I went translate French
47,081 parallel translation
And when the game was over, I went back to London.
Et quand le jeu s'est terminé, je suis retournée à Londres.
When I went home that summer and I showed my mom the photos of us hanging out, she was so happy.
L'été suivant, quand j'ai montré à ma mère les photos de nous, ça lui a fait tellement plaisir!
Not her. I went to Planned Parenthood.
Je suis allée au planning familial.
No idea why I went into social work.
Je me demande pourquoi j'ai choisi le social.
I went back to Jesus, and I kissed his hand.
Je suis retournée auprès de Jésus, et lui ai baisé les mains.
Well, I wish I'd known that before I went to all this trouble and broke you out of jail.
J'aurais aimé savoir ça avant de me causer tant de mal pour te faire sortir de prison.
I went to Diyala province, which is the size of Massachusetts along the Iranian border, because that's where I was going to embed with the Operational Detachment Alpha 0-7-2.
Je suis allée à la province de Diyala, qui fait la taille du Massachusetts le long de la frontière iranienne parce que c'est là que je devais être rattachée au Détachement Opérationnel Alpha 072. POSTE DE COMBAT AVANCÉ PIRELLI DOA 072
So, when I went out cold, you ran in and tried to kiss me?
Alors, quand j'étais inconscient, tu t'es précipitée et as essayé de m'embrasser?
I went over.
J'y suis allé.
And then I went blind.
Et je suis devenu aveugle.
If I went outside, I'd die.
Si je sors, je meurs.
I just wanted to come back better than when I went in... for you.
Je voulais revenir un homme meilleur. Pour toi.
I went out for some air last night, and I run into her.
Je suis allé prendre l'air et je suis tombé sur elle.
Matter of fact, I went to the police.
Je suis même allé voir la police.
When I went to strip clubs, I now had an older audience, a younger audience, a political audience, a gay audience, male audience, female audience.
Dans les clubs de strip-tease, j'ai un public plus âgé et un plus jeune, un public de politiciens, d'homosexuels, d'hommes, de femmes.
I was ready for anything by the time I went to New York.
J'étais prête à tout en arrivant à New York.
So when I went up there to get the money to buy the food,
Quand j'y suis allée pour récupérer l'argent pour les courses,
We were fighting and I went to bed, and I couldn't sleep.
On s'est disputés, puis on est allés se coucher, et je ne pouvais pas dormir.
I went into Vivid and said, you know, I talked to the owner and said,
Je suis allée les voir, et je leur ai dit, j'ai dit au directeur :
So I went to Vivid, I went to Wicked, and I went to VCA, and made exorbitant requests.
Je suis alors allée chez Vivid, Wicked et VCA et je leur ai fait des demandes exorbitantes.
I went down there, I did the audition and everything.
J'y suis allé, j'ai passé l'audition.
I went, "What do you mean, erotic?"
J'ai dit : "Comment ça, érotique?"
And I'm looking down at this woman, her eyes rolled in the back of her head, and I went, "What the hell?" " I done killed a white woman, I'm going to jail.
Je regarde cette femme, ses yeux roulent vers l'arrière, et je me dis : " Merde, j'ai tué une femme blanche.
She says, "I came and then I went somewhere."
Elle a dit : "Je suis venue et je suis allée quelque part."
And I went, " How much?
" Combien?
But then I went before the court.
Puis je suis allé au tribunal.
And that's when I went and came up to Washington to raise my boy.
C'est là que je suis venu à Washington pour élever mon fils.
Off and on, I went to the BunnyRanch for a minute and worked.
De temps en temps, je vais au ranch et je travaille.
I went to rehab. I was in rehab for a month.
Je suis allée en désintox pendant un mois.
I went through the woods. It was dark.
Je suis passé par les bois.
And I went there whenever I desperately needed chocolate, which was, like, most days of the week.
Et j'y allais dès que j'étais en manque de chocolat, ce qui veut dire, presque tous les jours.
I went through four pairs that season.
J'en avais usé quatre paires pendant la saison.
I went into the pantry, one of them jumped me.
Je suis allé à la réserve, on m'a sauté dessus.
General, I thought it went very well at the École Militaire today.
Ça s'est bien passé à l'École militaire.
I used to think that men went gray because they had stressful jobs with stressful decisions to make.
Je croyais qu'on se faisait des cheveux blancs à cause du stress et des décisions difficiles.
I don't know where Ziggy went. He's with Chloe.
- Je sais pas où est Ziggy.
And mama said, "Don't forget your little brother," so I wrapped him up tight, and off we went.
"N'oublie pas ton petit frère", donc je l'ai serré fort et on est partis.
Meeting went well, I thought.
La réunion s'est bien passé, j'ai trouvé.
When you went missing, I realised that I don't love you.
Lorsque tu as disparu, j'ai réalisé que je ne t'aimais pas.
Yeah, because I almost lost it when that cat went face-first into the litter box.
Ouais, parce que j'ai presque craqué quand ce chat s'est jeté dans sa litière.
I paid $ 9,000 to ground the house against electromagnetic fields so that we all didn't get brain cancer. Or the time when we went camping?
J'ai payé 9 000 dollars pour protéger la maison des ondes et nous éviter un cancer.
I mean, what would happen if you went outside?
Et il se passe quoi, si tu sors?
One hour went by, then two, then three, and I just sat there.
Une heure a passé, puis deux, puis trois, et je suis resté assis là.
You know, I'm wearing my grandmother's silk robe, and I put on some Lee press-on fingernails, and we did some makeup and went to Malibu Beach.
Je portais la robe en soie de ma grand-mère, j'avais mis des faux ongles, on m'a mis un peu de maquillage et on est allés à Malibu Beach.
When Janine was going through what she went through with Jesse and the loss of Sunny, I thought I was gonna lose her.
Quand Janine a vécu toutes ces épreuves avec Jesse et la perte de Sunny, je pensais que j'allais la perdre.
So, I see you went for nuts again.
Je vois que tu te lâches encore sur les amandes.
I totally thought you guys went to third.
Je pensais vraiment que vous aviez couché.
For days after Tyler's picture went around, I tried to catch your eye.
Une fois la photo de Tyler diffusée, j'ai tenté de te parler.
The camera went black, but I'm pretty sure he died.
La caméra est morte, mais lui aussi.
I bet you went down on him.
Je parie que tu l'as sucé.
I bet you went down on him.
Tu l'as sucé?
i went for a walk 44
i went shopping 18
i went to the bathroom 21
i went over there 16
i went to 26
i went home 97
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went inside 19
i went too far 34
i went shopping 18
i went to the bathroom 21
i went over there 16
i went to 26
i went home 97
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went inside 19
i went too far 34