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You wouldn't listen translate Spanish

643 parallel translation
You wouldn't listen to me.
Pero no me hicieron caso.
You wouldn't listen to me!
¡ No me hicieron caso!
Why wouldn't you listen to her? Because...
Markham, Stewart, Druce, Fane.
He'd probably listen to you, where he wouldn't to me.
Él sabrá escucharlo a Ud., pero creo que a mí no.
- Wouldn't you? Listen to Pippo's voice this morning!
¡ Mirad la voz que tiene Pippo esta mañana!
You wouldn't listen to us.
No quiso escucharnos.
Listen, Read, it wouldn't mean a drop in the bucket to you.
Escucha, Read, para ti no es más que una miseria.
I'd rather you wouldn't listen to this.
- Prefiero que no escuches esto.
Now listen, Lola, Sugar. You wouldn't let me cut your appendix out without ether, would you?
Me dejabas tirarte del apéndice sin anestesia, ¿ no es así?
Listen, Babcock without Sun Count or Beau Geste, we wouldn't give you counterfeit script for the whole outfit.
Oye, Babcock, si falta alguno... si falta Boyes no tendrás billetes falsos para los otros.
We told her that you might Want to do a few other things, But she wouldn't Listen to that.
Le dijimos que lo más seguro es que tengas algunas otras cosas que hacer, pero lo más seguro es que no haga caso a eso.
But if he were speaking to you, you wouldn't listen.
Pero, si él. te estuviera hablando, no le harías caso.
Listen, baby, you wouldn't have got to first base without my phony faint.
Escucha, nene, no habrías llegado a nada sin mi desmayo fingido.
Listen, Claire, I wouldn't mention it if I were you.
Sí, pero no lo digas muy fuerte.
I wanted you to get caught. You said God wouldn't listen.
Quería que te pillaran y dijiste que Dios no me oiría.
Listen, I can tell these boys some things they'd like to hear, wouldn't you, boys?
Puedo contarles algunas cosas que les interesarían. ¿ Verdad?
But you wouldn't listen to me.
Pero no quisiste escucharme.
- I'd be kind of a killjoy, wouldn't I? - Listen, I'll be frank with you.
- Mire, le seré sincero, aunque suene morboso ;
He wouldn't listen to anything you had to say.
Él no escucharía nada de lo que usted le diga.
And when you did arrive, you wouldn't even listen to me!
Y cuando llegasteis ni me escuchasteis.
I tried to tell you, Joe, but you wouldn't listen.
Intenté decírtelo, Joe, pero tú no me escuchabas.
You mean you tried to tell him what you told us and he wouldn't listen?
- Lo intentaste y no te escuchó?
i told you what would happen if we stopped in this valley... but you wouldn't listen to me!
Dije que esto pasaría si parábamos en este valle.
You wouldn't listen to me before, and now you want me to talk.
No me escuchabais y ahora queréis que hable.
You wouldn't listen to me when I said you were running around with the wrong people.
No quiso escucharme cuando dije que andaba con la gente equivocada.
I told you this would happen. I told you your scheme was absolutely childish, but you wouldn't listen to me.
Le dije que ocurriría esto, que su plan era infantil.
Listen, you squirrelly cherubs, you eight wise idiots, it wouldn't work.
Escuchen, estrafalarios querubines, ocho sabios idiotas, no funcionará.
Juan, when you were little, you wouldn't listen to me.
Juan, cuando eras pequeño, no me escuchabas.
I wouldn't listen to you if you were...
No te escucharía si fueras...
- We warned you, but you wouldn't listen.
Te avisamos.
I asked you not to interfere, but you wouldn't listen.
Le dije que no interviniera, pero no me escuchó.
That's what I was trying to tell you down there, but you wouldn't listen.
Quise decírselo allí, pero no me escuchó.
- I did, but you wouldn't listen.
- Lo hice, pero no me escuchaste.
- Al! You promised you wouldn't. - Now, listen, darling.
Al, prometiste que no beberías.
I knew you wouldn't come if I told you to listen to a recital.
Sabía que no habrías venido si te hubiera dicho que era un recital.
- You wouldn't listen. - I don't want to now.
- Pero no me escuchaste.
If you'd listen to me, you wouldn't have this problem.
Si me hubieras hecho caso, no tendrias este problema.
I tried to tell you inside, but you wouldn't listen.
Intenté decírtelo adentro, pero no me escuchabas.
Well, you wouldn't listen to me, I had to get proof.
No me escuchaba. Tenía que conseguir pruebas. ¿ Qué iba a hacer si no huir?
I warned you. But you wouldn't listen.
Te lo advertí, pero no me hiciste caso.
The Emperor wouldn't listen to you. Even if he did, he wouldn't believe his ears.
Y si lo hace, no se creerá lo que oye.
If I did, you wouldn't listen to it.
Si hablara, no escucharías.
Because you were sleepy and disagreeable when I got home and wouldn't listen. I tried to tell you.
Porque estabas medio dormido y de mal humor y no quisiste escuchar.
You wouldn't listen!
No escuchaste.
- And I kept warning you and warning you, but you wouldn't listen.
- Te advertía,... y te advertía, pero tú no me oías.
That'd be a little late, wouldn't it? Now listen, you- -
- Ya es un poco tarde, ¿ no?
When you told Steve I had to forget the ranch he tried to steer me onto something else, I wouldn't listen. What happens?
Cuando le dijiste a Steve que tendría que olvidarme del rancho, intentó convencerme para intentar otra cosa, pero no le hice caso. ¿ Y qué ocurrió?
That hungry wildness, it's dead. Beaten out of you because you wouldn't listen.
Aquella fiera salvaje ha desaparecido.
Incluso el Juez trató de ayudar, pero Ud, no quiso escucharle.
You wouldn't even wait to listen!
Ni siquiera te paras a escuchar.
You wouldn't listen to me...
No me has hecho caso...

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