Kil translate French
91 parallel translation
You want the bottle? You want the bottle?
Tu veux ton kil de rouge?
- Who's Kilrain?
- "Qui est Kil...?"
Why don't you kil me?
Pourquoi ne me tue pas?
KHALIL : I will kil I them both!
Je les tuerai tous les deux.
For a key?
Pour un kil?
Kil Na Dzam, as you say.
Kil na dzam, comme vous dites.
Take this as a lesson, Next time I'll kil lyou!
Que ça te serve de leçon, sinon je te tuerai!
But one single Juan Pablo, one cute little kid... one future leader who'll take our nation to greatness... you telling me we keep him out, my son?
Mais kil n'y a qu'un seul Juan Pablo, un adorable bambin, futur leader qui conduira notre nation vers la grandeur, vous me demandez de lui fermer la porte? A mon fils?
I'm Mr. Kil.
Je suis M. Kil.
- We need Kil to help us get out of here.
- Kil va nous aider à sortir d'ici.
Sometimes the people that you kil...
Ça implique parfois de tuer...
The man I swore to kil.
L'homme que je jure de tuer.
His name is Shim Jong-kil, and he works in state affairs.
Son nom est Shim Jong-kil, et il travaille aux affaires d'État.
Lady Jung, Sir Yoon Kil-jin's daughter-in-law.
Vous pensiez que je suis venu de si loin juste pour voir votre commémoration? Alors, pourquoi?
That widow of nine years, who is known as the Gate of Chastity?
Madame Jung, la belle-fille de Monsieur Yoon Kil-jin.
I can see you don't know me Do you know the Hong Kil-dong brotherhood?
Je crois que vous ne savez même pas qui je suis... c'est quoi la confrérie Hong Kil-dong?
How dare they kil a little girl?
Comment ont-ils osé tuer une petite-fille?
Kil-soo, you're going too far.
Kil-soo, tu vas trop loin.
Because of Kil-soo. You can't beat him.
Parce que tu peux pas battre Kil-soo.
Fuck Kil-soo!
Putain de Kil-soo!
I'll beat Kil-soo to a pulp, believe me.
Je vais écraser Kil-soo, croyez-moi.
MA Kil-soo of Haekang.
Ma Kil-soo de Haekang.
Kil-soo is gonna keep coming at you till the end.
Kil-soo continuera à avancer jusqu'à la fin.
You know Mr Kim Man-kils dog, right?
Vous connaissez Man-kil, le chien de M. Kim?
I'm JANG Kil-bog.
Je suis Jang Kil-bog.
If my soldiers see them again, I will kil all the villagers.
Si mes soldats les voient encore, ils tueront tous les villageois
Major KANG Min - kil, DPRK!
Sergent Kang Minguy, République du peuple de Josun!
So let's not get everyone kil | | d.
Alors évitons un bain de sang.
Hey, it's the brick dance lady.
C'est la nana du kil'.
Directed by JUNG Kil-young I've never tried it before
Directed by JUNG Kil-young Je n'ai jamais essayé avant.
I'm gonna have your badge, officer Kil.
J'aurai votre badge, Officier...
And hank saw her kil him.
Et Hank l'a vu le tuer.
In a yellow bag. 10 pounds.
- 5 kil. - 5 kilos?
You insane?
5 kil chacun?
- We sent Jean-Bernard, he bought 4 pounds from Zoran.
On a envoyé Jean-Bernard. Il a pécho 2 kil chez Zoran.
I'll kil the story.
J'enterrerai l'affaire. Non, publie-la.
- Kil-ler.
- Tueur.
Wanting to kil yourself, I...
Vouloir se suicider, je...
Kil her. Long run of luck held out, I guess.
Beaucoup de chance, je suppose.
But if marie found u, she'd kil us both. "
Mais si Mary te trouvait,
I'm not your Kil Dal, Teacher Dong Ju.
Professeur Dong Ju.
"Ulma" means gift and "pta-keel" means fire.
- "Ulma" : cadeau, et "Pta-kil" : feu.
She tried to kil me, you know?
Il a essayé de me tuer, tu sais?
I've killed a massive amount of people this week, but I haven't killed... kil...
J'ai tué un nombre important de gens cette semaine. mais je n'ai pas tué...
And Captain UM Hong-gil, who I told you about.
Et le capitaine Uhm Hong-Kil, dont je vous ai déjà parlé.
Captain, Captain!
Attends un peu, Hong-Kil! C'est malin!
- Hurry.
Hong-Kil, y en a un qui traîne.
Hide that!
5 kil chez Zoran le grossiste?
Who's there?
"Kil-tip-zi-xim" qui?
- An ulma pta-keel.
Un "ulma pta-kil".
killjoy 29
kili 19
kiloran 21
kill the lights 41
killed it 20
kill yourself 54
kill me now 82
kill it 287
kill me 880
kill' em all 27
kili 19
kiloran 21
kill the lights 41
killed it 20
kill yourself 54
kill me now 82
kill it 287
kill me 880
kill' em all 27
killed in action 17
kill them all 151
kill or be killed 58
kill you 146
kill him 1144
kill them 351
killing me 29
kill the beast 42
kill myself 28
killed her 59
kill them all 151
kill or be killed 58
kill you 146
kill him 1144
kill them 351
killing me 29
kill the beast 42
kill myself 28
killed her 59