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Translate.vc / English → French / [ I ] / I was saying

I was saying translate French

5,368 parallel translation
I didn't know what I was saying.
Mes mots ont dépassé ma pensée.
So, as I was saying...
Donc, comme je le disais...
So as I was saying...
Donc comme je le disais...
OK, so, as I was saying, after seeing this exclusive preview, I feel like I have to know if a certain "character" gets killed this time around.
Ok, donc je disais, qu'après avoir vu cet extrait exclusif, j'ai besoin de savoir si un certain "quelque chose"
You know... What I was saying about writing being meaningless...
Vous savez... ce que je disais à propos du peu d'intérêt d'écrire...
Yeah. Uh, as I was saying, you sustained no serious injuries from the collapse, but... but, yeah, see, that's where you left off last time.
Comme je vous le disais, vous n'avez subi aucune blessure sérieuse venant de l'effondrement, mais... mais, c'est là que vous vous êtes arrêter la dernière fois.
Okay, as I was saying- -
Ok, comme je disais...
Anyway, like I was saying... you want to know about real love, there's this old couple... had a car wreck, out on the interstate.
Bref, je disais... L'amour véritable me fait penser à ce vieux couple. Ils ont eu un accident de voiture sur l'autoroute.
The words I was saying didn't even sound like words anymore.
Les mots que je disais ne semblaient plus comme des mots.
- Norman, as I was saying, why don't we ask Norman if he knows how to put a seat belt on?
- Norman, c'est ce que je disais, pourquoi on ne demanderait pas à Norman s'il sait comment attacher une ceinture?
As I was saying, your mother and your brother are the victims of a dishonest ruse, as your good sense tells you.
Vos mère et frère sont victimes d'une vilaine ruse, comme vous l'indique votre bon sens.
I was saying, it's a bit difficult to explain, but our daughter wasn't alone.
C'est dur à expliquer, mais notre fille n'était pas seule.
- Hello Viren, I was saying that...
- Allô? Viren, je te disais...
You know that thing I was saying about being Bi...
Tu sais, quand je t'avais dis que j'étais bi...
As I was saying, Tom,
Comme je le disais, Tom,
I was saying, "Don't miss her."
Je disais, "ne la manque pas."
As I was saying putting sexual assault cases entirely in the hands of civilian courts fundamentally erodes the military's ability to self-discipline.
Je disais donc... Mettre tous les procès pour viols dans les mains des juridictions civiles érode la faculté des militaires à s'autodiscipliner.
So, Santa Barbara, if you've got- - like I was saying, if you've got, um, big plans this weekend, keep those fingers crossed...'cause rain... it's coming.
Donc, Santa Barbara, si vous avez... comme je disais, si vous avez des plans ce week-end, croisez les doigts... car la pluie... arrive.
Anyways, as I was saying, Ray really seems to have the respect of his peers on the court.
Bref, Ray semble vraiment respecté de ses pairs sur le terrain.
All I was saying to Mom was that I think you should get some counseling.
Je lui disais simplement que vous devriez voir quelqu'un.
- That's all I was saying.
C'est mon avis.
As I was saying, Green Lantern can do anything.
Comme je le disais, un Green Lantern peut tout faire.
As I was saying, Mr. Borden, there seems to be no sign of forced entry.
Il n'y a pas de traces d'effraction.
In order to understand what he was saying i needed to grab his hand and transfer the language.
Afin de comprendre ce qu'il disait j'avais besoin d'attraper sa main et transférer la langue.
Mal found me in this bar and I was off my head, couldn't even understand what he was saying.
Mal m'a trouvé dans un bar, j'étais complètement saoul. Je ne comprenais même pas ce qu'il me disait.
Anyway, as I was saying...
Comme je le disais, je tiens beaucoup à vous,
Reason for calling, besides saying hi... I just want to know if you happened to get this notice. What was it?
J'appelle pour dire bonjour, mais aussi pour savoir si tu as reçu ce courrier.
Sydney Pollack was really nice, but sometimes I didn't understand what he was saying, but I was too shy to ask.
Sydney Pollack était super, mais je ne le comprenais pas toujours. Je n'osais pas demander.
I mean, I heard stuff from people saying that, like, Ana, like, she was doing all this weird witch stuff, like, rituals on pregnant women and stuff.
J'ai entendu des gens dire qu'Ana faisait des trucs de sorcellerie, des rituels sur des femmes enceintes.
I just felt that that's what God was saying, and he just wanted you to know it.
J'ai senti que c'était ce que Dieu voulait dire, et Il voulait que vous le sachiez.
And she kept talking over me and not saying it back, and... It was like I was gone already, you know?
Et elle continuait de me parler, et ne me le disait pas en retour, et c'était comme si j'étais déjà mort, tu vois?
I was only saying what every other fucker in here was thinking.
Je disais juste ce que tous les autres enculés ici pensaient. Ed :
- As I was in the process of saying...
- Comme j'étais en train de le dire...
I'm just saying, one of us has an airtight alibi and the other was found passed out next to Bonnie's body, so...
Mais l'un de nous a un alibi en béton, l'autre a été retrouvé évanoui à côté de Bonnie...
All right, what I'm saying is I was aware that I might have lost my mind.
Je me rendais compte que je perdais peut-être les pédales.
I'm not saying it was nothing.
- Je peux pas vous dire qu'il s'est rien passé.
No, I'm not saying she was.
Non, je ne dis pas qu'elle l'était.
Last night, after we stayed awake together... and our souls clapped their hands and sang, we made a clean breast of it, I was thinking about you saying...
Hier soir, après être restés debout ensemble et après avoir fait applaudir et chanter nos âmes, j'ai repensé à ce que tu as dit.
I mean, the guy on the news last night was saying how the eyes of the world would be on Marshall High.
Le gars des infos hier soir disait que les yeux de tout le monde seraient sur le lycée Marshall.
Look, if you don't mind me saying, and I mean no disrespect, it makes me wonder how you missed what your husband was doing.
Si tu ne m'en veux pas de te poser la question, et sans vouloir être irrespectueux, je me demande comment tu as pu passer à côté de ce que faisait ton mari?
I was so busy listening to these stupid fucks, I didn't listen to this voice in my own head saying,
J'étais tellement occupée à écouter ces pauvres cons, j'ai pas écouté ma voix intérieure qui disait,
Was I just saying something?
Est-ce que je disais quelque chose?
Thank you for saying so, sir, but the truth is I was myself all too much.
- En fait, je l'étais un peu trop.
And also one time I read this interview with Sarah Jessica Parker in Backstage, and she was saying that it's super important to learn the names of all of the crew. And, if you can, like, a couple of their wives because it means a lot to those people.
Dans Backstage, Sarah Jessica Parker expliquait que c'était super important de connaître tous les noms de l'équipe et si possible de quelques épouses, car ça compte beaucoup pour eux.
Mom, you've been saying this since I was 15.
tu me le répètes depuis que j'ai 15 ans.
I guess that was his way of saying no.
Je suppose que c'était sa façon de dire non.
What was I saying?
Je disais?
I was just saying what we could do here.
Je parlais juste de ce que nous pourrions faire ici.
I'm not saying it was someone else when it wasn't. In that case...
Avec la crise, il a vendu ses constructions navales aux Danois.
You use this one just to contact David? I didn't send this saying I was coming to Whitley.
Non, James Bennett n'est pas l'assassin.
For saying "I love you" and meaning it, even if it was just for a second.
Pour te dire je t'aime et vouloir, Même si c'était juste pour une seconde.

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