Eat more translate French
889 parallel translation
I wish you'd eat more.
Je voudrais te voir manger.
You'll eat more spaghetti and like it. Now, shut up and sit down.
Vous en mangerez encore avec plaisir.
You must eat more solids...
Vous devez manger plus de solides...
" When Don Simão found out you eat more than him,
" Quand il a su que vous mangiez plus que lui,
I really couldn't eat more.
Je ne pourrais plus rien avaler.
You eat more.
Vous mangeriez plus.
I'm a useful fellow to have when you're moody... and I don't eat more than twice my share.
Je suis utile contre la mélancolie, et je ne mange qu'une double part.
Them miners can eat more beans than they raise in all of Boston.
Ces mineurs avaient plus de haricots qu'il n'en pousse à Boston.
I regard that as actually proving much more normal than relying on 20 you know I think... if you look at if you look at our near relatives, things like orangutans they regularly eat 400 different types of leaf and fruit,
Cela me semble bien plus normal que de se reposer sur une vingtaine et lorsqu'on regarde si l'on regarde à nos proches cousins, tels que les orang-outans ils mangent couramment 400 types différents de feuilles et de fruits,
If you have time to eat, why don't you analyze your character more in depth?
pourquoi ne pas analyser davantage votre personnage?
All we want to hear out of you is one more little yip, and we'll cut ya up and eat ya raw.
Un autre mot de ta part... et on te découpe en morceaux.
Don't eat any more sandwiches.
Ne mange plus de sandwiches.
If that weighs more than 2, I'll eat the cat-o'- nine-tails.
S'il pèse plus qu'1 kg, je mange le fouet!
And eat a little bit more for once!
Double ration!
I got enough for one more, if you don't eat too much.
J'en ai assez pour vous si vous ne mangez pas trop.
Well, don't you people want anything more to eat?
Vous voulez manger quelque chose?
- You'll do more than eat your breakfast if you work for that one.
Il y a bien d'autres choses à faire avant de prendre le petit déjeuner.
Yeah? That only makes me more hungry... when do we eat?
Ca réveille mon appétit!
There's only one more plate, unless they wanna eat stew out of their hands.
Il n'y a qu'une autre assiette, à moins qu'ils mangent dans leurs mains.
But I can eat twice more.
Mais je peux manger deux fois plus!
I also read palms. I cook, I swallow swords, I mend my own socks, I never eat garlic or onions. What more can you want of a man?
J'oubliais : je lis des poèmes, je cuisine, j'avale des sabres, je recouds mes chaussettes, ne mange ni ail ni oignon, que désirer de plus?
If you eat some more, Daddy, I'll eat some more.
Si tu manges plus, papa, je mangerai plus.
A bigger pie, more slices, more to eat for everybody!
Plus à manger pour tout le monde!
It would have meant more to eat. For Karl-Heinz too.
Un gars de 13 ans n'a pas à faire ce travail.
If so, I was not conscious of it at the time for there were things of more immediate concern. Even potential dukes have to eat.
Je me souciais de bien autre chose, à l'époque car même les ducs en puissance doivent manger.
I have to eat, christabel, and what's more, i like eating.
Je dois manger. Et qui plus est, j'aime ça.
Eat some more while they're hot.
- Reprends-en. - J'en ai mangé cinq.
Lieutenant, sir... The workers would be much more relaxed if they could say hello to their families, and grab a bite to eat.
Mon lieutenant, ils travailleraient mieux s'ils voyaient leurs familles et mangeaient quelque chose.
They had to get something more to eat, or something.
Ils sont sortis pour chercher à manger.
Sing on the air once more and I'll eat you out.
Vas-tu te taire!
But if you like chicken so much, why don't you eat it more often?
Si vous l'aimez tant, mangez-en plus souvent.
- You don't want any more to eat.
Si on en prenait?
Eat your fill, there, s plenty more.
Mange autant que tu veux, j'en ai préparé beaucoup.
I thought you weren't gonna eat any more chocolate.
Tu devais arrêter de manger du chocolat.
Have more to eat.
Sure you got nothing more to eat than crackers?
Vous êtes sûre de n'avoir rien d'autre à manger que des crackers?
Eat less, play more.
Mangez moins, jouer plus.
You need to start watching what you eat, mate, no more bread and no more drinking with meals.
On va retirer un peu de régime bonhomme...
At first we will have to work more and eat less. But my plan... will bring us electricity.
Au début, nous devrons travailler plus et manger moins... mais ce plan nous apportera l'électricité.
Our lower animals do more work and eat less than on other farms.
Nos frères inférieurs travaillent plus... et mangent moins que dans les autres fermes.
We never fished nor killed any more than we could eat.
On n'a jamais peché ni tué plus que ce dont on avait besoin.
In Paris, people eat better and in Paris people make love, well, perhaps not better but certainly more often.
A Paris, les gens mangent mieux. Et à Paris, les gens font l'amour... par forcément mieux, mais certainement plus souvent.
All right, I'll give you some more. It's only once a year that we get to eat white rice.
Bien sûr que j'vais t'en donner, du bon riz blanc cuit une fois l'an.
They say that the more of them you eat, the more they increase by adding water.
Si on mange des pois quand ça cuit, plus on en mange, plus y en a!
Let's not eat pumice stones any more
On arrête la pierre ponce, hein?
Won't need more to eat for six than we do for seven.
Il n'y aura pas plus à manger pour six que pour sept!
You eat tomatoes in bed once more, and you scrape the seeds off the sheets.
Si tu manges encore des tomates au lit. Tu nettoieras les draps toi-même!
Eat some more.
Mange ma fille!
How skinny you got. You need more to eat.
Tu as maigri, tu as besoin de manger.
He will not eat it, my dear any more than you are eating yours.
Il ne mangera pas, ma chère, pas plus que vous.
The trattoria won't let us eat any more.
On ne nous sert plus au restaurant.
more 1904
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moreno 58
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morelli 46
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more than ever 118
more than anything else 28
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more than anything 252