More to the right translate French
607 parallel translation
You must look more to the right, as the professor does.
Regarde plus vers la droite. Comme quand il louche sur Gabriella!
Oh, you'd hit it if you aim more to the right.
Vous l'auriez touchée en visant plus à droite.
Turn it more to the right.
Plus à droite.
A little more to the right, no... to the left. Uh....
Un peu plus à droite, non à gauche, euh...
- A Little more to the right.
- Un peu plus à droite.
Now, a Iittle more to the right.
Un peu plus vers la droite.
That's right. A little more to the right.
Un peu plus à droite.
A little more to the right.
Un peu plus à droite.
- Wasn't it more to the right?
- C'était pas un peu plus vers la droite?
How much more did Sung Min Ah ask for? Are you crazy? You know that you're scheduled for a movie right away, and yet you agreed to the extension?
Combien a demandé Sung Min Ah? Et pourtant tu as accepté cette extension? Va de l'avant sans demander plus d'argent.
A little more to the right.
Un peu plus vers la droite.
You've got no right to go down the pit, you can be more use.
On n'a pas le droit d'abandonner quand on a tes capacités.
Ain't more than a half hour ago she come lickety-splitting down the road. And when she seen me, she turned herself right in front of my eyes and ran off laughing fit to kill.
II n'y a pas une demie heure, elle est apparue devant moi et quand elle m'a vu, elle a fait demi-tour et s'est enfuie en riant, prête a tuer.
You paid us more than if you'd told the truth and enough more to make it all right.
C'était trop pour dire la vérité et assez pour qu'on gobe ça!
Well, there are even more good reasons why you'd be smart to finish the job right away.
Il y a des tas de bonnes raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez vous atteler à les terminer.
I'm ever so sorry about the envelope, but I've run right out. I must remember to order some more.
Je suis désolée, je suis à court d'enveloppes.
I'm doing all right. One more day like this. ... and I'll be so fed up with the man it'll be an effort to listen to his name.
Une autre journée comme ça et j'en aurai assez de lui que j'aurai peine à entendre son nom.
Law is a lot more than words you put in a book or judges or lawyers or sheriffs you hire to carry it out. It's everything people ever have found out about justice and what's right and wrong. It's the very conscience of humanity.
Au-dessus des codes... des juges, et des gendarmes de tout poil... la loi de la justice résume ce que l'on sait du bien et du mal... c'est la conscience même de l'humanité...
And if you find the right words, humble words, very, very humble words, and if you should be able to convince me that they are more than mere words, then perhaps I may forgive you.
Si vous trouvez les mots justes et humbles, très, très humbles, et si vous parvenez à me convaincre que ce ne sont pas que des mots, peut-être vous pardonnerai-je.
I'd fire you if I didn't know you'd go right over to more money at the Prudential.
Je ne sais pas ce qui me retient de vous foutre dehors!
- Are you sure? I'd chosen the right. It seems more suited to this foot.
- J'aurais dit le droit, ça m'avantage mieux la jambe.
The more I think about it, the more I think that you didn't have a right to throw Leon - Out of his home.
Tu n'avais pas le droit de mettre Léon dehors.
The good Dr. Carter would go right back to his well-paid chair as a full professor of economics at the university, to contaminate more kids.
Ce cher docteur Carter va retrouver sa chaire de professeur d'économie à l'université pour endoctriner d'autres gamins.
And the more they tormented me, the more my love for Agrippina prompted me to admit they were right.
Plus ils me tourmentaient, et plus mon amour m'incitait à admettre leur justesse.
One more round, and I'm going to throw you gents right out in the snow.
Un dernier tour, puis je devrai vous mettre à la porte.
All right, I'll tell them. But if we're going to have a meeting, it had better come to more than just poking holes in the air with your finger.
Entendu, mais pas la peine de se réunir si c'est pour enfiler des perles.
Now, you run on home to your mother, and tell her everything's all right, and there aren't any more guns in the valley.
Rentre chez toi, et dis à ta mère que tout va bien. Il n'y a plus de tueurs dans la vallée.
You had considerably more time to find the right instrument.
Je vous ai déjà laissé suffisamment de temps.
If you were his father, I'd have the right to love you more than he.
Si tu étais son père, j'aurais le droit de t'aimer plus que lui.
All right, we'll go to the council, ask for weapons, nothing more.
Bien, retournons voir le conseil, demandons des armes, rien de plus.
Now, you go right to it, Mr. Jorgy. There's plenty more in the kitchen.
Allez-y, M. Jorgy, il y en a encore à la cuisine.
Right now, we'll go back to the boat and pack in more supplies.
