If he finds out translate French
697 parallel translation
If he finds out... never again will he be happy.
Quand il s'en apercevra, jamais plus il ne sera heureux.
And they thought it was you. Oh, don't you see, Tom, if he finds out it wasn't you, he'II...
Vous voyez, s'il apprend qu'il s'est trompé...
If he finds out he's her father his chest will be bigger than his head.
S'il apprend qu'il est son père, sa poitrine deviendra plus grosse que sa tête.
Don't you realize what it would mean if he finds out?
Tu sais ce qui pourrait arriver s'il s'en aperçoit?
What's the matter? What if he finds out about me?
- Et s'il me pince?
What if he finds out?
- Et s'il s'en aperçoit?
But if he finds out his wife and I are friends, we're ruined.
S'il apprend qu'on est amis, on est ruinés.
If he finds out, it'll prove a Stanton is no different than anyone else.
II comprendra que Ies Stanton sont comme Ies autres.
If he finds out you have insomnia he'll look for its cause and probably stumble on it.
S'il découvre vos insomnies, il en cherchera la cause.
If he finds out...
S'il découvre...
- And if he finds out?
- Et s'iI Ie découvre?
Yes. And if he finds out you're engaged, you're a canned frog.
S'il apprend que tu es fiancée, tu es cuite.
If he finds out you're alive....
S'il voit que vous êtes en vie...
He'll skin me alive if he finds out I was out with a couple of tramps.
Il me tuera s'il apprend la vérité.
I know Brig will be angry and embarrassed if he finds out I talked to you.
Brig m'en voudra s'il apprend que je vous ai parlé.
What if he finds out you're a witch?
Et s'il découvre que tu es une sorcière?
If he finds out we've been dipping into the taxes, it'll be as bad for you as for me.
S'il découvre qu'on s'est servi dans les taxes, on sera tous les deux dans le pétrin.
If he finds out, he'll kill both of us.
S'il le découvre, il nous tuera tous les deux.
- What if he finds out the truth?
- Et s'il découvre la vérité?
Oh, sure. If he finds out about it...
Si jamais il le découvre...
Her father will kill her if he finds out.
Si son père l'apprenait...
If he finds out you're not my daughter,
Quand il saura la verite,..
Mr. Brownlow will be here after you if he finds out you've got his books and money.
M. Brownlow vous poursuivra s'il apprend que vous avez ses livres et ses sous.
He'll kill me as it is if he finds out.
Il me tuera s'il l'apprend.
He doesn't and it doesn't matter if he finds out.
Oui, et peu importe s'il l'apprend.
Be sure you understand, because if he finds out about this, none of you will leave this building alive.
S'il comprend ce qui se passe, aucun de vous ne quittera ce bâtiment vivant.
Dink will die if he finds it out.
Dink va en être malade.
If he finds me out here, he'll wallop me.
S'il me trouve ici, il va me bastonner.
If Dillon finds out... And if he doesn't, he's dumber than I thought...
S'il l'apprend, plus d'argent, à moins qu'il ne soit sot.
If Ezra ever finds out anything about anything he'll cut me off like a ripe banana. He said so.
Si jamais Ezra apprend ce qui se passe ici, il me coupera comme une branche pourrie.
And if Custer finds out you told Yellow Hand, he'll give you the firing squad.
Et si Custer apprend que tu as parlé à Main Jaune, tu seras fusillée.
It'd be a swell shot if he finds the champ and kicks him out.
On aurait un bonne photo s'il le virait.
If he ever finds out, I'll be disbarred.
S'il s'en rend compte, je serai radié.
If he ever finds out we've been making all this up, he'll fire the both of us.
S'il apprend la vérité, on est virés!
But he's afraid if she finds out he's gonna pay all that dough, she won't let him.
Mais il voudrait éviter... qu'elle sache qu'il casque.
If your father finds out, he'll kill me.
Si ton père te découvre, il me tue.
Gee, I hate to, because he's a kind of a new brother-in-law... and if my sister finds out, she'll die...
Ça m'angoisse parce que c'est un nouveau beau-frère, et si ma soeur le sait, elle me tuera...
I'll get it for you. If he finds out about us, he'll kill me.
S'il apprend pour nous deux, il me tuera.
Yes, but if the Master finds out... He would rather know that, than some things I know!
Il aimerait mieux apprendre ça que d'autres choses que je sais.
He won't have one tomorrow... if Matt Ord finds out I've been canned.
Il ne l'aura pas demain, si Matt Ord apprend qu'on m'a viré.
He knows what'll happen if my family finds out.
Il sait ce que ma famille en penserait.
And if he ever finds out about me, I'll kill myself.
Et s'il découvre la vérité sur moi... je me tuerai.
If The Shark finds out that you saw him... he'll kill you.
Si le Requin découvre que tu l'as vu... il te tuera.
If he finds any marks, abrasions or bullet wounds on the body, take him over to the Commandant's office and stay with him while he writes out his statement.
S'il trouve la moindre trace de coup, écorchure ou blessure par balle, emmenez-le dans le bureau du commandant, et restez-y avec lui pour qu'il écrive une déclaration.
Oh Lib if my dad finds out he'll never let me come here again. You know how strict he is.
Si mon père l'apprend, il ne me laissera plus jamais venir ici.
We shouldn't. If Father finds out he'll be furious.
Si Père découvre nos faits et gestes, il sera furieux.
If Go'emon finds out that Hayato is the commander of the fort... He wouldn't attack so carelessly.
Lorsque Gôemon apprendra l'identité du général de la forteresse, il ne pourra plus charger.
If Fu Manchu finds out, he'II kill us.
Si Fu Manchu l'apprend, iI nous tuera.
If he gets suspicious and finds out that I'm Dr. Rasha Houn, I'm dead.
S'il découvre que je suis Rasha Houn, je suis mort.
Well, I'd feel sorry for him too, except for one thing : If he ever finds out about you I'll get thrown out of the space program.
En effet, mais c'est oublier que s'il apprend ton existence, je serai chassé du programme spatial.
If Chalmers finds out that Ross died, he's going to fold this up.
Si Chalmers l'apprend, il va arrêter les frais.
if he's still alive 35
if he didn't 28
if he hadn't 19
if he 47
if he dies 138
if he knew 26
if he does 148
if he wins 28
if he did 163
if he was 62
if he didn't 28
if he hadn't 19
if he 47
if he dies 138
if he knew 26
if he does 148
if he wins 28
if he did 163
if he was 62