Fall out translate French
1,610 parallel translation
When they shut off, they'll fall out.
Quand ce sera arrêté, ça tombera.
It's not that simple, steven. If I dye my hair too many times, it will all fall out.
Bien sûr qu'il le pense, mais tu lui as envoyé tellement de "non" " mais là... tu vas devoir y travailler.
Fall out.
4 days in the stir! Fall out!
Easy, baby. Careful you don't fall out.
Attention, trésor, il va se sauver.
Did you fall out of bed?
Tu es tombé du lit?
"Natural" being gravity after a 140-foot fall out of his apartment building.
"Naturelle", étant donné qu'il a chuté de 12 mètres depuis son appartement.
I'm gonna cure her illness and we're gonna live happily together till our deaths do us apart teeth fall out.
Je vais trouver un remède pour sa maladie et nous vivrons heureux jusqu'à ce que la mort nous fasse tomber toutes nos dents.
If she fall out and go, it will be even worse?
Si elle se lève et part, ce sera encore plus mauvais?
When did that fall out?
Quand est-il tombé?
and tie it up real hard at the end so nothing will fall out of the can.
en l'attachant fortement au bout, donc rien ne tombera de la boîte.
I can't stay here any longer My hair is going to fall out!
Je peux pas rester une minute de plus! Je vais finir par perdre mes cheveux!
Until you leave the city to get away from crime, and guns fall out of the sky.
Jusqu'à on quitte la ville pour s'éloigner du crime, et des pistolets tombent du ciel.
Not even enough time for all my hair to fall out.
Même pas assez pour perdre mes cheveux.
You never know when a TV might fall out of a window.
On ne sait jamais, une télé pourrait tomber d'une fenêtre.
Did you really fall out of bed today, David?
Et c'est vrai que tu es tombé du lit aujourd'hui?
Occasionally you hear that one of them is gonna fall out of the sky, gonna hit the Earth.
Parfois on dit que l'un d'eux va tomber du ciel et va toucher la terre.
I always thought that when the right guy came along... all of my bullshit would calm down and go away... and the words would just fall out of my mouth... because I would know he was the one.
J'ai toujours pensé que lorsque ce serait le bon, tous mes doutes se dissiperaient et que ces mots me viendraient naturellement parce que je saurais que c'est lui.
Next time, when you want to have a go at me, send a junior. I don't want us to fall out.
Pour jouer la mauvaise foi, envoyez-moi plutôt un collaborateur.
They're gonna fall out.
Elles vont tomber.
Fall out of the bleachers!
Descendez de là.
Today, Jethro. Before any more of your teeth fall out. You banjo-strumming Deliverance reject.
Profite avant de perdre tes dents et de retourner au pays des demeurés.
Things don't just fall out of the sky.
Les choses ne tombent pas du ciel.
- I'd take your hand but my tit'd fall out.
Si je vous prends la main, mon sein va sortir.
Until our faces fall out of embarrassment And you dad?
Que la honte nous couvre tous!
My stomach felt like it was going to fall out my butt.
Mon estomac voulait me sortir par le derrière.
- You two fall out?
Mon ex. Vous vous aimiez plus?
And Harris and Billy certainy didn't need another reason to fall out.
Et Harris et Billy n'avait pas besoin de grand chose de plus pour se rentrer dedans.
Mueller flips out and shoots their fall guy so they have to bring Dunbar and Kendall into their cover story.
Mueller flippe et tue leur alibi... alors ils doivent embringuer Dunbar et Kendall dans l'histoire.
But this guy goes a good 250. The force of the fall ripped the thing out of the floor.
Comme il pèse 100 kilos, la corde a cassé et il est tombé.
Just never seems to work out when I fall in love.
Ca ne marche jamais quand je tombe amoureuse.
"Spring Breakdown," "The Jungle" "A Fine Mess," "After the Fall," "Peddling Poppy" "CheapSuits," "Kicked Out," "No Free Launch" "Ratted Out," "State of Nature," "Clutch Situation" "All Wet," "Plotters," "Praised be Greenspan" "Monica Selis," "Hack Heaven."
"Dépression de printemps", "La jungle", "Quel gâchis!"
And the summer and the fall and this awful winter- - it'll all fade by the time the leaves come out.
Et l'été, l'automne et cet affreux hiver- - Tous ça s'estompera quand les feuilles seront tombées.
You don't trust them to fall right out of the sky.
Tu n'as pas confiance, tu dis qu'ils s'écrasent tout le temps.
If there are people out there who'll spend a lonely Christmas, While watching the snow fall, how about thinking about someone Who may also be thinking of you.
S'il y a des gens qui passent Noël seuls, en regardant la neige tomber, pourquoi ne pas penser à quelqu'un qui pourrait aussi penser à vous?
Something might fall out.
Quelque chose pourrait tomber.
Even if I fall to my death I'm still getting out
Même si je fais une chute fatale, je sors quand même
You want my tooth to fall out?
Alors je ne dois pas y aller, non?
Watch out! The lice will fall into your food.
Les poux vont tomber dans ton plat.
Maybe if you didn't have us to fall back on... you'd finally go out and get a family of your own.
Peut-être que si tu pouvais pas compter sur nous, tu finirais enfin par avoir une famille à toi.
My jewelry might fall out
Mes bijoux pourraient tomber.
If I told the police... they would've found out that Dante took a fall the last time.
Si je l'avais dit à la police, ils auraient découvert que Dante s'était couché la dernière fois!
I just fall into the box and then I felt out somehow.
Je suis juste tombé dans cette boîte et j'en suis sortie je ne sais pas comment.
Except that Ray would come home at 9 : 00. wait for you to fall asleep. and then sneak back out.
Sauf que Ray rentrait à 21h00, attendait que tu t'endormes, et puis ressortait tranquillement.
They fall apart before you're out of the door.
De la vraie camelote.
That means that if you kick out one of our legs, then we all fall.
Ça veut dire que si tu retires un de nos pieds, on tombe tous.
If you fall in a hole, we'd have to call the gendarmes out.
- C'est ça! Pour que tu tombes dans un trou? !
And if you don't watch out, you can fall in and get lost forever.
Si tu te méfies pas, tu tomberas dedans et tu te noieras.
Don't forget, your novel is out in the fall.
Gaffe pas : Le livre sort à l'automne.
Many relationships fall apart because people can't express themselves... they can't talk their hearts out. If you got something to tell someone... just go ahead and say it.
Beaucoup de relations amoureuses sont détruites parce que les gens n'arrivent pas à exprimer leurs sentiments.
Fall out.
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
outside of work 17
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of love 16
out of my house 22
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of love 16
out of my house 22
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191