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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / Hear him out

Hear him out translate French

361 parallel translation
Yes, let's hear him out.
If you will hear him out, and if you would try to understand his side of it, Catherine.
Si tu l'écoutais? Si tu essayais de te mettre à sa place?
Or let him talk and hear him out first?
Ou le laissez-vous d'abord parler?
Let's hear him out.
Bill... let's hear him out.
Bill... écoutons-le.
- Hear him out, Mr President.
Ecoutez-le, monsieur.
You hear him out there on the wire, man?
Tu l'entends, près des barbelés?
Look, look. Just hear him out, please, all right?
Ecoutez juste ce qu'il a à vous dire, d'accord?
Let's hear him out.
I think we should at least hear him out, Zoe.
Je crois qu'on devrait, au moins, l'écouter.
I could have kept him out of it... only when he didn't hear from his sweetheart, he didn't care what happened to him.
J'aurais dû le garder en dehors de ça... mais quand il n'a pas de nouvelles de sa bien-aimée il se fiche de ce qui arrive.
Didn't you hear him chanting, as he went out the door?
Ne l'as-tu pas entendu chanter en franchissant le seuil?
I can still see and hear that wild hour... with poor Heathcliff trying to tear away the veil between death and life... crying out to Cathy's soul... to haunt him and torment him... till he died.
Le pauvre Heathcliff essayant d'arracher le voile entre la vie et la mort. lmplorant l'âme de Cathy... de le hanter et de le tourmenter jusqu'à sa mort.
Sheriff, did you ever hear about the fix a man was in... when he was comin'down the road with a pitchfork on his shoulder... and a farmer's dog ran out and bit him on the leg?
Avez-vous entendu parler de cet homme qui se promenait avec une fourche à la main et s'est fait mordre par un chien?
Didn't you hear him? We must get out.
Même le curé nous conseille de partir.
The truth is, you always hear him ring the second time. Even if you're way out in the back yard.
- Et la 2ême fois, on l'entend toujours... même quand on est loin de la porte.
I hear him say he find out.
Il veut la vérité.
That'll be Brander. I had him fly out to hear Grant.
C'est Brander qui me fait son rapport.
Well, take him out if he means that much, Lygia. - Do you hear me? Get rid of him.
S'il signifie tant pour toi, je veux que tu t'en sépares.
That she's his servant no longer, And that if I hear him bawling out for her again, I'm coming right over here, And I'm going to wring his neck.
Et s'il continue à brailler après elle, je lui brise le cou!
Then I'd go out there, so my father wouldn't hear him, to shut him up.
Je voulais qu'il se taise. Mon père pouvait l'entendre.
If I hear of anybody making a play for that girl... I'll personally shoot him out through torpedo tube number one.
Faites des avances à cette fille et je vous éjecte par le lance-torpilles n 1.
- Hear him out.
- Ecoutez-le.
I don't know if you can hear him over that music, but I'll get him out.
Je ne sais pas si vous m'entendez avec la musique. Je vais le faire sortir.
I hear they're really gonna make an idiot out of him.
On va l'assassiner, dans la revue!
Good, now put out some food, and I want to hear you sing for him.
Alors tu vas mettre ton soulier et chanter avec nous.
I don't hear any happy sounds bubbling out of him.
Lui se tait. en tout cas.
- Hear him? Kicking me out. - Calm down.
Monsieur veut me vider!
Out here in the woods no one could hear him scream! Could they?
Ici dans le bois, personne ne pouvait l'entendre.
Great multitudes came out of all Judea and Jerusalem and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon which came to hear him, and to be healed.
Une grande multitude, venue de Judée et de Jérusalem, du littoral de Tyr et de Sidon, était venue pour l'entendre et se faire guérir.
Watch out. I can hear him coming.
Attention, il vient.
Any minute we should hear him slamming out, suitcases in hand.
On va l'entendre claquer la porte d'une minute à l'autre.
Seymour, if he does not walk out of here now, I want to hear him bounce!
Seymour, s'il ne fiche pas le camp, règle-lui son compte.
Why, I almost believe that if I stood here and called out to him, he would hear my invitation to come and visit with us for a little while longer.
J'ai presque envie de croire qu'il me suffirait de l'appeler pour qu'il m'entende et qu'il vienne passer quelque temps avec nous.
Well... would you just tell him that I called and said I was very, very sorry to hear, and I hope they can get it straightened out.
Dites-lui que j'ai appelé et que j'espère que tout va s'arranger.
I really came to find out about my father's disappearance, not to hear moral judgment passed on him.
Je suis là pour retrouver mon père, pas pour assister à son procès.
He threw us out of the room. But we could hear him anyway.
Il nous avait chassés mais nous l'entendions.
Wouldn't Simmons just love to hear how one little has-been movie queen... managed to fix the books and out-swindle him?
Simmons serait ravi d'apprendre comment une diva has been a réussi à... maquiller les comptes et à l'escroquer.
I hear you just stay at home when you should be out looking for him.
Il paraît que vous restez chez vous au lieu de le rechercher.
I can just hear him saying, "Get out and slap that bunch of no-goods. " That's what you get for treating them like white men. "
Je l'entends dire : "Ça vous apprendra à traiter les Blancs de la sorte."
I can hear him saying, " Get out the guns
Je l'entends dire :
Tell him I got my eye on him. I don't wanna hear another word out of him.
Dites-lui que je l'ai à l'œil.
I'll call you when I hear from him, Get out of here.
Je te rappelle quand j'ai de ses nouvelles, pars.
I didn't hear Captain Apollo ask whether I'd like it or not but I heard him tell you to spit it out.
Je n'ai pas entendu le capitaine Apollo vous demander si ça me plairait mais seulement de vous expliquer.
- Listen, listen very carefully, you can hear him out there.
The less I hear from him, the better. I'll see you out.
- Vous savez, mon beau-frère, moins j'en entends parler, mieux je me porte.
Yeah, I hear you go out with him.
Il paraît que vous sortez avec lui.
With George, when I'd hear a noise, I'd wake him up, and then he'd take out his gun. Then he'd have to find the bullets, because I'd always hide the bullets.
Du temps de George, je le réveillais la nuit, il sortait son fusil, cherchait les balles que j'avais cachées, puis on faisait l'amour.
He can't hear out of one ear, that gives him vertigo.
Il est sourd d'une oreille. Donc, ses vertiges sont normaux.
Jack calls out to them, but they can't hear him.
Jacques crie, mais ils ne l'entendent pas.
Tell him to come out! So that he may hear the voice of he who has shouted in the deserts! And in the palaces of kings!
Dites-lui de venir afin qu'il puisse entendre la voix de celui qui a crié dans les déserts et dans les palais des rois.

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