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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You owe me nothing

You owe me nothing translate Spanish

147 parallel translation
- You owe me nothing.
No me debes nada.
You owe me nothing.
- No me debe nada.
Ah, it's true to say you owe me nothing at all.
No me debe nada en absoluto.
You owe me nothing Whatever I did, I did for Christy.
No me debe nada. Todo lo que hice, lo hice por Christy.
You owe me nothing.
No me debes nada.
No, you owe me nothing, Miss Anita.
No me debe nada, señorita Anita.
- You owe me nothing.
- No me debes nada.
You owe me nothing.
No me debe nada.
You owe me nothing, Mr. Harris.
No me debe nada, Sr. Harris.
You owe me nothing. And neither does your slave.
No me deben agradecimientos, ni usted ni su esclava.
You owe me nothing, even though you were molded by me.
No me debes nada, aunque yo te formé.
You owe me nothing, but take me along, will ya?
No, no me deberá nada, si me lleva con usted.
- You owe me nothing.
- No debe disculparse.
I mean, you owe me nothing.
Quiero decir, no me debe nada.
I owe you nothing, and you owe me nothing.
No te debo nada y no me debes nada.
Listen, my friend you owe me nothing.
Escucha, amigo mío. No me debes nada.
You owe me nothing yet, I did it for the Queen.
He hecho lo que he hecho por la Reina.
You owe me nothing.
- No me debes nada.
You owe me nothing.
No estás en deuda conmigo.
Don't worry, you owe me nothing, but there's something you could do for me. - What?
No se preocupe, no me debe nada, pero, ¿ podría hacerme un favor?
But you owe me nothing.
Pero no me debes nada.
And he actually said, "If she spends the weekend with me, you owe me nothing?"
¿ Y él te dijo : "Si ella pasa conmigo el fin de semana...? ¿ no me debes nada"?
You owe me nothing, but think of my kids!
¡ No me debe nada, pero piense en mis hijos!
And what of your debt to me? Are you saying you owe me nothing?
¿ Estás diciendo que no me debes nada?
You owe me nothing. I am not loaning my shower yet
No me debes nada. todavía no te he prestado mi ducha.
Scully, you owe me nothing.
Scully, no me debes nada.
So you owe me nothing.
No hicimos el amor. Así que no me debes nada.
You owe me nothing.
Pero no me debe nada.
That has nothing to do with what you owe me.
Pero eso no tiene nada que ver con todo lo que me debes.
I count on you to keep it for me. I owe you nothing.
Ha de evitar que me abandonen.
I don't owe you nothing and you don't owe me nothing.
No le debo nada y usted no me debe nada.
You don't owe me nothing, son.
- No me debes nada, hijo.
You don't owe me nothing.
No tiene que darme nada.
Oh you don't owe me nothing Mister, you're my first customer you have this one on the house!
Oh, no me debe nada, señor, es usted mi primer cliente, por lo que invita la casa!
You'll still owe me nothing.
Seguiría sin deberme nada.
- Don't arrange nothing. You don't owe them, you owe me!
- No arregles nada. ¡ No les debes a ellos, me debes a mí!
Well, I ain't never said nothing but you owe me $ 38.
¡ No he dicho nada pero me debe 38 dólares!
You owe me a rematch, next time it'll be double or nothing.
Me debes la revancha, y esta vez será el doble.
You do not owe me nothing. Thank you, Catherine.
No hay problema, George tu creíste en mí cuando otros me dieron la espalda.
As for me, you owe me nothing.
A mí, en todo caso, no me debes nada.
You don't owe me nothing.
Tu no me debes nada.
After this, you owe nothing to me.
Ya no me debes nada.
You come home with me, and you owe nobody nothing.
Ven a mi casa y ya no le deberás nada a nadie.
And you are Roy, who's got absolutely nothing, except what you owe me.
Y tú eres Roy. No tienes absolutamente nada, salvo lo que me debes.
Well, that's what you owe me, Joey. Nothing!
Bueno, eso es lo que que me debes, Joey. ¡ Nada!
You don't owe me nothing. You owe yourself and the ones that cared enough to get you here. Believe me, I know.
no me debes nada, te lo debes a ti mismo y al que le preocupas lo suficiente como para estar en este mundo créeme, lo sé
If I win, you owe me nothing.
Si yo gano, no me debes nada
Oh, you don't owe me anything. You don't owe him anything either. Nothing is owed.
No me debe nada, no le debe nada a él, no se debe nada a nadie.
I owe you, and besides, I'd take on these lowlifes for nothing!
Cuando la encontró, me contrató a mí para que la robara.
Nothing for nothing, but I think you owe me an apology.
Me debes una disculpa.
No really, there's nothing to understand, you certainly owe me no explanation, we really don't know each other at all, really, I'm sure a man such as yourself, you have many willing women and
No, no tiene que darme explicaciones... No nos conocemos en lo absoluto. Seguro que un hombre como ud.

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