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Help him up translate French

485 parallel translation
- Help him up.
- Aidez-le à monter.
I went to help him up, and I could smell the vodka on his breath.
Je suis allé à l'aider à monter, et je pouvais sentir la vodka dans son haleine.
- Oh, help him up!
- Relevons-le.
Help him up to Mrs. Evans.
Amenez-le à Mme Evans.
But the Bible says - woe to him that is alone when he falleth, for he have not another to help him up
"Malheur à celui qui est seul. " S'il tombe, il n'a pas de second pour le relever. "
Shall we help you tie him up, lady?
On vous aide à l'attacher? Oh non!
[Walter] Let's all go up and help him find her.
Montons tous l'aider à la trouver.
Help me to give him up.
Aide-moi à le leur rendre.
Help me lift him up.
Aidez-moi à le soulever.
Tell Oliver to rustle up all the empty packing cases and debris he can find. Help him bring it in here.
Qu'Oliver rassemble tous les débris qu'il trouve, puis apportez-les ici.
Up there, going back and forth, and nobody made an effort to help him down.
Il tournait en rond là-haut et personne n'a tenté de l'aider à descendre.
While that doesn't help us to name a man, once we've lined up on a suspect, there'll be a positive check on him. Especially the shoe prints.
Sans donner de nom, ça permettra de confondre un suspect... surtout les chaussures.
This'll help me bring him up.
Ça m'aidera à l'élever.
Even then, it's possible he might turn up and ask you to help him.
Il est possible qu'il vienne vous demander de l'aide.
He's trying to help us and I'll stick up for him to you or anyone else.
II essaie de nous aider et je compte bien le défendre.
Anyway, I didn't dare tell August that she wasn't here and I didn't dare call her where I thought she was because the kind of a man who checks up on his wife is the kind of a man who hires detectives to help him and has telephones tapped
Je n'ai pas osé mentir à August, ni l'appeler, elle, où je la croyais. Ceux qui surveillent leur femme engagent des détectives et piègent le téléphone.
Don't make him grow up, help him.
Ne le faites pas grandir trop vite, aidez-le.
Well, will killing him... help your children to grow up any better than you or him or me?
Bien, vous voulez le tuer... et aider vos enfants à grandir et à devenir meilleur que vous ou lui ou moi?
If he tries to cheer me up, so help me, I'll hit him with an ice bag. " Right?
S'il me fait rire, je le frapperai. " Juste? - Faux.
Then I thought that maybe Michael might help and I rang him up.
J'ai pensé que Michael pourrait me conseiller. Je lui ai téléphoné.
Won't help to catch up with Maygro unless we've got more than words to offer him.
Ça ne servira pas á grand-chose de rattraper Maygro... si on n " a que des paroles á lui offrir.
I'll be glad to go up there and help him if he needs me.
Je serai heureux d'aller l'aider.
I haven't even seen him, except to help carry him up to bed.
Je ne l'ai même pas vu! Sauf hier. Et encore...
Here, help me raise him up.
Aidez-moi à le relever.
If you pick him up and bring him in... he may be able to help us some more.
Amenez-le ici, cela pourrait nous aider.
I don't think I ever did see him standing on his own 2 feet without something to help hold him up.
Je ne l'ai jamais vu tenir en équilibre tout seul.
- Help him set up the bed.
Aidez-le à faire le lit.
Poor man left with a squealing baby that's gotta be brung up, with no wife to help him.
Et je me retrouve seul à élever un marmot.
That may help you give him up... But it may work otherwise, too.
Ça pourrait t'aider à l'oublier... mais ça peut aussi avoir l'effet inverse.
A poor ex-convict comes to a new town lookin'for a fresh start... and one of the leading citizens steps right up... and offers him financial help.
Un pauvre détenu arrive dans une nouvelle ville pour un nouveau départ... et un des habitants les plus éminents lui offre son aide financière.
Quick, pick him up! Help him, someone!
Il a l'oiseau!
This is the gadget that Major Nelson uses to help him float up in the air.
C'est l'appareil que le commandant utilise pour flotter.
Did you help him fix it up?
Tu l'as aidé à arranger l'endroit?
You'll do no such thing. I need you here to help me. Just tie him up.
J'irai le promener, d'accord?
And he watched. I forced him to help, me with the tiding up.
Il a regardé, et je l'ai obligé à m'aider à nettoyer.
Tie him up. - Help! - Damn horse!
Tiens le gamin!
And now will you please help him bring my trunk up from the cellar?
Veux-tu bien aller chercher ma malle de la cave?
Leo, help me get him up to the car.
Léo, aide-moi à le monter dans la voiture. Vite!
He doesn't know enough about the inner workings of the syndicate to help us, but he does know Wayne, he grew up with him.
Il n'en sait pas assez sur le fonctionnement interne du syndicat mais il connaît très bien Wayne.
Common courtesy, Mr. Spock. He's going to spend the rest of his days in our time. It's only decent to help him catch up.
C'est normal que nous l'aidions à rattraper son retard.
And this is his buddy down here in the cop uniform running up to help him, see?
C'est une tache blanche.
She wants to help by making men judge him, and sets up the first human law court.
Elle instaure le premier tribunal humain.
They were beating him up good in Nakashiro, and with a heart of Buddha, naturally I had to help him.
Ils l'ont bien amoché à Nakashiro. J'ai un cœur de Bouddha, j'ai dû l'aider.
Come on. Come on, help me up with him.
Allez, viens m'aider à le remonter.
- Well, get it. He could be dreaming up some new medicine... that could help all mankind. - Wake him.
vous vous baladez au clair de lune, près de la rivière.
That's supposed to be Madden's plane, but we'll cut that out and start him going up to help McKinnon.
ça, c'est l'avion de Madden, mais on va le couper et revenir sur lui quand il va aider McKinnon.
I'm going to ask him to help us clean up the city.
Je vais lui demander de nous aider à nettoyer cette ville.
Mac, help him with the stencils Hold them up
- Et il a été tué.
Help with the back, hurry up, carry * him off.
Coupez-lui la route.
Help me get him up.
Aide-moi à le relever.
Didn't the church help you? they took the baby, and... they did put him up for adoption with a good Catholic family. Yeah, they...
L'église est intervenue?

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