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Is there anybody there translate French

981 parallel translation
'Is there anybody there?
" Il y a quelqu'un?
Is there anybody there?
Il y a quelqu'un, par là?
Is there anybody there?
Y a-t-il quelqu'un?
But both of you knew that there will be some romance later in the story. Although they realize that they love each other more than anybody, they have to be enemies, so this is a pivotal turning point for these two characters.
Mais tous les deux savaient qu'il y aurait de la romance dans l'histoire.
Is there anybody here who will talk?
- Quelqu'un veut-il dire quelque chose?
Say, is there anybody here but us?
Y a-t-il quelqu'un d'autre ici?
Now, everybody who is anybody in town is going to be there, you can count on that.
Tous les gens qui comptent dans la ville y seront, c'est certain.
Well, is there anybody else home?
Il y a quelqu'un d'autre à la maison?
Is there anybody in this room named Eve Peabody?
Y a-t-il une dénommée Eve Peabody dans la salle?
Everybody does. I haven't the least idea who he is... but there isn't anybody here who isn't internationally important.
Je n'ai pas la moindre idée de qui c'est, mais tout le monde ici a une importance internationale.
Is anybody a doctor? There's a girl here.
Y a-t-il un médecin à bord?
Is anybody down there?
Il y a quelqu'un en bas?
Is anybody there?
Il y a quelqu'un?
Is there anybody who can set them for him?
Y a-t-il quelqu'un qui puisse s'en occuper?
Is there anybody on duty there?
Il y a un standard ou quoi?
Pop, top floor tenant, the roof is theirs. And I ain't gonna let anybody up there except Kenny Gaddis, because,
Je ne laisserai personne monter sur le toit, sauf Henny.
Is there anybody here?
- La patronne est là? - Oui.
Is there anybody home?
Y a personne ici?
is there anybody to...?
N'y aura-t-il donc personne pour...?
Is there anybody hurt?
Quelqu'un est blessé?
Is there anybody with you?
Il y a quelqu'un avec toi?
Anybody that can hold an accurate course in that country up there is a genius... and he's getting considerable help from God, to boot.
et il aurait un sérieux coup de main du bon Dieu, en plus.
"Aye, there is, but I cannot tell ya." is there anybody who can?
Je ne peux rien dire.
When Mr. McAllister walks by, if there is anybody else on the street, we let him go.
S'il n'est pas seul, nous le laisserons passer.
One thing, Mrs. Dane. Is there anybody that Frankie's especially angry at?
Mais dites-moi, Frankie en veut-il à quelqu'un?
Is there any happiness in this world, I wonder for anybody?
Le bonheur existe-t-il? Pour qui que ce soit?
If there is such a thing why hasn't anybody seen it?
Si elle existe, pourquoi ne l'a-t-on pas encore vue?
Is there anybody else onboard who can land this plane?
Y a-t-il quelqu'un à bord qui puisse faire atterrir cet avion?
- Good morning, is there anybody here?
- Bonjour, il y a quelqu'un?
Is there anybody with you?
Êtes-vous accompagnée?
- Is anybody there?
- Il y a quelqu'un?
- Is anybody else up there?
- Y a d'autres gars ici?
- Is there anybody left in there?
- Il reste quelqu'un là-dedans?
Is there anybody in this house?
Il y a quelqu'un dans cette maison?
Is anybody there?
II y a quelqu'un?
Is anybody there?
- Y a quelqu'un?
Hello.. is anybody there?
Hé... Il y a quelqu'un?
Is there anybody?
Il n'y a personne?
Is there anybody?
Il y a quelqu'un?
Is anybody there?
Il n'y a personne?
Is there anybody here?
Y a-t-il quelqu'un ici?
Is there anybody? ...
Y a-t-il quelqu'un...?
Is there anybody here?
Il n'y a personne par là?
- Is anybody in there?
Il y a des détenus?
All anybody has to do is just to look at the four of us — I mean, to know that there was nothing wrong.
Il suffit de nous regarder pour voir qu'on a rien fait de mal.
Hey, is anybody there?
Hé, Î / y a quelqu'un 7
Is there anybody you don't like?
Tu aimes donc tout le monde?
Is there anybody in the cafe, old man?
Il n'y a personne au café?
Hey! Is anybody there?
Il y a quelqu'un?
There is no question of loving anybody.
Il ne s'agit pas d'amour.
Is there anybody seated who hasn't been to see me first?
Y a-t-il quelqu'un assis ici qui rest pas venu me voir d'abord?

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