
You look like a happy child.
Luces como un niño feliz.
"I understand!" You don't look very happy about it!
"Te entiendo" No te ves muy convencido.
Look, if you want to tell me where to find the orchid, I'll be happy to continue this farce.
Mire, si quiere decirme dónde encontrar la orquídea estaré encantada de continuar esta farsa.
Look, I'm happy for you.
Me alegro por ti.
You look very happy in that picture.
Se ven muy alegres en esa foto.
Well, hey, y'know, you look really, uh, real happy.
Bueno, eh, sabes, pareces realmente, uh, realmente feliz.
Look, it's just you-you can't plan your life around me anymore. I mean, I'm so happy for you right now, you have no idea. This Princeton thing, this is great.
Pero no puedes seguir contando conmigo para tus planes estoy tan contento por ti no tienes ni idea eso de Princeton es genial es donde querías ir estoy tan aliviado por haber escrito aquel ensayo
You look good. Healthy, happy. Huh, here with your mom, both of you here.
Te ves bien, saludable, feliz, ya sabes, aquí con tu mamá, ambas aquí.
You know what will make me look happy?
Saben que me haria ver feliz?
Look, look, look, I know you're mad, but... happy birthday, three years ago. Okay, okay.
Calma, calma.
Surmising from the look on your face, you didn't get a Happy Meal.
Sospecho por la cara que traes, que no comiste tranquilo.
You don't look happy, Howard.
No pareces feliz, Howard
[Laughs] Oh, I like this one. You look so happy.
Oh, me gusta mucho esta.
I'm happy to give you a cursory examination, Amber... but I can tell you before I even look you do not need liposuction.
Con gusto te examinaré, Amber... pero incluso sin mirar, te puedo decir que no necesitas liposucción.
Obviously, he didn't, because you all still look relatively happy.
Obviamente no, porque parecen relativamente felices.
You look about as happy as I do.
Te ves casi tan feliz como yo.
You look awful happy for a guy who just got his pussy waxed.
Para un tipo al que le han dado una paliza pareces contento.
Oh, look at you And your happy little family.
Oh, fíjate que familia más feliz.
You don't look happy.
No te ves feliz.
Damn, you don't look happy to see me.
Rayos, parece que no te da gusto verme.
Yes, I might be able to do something with the price, but if you're not entirely happy with that one why don't... Take a look at those.
Sí, estoy en consideración de hacer algo con el precio... pero si no esta totalmente feliz con ese... miren esos de ahí.
You don't look so happy.
Usted no parece muy feliz.
Look at you. So content with your happy, little lives.
¡ Mírenlos tan contentos con sus pequeñas vidas!
Look, if you're happy sending all your gold to Ireland... living as slaves, by all means, do nothing.
Si están felices enviando todo su oro a Irlanda viviendo como esclavos, por supuesto no hagan nada.
Look... if that dinner at your house was any indication, you seem pretty happy with your wife.
Mira... Si esa cena en tu casa indica algo es que eres feliz con tu esposa.
You look so happy.
- Parecías muy feliz.

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