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I really shouldn't translate French

565 parallel translation
I really shouldn't!
Vraiment, ce n'est pas bien.
Oh, I really shouldn't.
Ce ne serait pas convenable.
- I really shouldn't, with my figure. - Tie it up the front.
Ce n'est pas du tout mon genre.
I really shouldn't have lived.
Je ne devais pas survivre.
Well, I really shouldn't. I've got work to do.
Je ne devrais pas, j'ai du travail.
As a matter of fact, I really shouldn't be left alone.
Surtout quand je suis seul.
He's very fond of me and I really shouldn't like to hurt his feelings.
Il m'aime beaucoup et je voudrais pas lui faire de peine.
I really shouldn't... Well, OK.
I really shouldn't have.
Je n'aurais pas dû.
You know, I really shouldn't do this.
Tu sais, je ne devrais vraiment pas faire ça.
I really shouldn't.
Vraiment pas.
And you shouldn't be so surprised, because if I may be so bold as to say I would be in love with you as well. Really? Exactly.
You are really too gracious, Lady Catherine, but, I shouldn't care to disturb the housekeeper.
Vous êtes trop bonne, Lady Catherine... Mais je ne veux pas déranger la gouvernante.
I really shouldn't take money for this.
Je ne devrais vraiment pas accepter d'argent pour ça.
It is really none of my business and I shouldn't have come but..
Ce ne sont pas mes affaires Je devais venir.
- In fact, I really shouldn't be here.
- En fait, je ne devrais pas être là.
Well, I really don't see why I shouldn't tell you about it now.
Oh, pourquoi te le cacherais-je, à présent?
Mr. Hoag, I really shouldn't be doing this.
Je ne devrai pas.
I really shouldn't, but I must see it.
- Je ne devrais pas. Mais je veux voir ça.
Oh, I really shouldn't.
Je ne devrais pas accepter.
I really shouldn't give him a birthday present at all.
J'ai eu tort d'acheter un cadeau.
Well, I suppose I really shouldn't keep you any longer, so, goodbye.
Je ne vous retarde pas davantage. Au revoir.
- I really shouldn't.
- Vraiment, c'est trop.
I really shouldn't.
- Je ne devrais pas.
No, I really shouldn't be in a place like this.
Non, je ne devrais pas fréquenter ce genre d'endroit.
Well, I really shouldn't tell you this...
Je ne devrais pas vous dire ça.
No, really I shouldn't. Not all the time, because it isn't good for you to have your own way always.
Ce n'est pas bon de céder à tous tes caprices.
- I really shouldn't be helping you.
- Je ne devrais pas t'aider.
It's a military secret, and I really shouldn't tell you.
C'est un secret militaire et je ne devrais rien dire.
Oh, I really shouldn't have another one.
Oh, vous n'auriez pas dû! Puis-je regarder?
I really shouldn't be saying this to an outsider but sometimes he's terribly irresponsible and gets into all kinds of escapades.
Je ne devrais pas dire cela à une étrangère... mais parfois, il est totalement irresponsable. Il fait toutes sortes de frasques.
I'm so sorry. I really shouldn't start asking questions.
Désolé d'avoir posé la question!
- Well, I really shouldn't, but I...
- Je ne devrais pas, mais...
I — I really shouldn't —
Je ne devrais vraiment pas —
I shouldn't think Billy would mind, really.
Je ne pense pas que Billy en souffrirait, vraiment.
- Well, I really shouldn't, but ─
- Ce n'est pas raisonnable.
I really shouldn't have come here.
Je n'aurais pas dû venir ici.
I shouldn't really say this to you, Katsuyo but I think that life as a geisha probably suits your mother best
Je ne devrais peut-être pas vous le dire, Katsuyo, mais je crois que ce métier convient parfaitement à votre mère.
I really shouldn't drink any more.
Je ne devrais vraiment plus boire.
I really shouldn't bother Your Grand Ducal- -
Je ne veux pas ennuyer Votre grand-ducal...
- I really shouldn't tell you.
- Je devrais pas.
I really shouldn't have pulled a thing like that on a fella like you.
J'aurais pas dû te faire un coup pareil.
I really shouldn't have let him go with us.
Je n'aurais pas dû le laisser venir avec nous.
I suppose I really shouldn't call you my darling, should I? That too has become merely a figure of speech.
Je pense que je ne devrais pas vous appeler "ma chérie", ça aussi, c'est devenu une figure de style.
I shouldn't wait up. Well, once again, Miss Gale, I'm terribly sorry that Karl burst in on you in such an alarming way, but he-he really did think the place was being burgled.
Encore une fois, Mme Gale... désolée que Carl vous ait sauté dessus mais il vous a vraiment prise pour une voleuse.
- Oh, I really... Really, I shouldn't be taking up your time. I have a very dear friend who's in trouble.
Excusez-moi de vous déranger... mais une de mes amies a des ennuis.
I really shouldn't have any more.
Je ne devrais pas.
I really shouldn't have come this late.
J'aurais dû attendre au matin.
I really shouldn't go at all.
Je ne devrais pas en être.
I mean, while I'm getting my divorce we really shouldn't be seen with each other. Yes.
Pendant la procédure de divorce, il ne faut pas qu'on nous voie ensemble.
If I really wanted to live, I shouldn't have been so stupid and eaten one.
Si j'avais vraiment voulu survivre, je n'aurais pas dû être aussi stupide...

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