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Get cleaned up translate French

837 parallel translation
Come on, let's get cleaned up before Eddie gets here.
Allons nous changer avant qu'Eddie n'arrive.
And then I had to get cleaned up, and that took plenty of time, believe me.
Et puis, j'ai dû me laver et ça m'a pris un temps fou.
We get cleaned up and I'll go down and pop the question!
Telle est mon intention.
Now, Weepy. Better get cleaned up.
Weepy, va te laver.
I'll get cleaned up. - You want me to give her the horse?
- Vous voulez vraiment que je lui donne ce cheval?
Go get cleaned up, boys.
I'm gonna get cleaned up.
Je vais me changer
Keep the parents at bay until we get cleaned up.
- Éloignez les parents. - Bien, madame.
Get cleaned up.
Va te laver.
Now you boys get cleaned up and we'll proceed with the wedding.
Nettoyez-vous et on celebrera le mariage.
- Now, you get cleaned up.
- Non, va te rafraîchir.
Can't a guy get cleaned up once a year?
On ne peut pas être propre une fois par an?
Hurry and get cleaned up.
Le dîner est prêt.
You could've hollered. Just'cause you get cleaned up don't mean you can't talk. You didn't get your tonsils washed out.
C'est parce que tu es tout propre que tu ne pouvais pas parler?
Come on home, and I'll get cleaned up and then I'll take you out for a wedding breakfast, champagne and all.
Allons à la maison, je me change et je t'emmène un déjeuner de noces, avec champagne et tout.
I'll meet you back here as soon as I get cleaned up.
Je vous retrouverai ici après m'être nettoyé.
Boy, I'd like to have stopped off home and get cleaned up.
J'aurais bien aimé passer chez moi faire un brin de toilette. Pourquoi?
Get cleaned up, if you want to see the captain today.
Va te changer, si tu veux voir le capitaine.
I'll get cleaned up, then I'll buy you a drink.
Je me nettoie et je t'offre un verre.
Hey, come on, aren't you gonna get cleaned up?
Tu ne vas pas te laver?
Now, why don't I show you to your room and you can get cleaned up and rest before you have to meet Darrin and his parents.
Je vais te conduire à ta chambre pour que tu te rafraîchisses et que tu te reposes avant leur arrivée.
Why don't you go out here to the ladies'room and get cleaned up and then come back, and then we can have dinner, dear.
Tu vas aller au toilettes des dames, te nettoyer Tu reviens ensuite, je t'emmenerais dîner!
Besides, I want to get it all cleaned up now... so that nothing will stand in the way of our happiness.
Et puis, je veux repartir à zéro, pour que rien ne fasse obstacle à notre bonheur.
I wanted to get this matter of the ending cleaned up first.
Je voulais d'abord avoir des éclaircissements sur le dénouement.
Oh, well, I suppose I'd better get back to this. I'll get these cleaned up.
Je ferais mieux de m'y remettre.
I'll get my work cleaned up in no time at all.
Je vais me mettre à jour, tu verras.
You'd better get a couple of men down here and get that cleaned up.
Appelez deux ou trois hommes pour nettoyer tout ça.
Hey, Betty, you better get cleaned up.
Va donc te débarbouiller.
They must have cleaned up 50 million between them. What do we get out of it? Not a red cent.
Ils m'ont raflé 50 millions, et je n'ai pas un sou!
You have an hour yet, i've gotta get the locked ward cleaned up.
Vous avez encore une heure. Il faut nettoyer la section fermée.
Get that stuff cleaned up then help Gussie set the table. It's getting late.
Nettoie-moi ça et aide Gussie a mettre la table.
I wish you two would get married and go on a honeymoon. Then I could get these two apartments cleaned up.
Mariez-vous et partez en voyage de noces... que je puisse nettoyer à fond.
You've got one minute to get this place cleaned up and get out, or you'll spend the rest of this trip chained to a torpedo!
Vous avez une minute pour ranger tout ça et sortir. Sinon, vous passerez le reste du voyage enchaîné à une torpille.
I'll get this glass cleaned up a little bit.
Je vais nettoyer ce verre.
Come on, let's get this stuff cleaned up.
Allez, nettoyez-moi ça.
Try to get yourself cleaned up by Saturday, and I'll call for you.
Essaie de te nettoyer avant samedi. Je viendrai te chercher.
Let's get this mess cleaned up.
Nettoyez-moi ce chantier!
But before they and the planes get here, I want this place cleaned up.
Mais avant qu'ils n'arrivent avec les avions, je veux que ce soit nettoyé ici.
You better get yourself cleaned up.
Tu ferais mieux d'aller te laver.
Let's get this place cleaned up.
Il faut nettoyer.
Now, you get it all cleaned up.
Alors nettoie tout ça.
With the colonel coming tomorrow I wanna give Ben a hand and get the barracks cleaned up real special.
Avec la visite du colonel demain, je veux donner un coup de main à Ben pour nettoyer la caserne.
The rest of you, get yourselves cleaned up and deloused.
Et faites-vous laver et épouiller.
How can I ever get it cleaned up?
Comment je vais nettoyer tout ça?
Go and get dressed and cleaned up so we can celebrate.
Allez vous laver et vous habiller, nous allons fêter cela.
Better get it cleaned up.
Il faut nettoyer ça.
I'II take Miss Bowman back to the hotel... and get her cleaned up, all right?
Je raccompagne MeIIe Bowman à son hôtel... pour qu'elle se nettoie, d'accord?
Better get him cleaned up, get him some water, Jake.
Il faut le nettoyer. Apporte-lui de l'eau, Jake.
Get yourself cleaned up, go ask that girl for a dance.
Va te nettoyer et invite cette fille à danser.
- And, Darrin, get yourself cleaned up.
- Et Darrin, prends une douche.
I've just got to get this kitchen cleaned up.
Je dois d'abord nettoyer cette cuisine.

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