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He won't say translate French

472 parallel translation
maybe he won't say anything at all
Sur nous en tout cas.
- He won't say anything
- Il dira rien.
I won't say God is here, God is not. God is here, but He's everywhere.
Je ne dis pas que Dieu est ici, il est aussi ici, mais il est partout.
For the production company, they've already lost hundreds of million won, so we can say they are making a frantic last-ditch effort. For the actor, since he can't keep acting for the drama, he's just trying to maintain his image, that's all.
vous êtes train de dire qu'ils vont révéler de fausses informations aux médias? Alors on peut dire qu'ils tentent la dernière chance. c'est tout.
He won't say why.
Il n'a pas dit pourquoi.
- What'd he say? - The sheriff won't listen to reason. If he doesn't get his money by tomorrow morning, Jaffe don't leave this town.
Jaffe ne pourra quitter la ville que lorsque le shérif aura son argent.
- He won't say.
- Il restera anonyme.
I bet he won't say it about that one.
Je serais surpris.
I didn't say I didn't, I said I did. But now he won't want anything to do with me any more.
Il ne voudra plus rien avoir à faire avec moi maintenant.
He won't say a word,'cause he's not gonna know.
Il en dira rien, car il en saura rien.
He won't say it again, mark you.
Il ne le dira plus, souvenez-vous-en.
He won't say it again, ever.
Il ne le dira plus jamais.
I didn't say he won it.
Il la fait empailler.
He won't see you, but he would say the same thing.
Son supérieur ne vous recevra pas. Et même, il vous dirait la même chose. Et aussi le supérieur du supérieur.
And I won't say it until he looks desperate.
Je ne dirais rien jusqu'à ce qu'il soit à bout.
I won't say anything, but he might.
Moi, non. Mais lui, il pourrait bien.
I have an acquaintance, I won't say friend, he's a thoroughly bad lot. But he might contact this blackmailer.
Je connais quelqu'un de peu fréquentable qui pourrait contacter ce maître-chanteur.
I see. And you say he won't let her come home?
Et lui ne veut pas la laisser revenir?
And if I ask him, I'm sure he won't say no.
Et je suis sûr que si je lui demande il ne refusera pas.
I don't know how to say it, but, he won't hold you.
Je ne sais pas comment l'exprimer, mais, il ne vous retiendra pas.
Broke Dad's heart, although he won't say much.
Père n'avoue pas qu'il a le cœur brisé.
He wouldn't say how Long he might be, but it stands to reason, his time being valuable, he won't be longer than he can Help.
Il n'a pas donné d'heure mais son temps étant précieux il ne tardera pas.
He won't listen to what I have to say.
Il ne m'écoutera pas.
He won't say where he is.
Il ne m'a pas dit où il était.
But don't worry, he won't say a word.
T'en fais pas. Il fermera sa gueule.
I can't say good-bye to him, or he won't let me leave.
Si je lui dis au revoir, il ne me laissera pas partir.
- What did Cagnola say? - He won't listen to reason.
Qu'y a-t-il avec Cagnola?
Don't worry, I won't say yes till he asks me.
Je ne dirai oui que lorsqu'il me le demandera.
- He won't say, but I already know.
Il ne veut pas le dire mais je le sais bien.
And if I say anything else, he won't...
Et si je dis autre chose, il ne...
- He won't say.
- Il n'a rien dit.
He would say to me, " Don't worry. With her heart condition, it won't take long.
Il me disait : " Avec son coeur, elle en a pas pour longtemps.
He's recanted his original story, and now he won't say anything else.
Il a rétracté son histoire. et maintenant il ne dit plus rien,
A man'll say all kinds of things, do all kinds of things under strain, won't he?
On dit et fait de drôles de choses quand on est sous pression, n'est-ce pas?
Now you tell me this. Would you say he won it fair and square... or he cheated?
Dis-moi, l'a-t-il gagnée honnêtement ou a-t-il triché?
I want the child removed from this embassy and removed in such a way that he won't be able to say anymore where he has been tonight.
Je veux que l'enfant soit éloigné d'ici. Qu'il ne puisse plus jamais dire où il a passé la nuit!
He won't be able to say that this year.
Pas cette année.
She said, until you know what you say you won't know for a while, she'd rather he didn't know.
Elle dit que tant que vous ne saurez pas ce que vous ne saurez pas avant longtemps, elle préfère qu'il ne sache pas.
That lousy union'll say anything about a boss who won't sign. Why let him get away with it? What right's he got to accuse...
Il s'acharne sur les patrons qui rejettent le syndicat.
He won't say. Well, keep looking. This butcher or another...
Eh ben, poursuivez mon vieux, poursuivez, ce boucher là ou un autre
He won't say he's here to murder people.
Il n'admettra pas qu'il tue.
Trust me, he won't say anything.
C'est un vieil ami, il dira rien.
But they say he won't be well enough to handle the work by himself.
Mais il ne devrait pas être en état de reprendre le travail.
- Very much, but he won't say it.
- Beaucoup, au contraire!
- Say goodnight... in English. He won't say a thing.
- Dis-lui bonsoir en anglais, il osera rien dire.
- He won't say no.
- Il dira pas non.
The reports say he won't take the command of an army.
Les rapports disent qu'il refuse le commandement d'une armée.
I can't say that it won't be sad parting, but he's got to go.
Je ne dis pas ça de gaîté de cœur, mais il faut qu'il y retourne.
I won't say he didn't do some good things.
Je ne vais pas vous dire qu'il n'a rien fait de bien.
We won't say he didn't do some good things.
Nous, on pense qu'il a fait de bonnes choses.
And her uncle, she's got an uncle, I won't say that he he drank too much you see, but two years after he died his liver won a Charleston contest.
Et son oncle, car elle en a un, je ne dirais pas... qu'il était porté sur la bouteille, mais deux ans après sa mort, son foie a gagné un concours de Charleston!

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