Pour l'instant, retournons au bateau chercher plus de provisions.
Saint Rita, you see I'm going right to the grave this master has more eyes than he should have, and I can not blind him as to the other.
Sainte Rita, tu vois que je vais direct à la tombe ce maître a plus de vue qu'il le devrait, et je peux pas l'aveugler comme l'autre.
- I have the right to do more than that.
- J'ai le droit d'en faire davantage.
Wouldn't it be more discreet to move the baron... to the side entrance right now?
Ce ne serait pas plus discret de déplacer le baron... jusqu'à l'entrée latérale maintenant?
You need seek no more. You've come to the right place.
Ne cherchez plus, vous avez trouvé.
Don't the police have a right to interrogate a suspect any more?
La police n'a plus le droit d'interroger les suspects?
What's more, the fact that his government allowed him to come is a move in the right direction.
Oui et cela, tant que la course à l'armement persistera.
It may be that they hate music and enjoy hearing what I do to it. Or perhaps they've learned the more I pound the piano the less I pound them. They're probably right.
Par haine de la musique, peut-être, car je la massacre, ou parce que plus je tape sur le piano, moins je tape sur eux.
And, as an officer, he may have done exactly the right thing, but sometimes it's more important to be a man than an officer.
En tant qu'officier, il a peut-être pris la bonne décision. Parfois, il vaut mieux être un homme qu'un officier.
Bluebird... connors, the captain wants to see you in his tent right away, and it sounded like to me it was a little more than an invitation.
Bluebird... Connors? Le capitaine veut vous voir dans sa tente immédiatement.
Just because I loved John more than I loved you, didn't give you the right to murder him just to punish me!
Ce n'est pas parce que j'aimais John plus que toi que tu avais le droit de le tuer pour me punir.
Members of the tribunal, the evidence already offered is more than enough to ensure the conviction of this man. But add to it, the fact that under psychometric examination, this mace was found to have been held in the right hand of the prisoner.
Membres du tribunal, les preuves déjà présentées sont plus que suffisantes pour assurer la condamnation de cet homme, mais de plus un examen psychométrique a démontré que cette masse a été tenue par la main droite du prisonnier.
You want me to take the afternoon off to rest and relax get to know my wife and daughter, get a new lease on life so I can slave night and day for another three weeks or more, right?
Tu veux que je prenne l'après-midi pour me reposer, voir ma femme et ma fille, et me faire plaisir, pour que je trime jour et nuit pendant encore trois semaines?
All right. May I suggest that the Grievance Committee on Rotation of Teachers to More Equitable Room Assignments appoint a sub-committee to look into the matter.
Puis-je suggérer que le Comité des plaintes pour l'attribution des salles de façon plus équitable forme un sous-comité pour étudier la question.
But if you want to know more about him, I know the right man.
Mais si vous voulez en savoir plus, je sais qui vous devez aller voir.
So I request, that you put me in the middle, sir. So that when I ´ m shooting at the enemy I won ´ t sort of, accidentally, let my rifle veer a bit to the left and pick off a few of those cancerous elements, and then a little to the right to pick off a few more.
Ainsi, quand je tirerai sur l'ennemi, je pourrai laisser mon arme dévier légèrement afin de supprimer quelques-uns de ces éléments gangréneux.
And the way to win more points is to sell subscriptions, right?
Et pour gagner des points, vous devez vendre des abonnements?
One more year of extra servitude would have earned me the right to open up a branch, to start a humble business of my own.
Un an de plus m'aurait permis d'ouvrir un commerce, à mon propre compte.
We have taken the right to speak, to take action. Rights that you bosses have denied us, to make us more subservient.
Nous avons pris le droit de parler, le droit à l'action, ces droits que depuis toujours les patrons se réservent pour mieux nous asservir.
And that is not even to mention the main laboratory building right over there, where 2,000 more employees toil away like merry little gnomes.
Sans même vous parler du bâtiment de recherche principal, un laboratoire où 2000 employés travaillent dur comme d'heureux petits gnomes.
more to the point 94
more to go 32
to the right 265
the right way 29
the right thing 58
the right 75
the right one 30
more or less 614
more than you know 97
more than you think 24
more to go 32
to the right 265
the right way 29
the right thing 58
the right 75
the right one 30
more or less 614
more than you know 97
more than you think 24
more drinks 21
more than ever 118
more than you can imagine 30
more than anything else 28
more than enough 37
more tea 49
more than you 43
more than you'll ever know 22
more than me 30
more than anything 252
more than ever 118
more than you can imagine 30
more than anything else 28
more than enough 37
more tea 49
more than you 43
more than you'll ever know 22
more than me 30
more than anything 252