Legs up translate French
749 parallel translation
In the afternoons, I often sat on the terrace. I'd put my Legs up on a chair, pull my hat over my eyes, and pretend to be asleep.
Souvent, l'après-midi, je m'asseyais à la terrasse. J'allongeais mes jambes sur une autre chaise, je mettais mon chapeau sur mes yeux et je faisais semblant de dormir.
Legs up.
Levez les jambes.
Now get your legs up.
Les jambes, maintenant.
You'll need your sea legs up there tonight, sir.
Vous aurez besoin de votre équilibre de marin ce soir.
Tie his legs up!
Il porte malheur. Liez-lui les pattes!
The English people will go so far, Capt. Blood... and then they get up on their stubborn hind legs.
Les Anglais sont déterminés. Ils combattront avec obstination!
"Hang the turtle up by its hind legs and before it can draw in its neck, cut off its head."
"Suspendez la tortue par les pattes arrière et avant qu'elle ne rentre son cou, coupez-lui la tête."
Here, get his legs covered up.
Attends, couvrons-lui les jambes.
He ran so fast, his legs couldn " t keep up with him, so that he fell and rose howling and ran some more.
Il courait plus vite que ses jambes. Il est tombé en hurlant et s'est remis à courir.
It's going up my legs.
Les jambes...
She aimed to go with an axe in the other hand, got mixed up, forgot which was which. When she got through with that pedlar, all she had left was two chicken legs.
Elle s'est abattue sur lui avec un poulet vivant à la main et il ne lui est resté que les pattes en main.
- Art, my eye. The art of putting up $ 100,000 to display the shapely legs...
A l ´ art de jeter 100 000 dollars par les fenêtres pour une...
I saw an inchworm once take a drop of this and he stood right up on his hind legs and bit a bee.
Un jour, une chenille qui y avait goûté s'est dressée sur ses pattes arrière pour mordre une abeille.
Sorry I got up on my hind legs, but you tryin'to rope me made me nervous.
Pardon de l'avoir mal pris... mais vous m'avez énervé.
Walking my legs off, picking up 5000 signatures for a phony.
J'ai récolté 5 000 signatures pour un guignol!
He said, "I looked good at them legs, and the bones in neither one of them " was broke up one bit. "
Mais il a dit qu'il avait vu les jambes de Drake et qu'aucun os ne semblait fracturé.
When he jumps, he gives a hitch and tucks his feet up under him so he's a body without legs.
Quand il saute, il replie ses pattes en dessous et son corps passe tout seul.
Stood up on his own legs and said, "Thank you" as perky as Donald!
Il s'est dressé sur ses pattes, aussi plein d'entrain que Donald!
Straighten up those legs.
Pas de mains dans les poches.
The wind blows so hard the ocean gets up on its hind legs... ... and walks right across the land.
L'océan se lève et va se promener autour de la terre.
Big winds from the north this time of year... when they blow hard, this desert country stands right up on its hind legs!
A cette époque de l'année, ça balaie le désert et rien ne lui résiste!
I'm figurin'on laying'up here for three or four days... till the horses get their legs back, and I don't want any unnecessary trouble.
En attendant, je veux pas d'ennuis.
All you wanted was to stand up on your hind legs and make a speech.
Tout ce que tu voulais, c'était faire tes petits discours.
Uses up all my razor blades shaving her legs.
Elle use toutes mes lames de rasoir à se raser les jambes.
I have these pains in my arms, and down my legs. If I walk up and down stairs, it's..
Mes douleurs au bras persistent quand je monte des escaliers.
Except that you called it a mangy old poodle up on its hind legs.
Sauf que tu as pris le lion pour un caniche.
"in the back of this frail that set my underwear... Creeping up on me like it had legs." I know that feeling well.
"quand je vise un truc qui me colle le trouillomètre à zéro."
- Running up stairs keeps my legs slim.
- Monter un étage, ça affine les mollets.
The condition is cleared up, but I find nothing wrong with her legs.
L'intoxication est finie. Ses jambes n'ont rien.
Up to that time, you had no trouble with your legs?
Vous n'aviez pas encore eu mal aux jambes?
I'm very strong. My arms make up for my legs.
Toute ma force est dans mes bras.
Gentlemen, the city is frightened, and when cities get frightened, they rear up on their hind legs and strike out at something, anything.
Messieurs, la ville a peur, et quand une ville a peur, elle réagit violemment et frappe n'importe où.
I grew up in a two-room apartment over a barbershop and I spent my teenage years taking care of my grandmother after her legs were amputated.
J'ai grandi dans un deux-pièces. Je me suis occupée de ma grand-mère... amputée. La vie est dure!
My gun got so hot, I had to sit with my legs stretched out holding the muzzle of my gun between my feet to keep it from curling up.
Mon fusil était si chaud que j'ai dû tendre les jambes et tenir le canon avec les pieds pour l'empêcher de plier.
It took everything I had to make my legs carry me up those stairs, away from him.
J'ai rassemblé toutes mes forces pour pouvoir monter ces escaliers.
Up to 8 years I thought all that had Four legs of cattle was and all that had two, a man.
Jusqu'à 8 ans, j'ai cru que tout ce qui avait 4 pattes c'était du bétail et tout ce qui en avait 2, un homme.
Up with the pants legs and then on to the table, and off with the shoe.
Allez. On enlève le pantalon et on va sur la table, on enlève les chaussures.
You tiptoe around on those bird legs of yours, nervous and incompetent... with a fatality for doing wrong, picking wrong... and giving up even before you start a fight!
Tu te déplaces comme un oiseau, apeurée et vulnérable, et tu as le chic pour faire le mauvais choix, et tu baisses tout de suite les bras.
I haven't come up to rest my legs
Je ne suis pas monté jusqu'ici pour reposer mes jambes.
- lf she drops a pencil, pick it up... without looking at her legs or it'll go in your file.
- Si elle laisse tomber son crayon, ramasse-le, mais regarde pas ses jambes. Sinon, c'est marqué surton dossier.
The little bugs got to be bigger bugs, sprouted legs and crawled up on the land.
Puis les petites bestioles ont grandi. Avec leurs pattes, elles ont pu marcher.
He speaks of standing on his hind legs, fighting like a man... as if war were still some rousing charge up San Juan Hill... with flags flying and bugles sounding.
Il parle de se battre, dressé sur ses ergots comme si la guerre consistait en une charge de cavalerie, trompettes sonnant, étendards au vent!
Too much of the navy is made up of debtors murderers and drunkards without the steady legs to escape impressment.
La Navy est le refuge de tous les voleurs, les meurtriers et les ivrognes qui n'ont pas d'autre recours.
Just think that only the legs take up all the windows.
Et le visage, le regard?
Rise up and stand upon your legs.
Levez-vous et tenez-vous sur vos jambes.
He's got me up against the ropes and he's giving me the elbow... giving me the legs, and he's biting me, and I just cover up.
Il m'a acculé contre les cordes... et il me frappait et je me couvrais.
Get up on your beautiful legs by Friday and I'll take you to Central Park.
Mets-toi debout sur tes jolies jambes vendredi et on va à Central Park.
But one look at your legs and they'd come shooting right up through the mattress.
Mais en voyant vos jambes, n'importe qui accourrait.
Will it swell up his legs? - Give me a leg.
Donne-moi une cuisse.
They're all right when they're up but when they're down, only two legs, you know.
A cheval passe encore, mais à pied, sur deux jambes...
My legs just aren't up to it.
Hé! ... J'ai plus les jambes, moi!
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up top 130
up yours 130
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up top 130
up yours 130
up to you 126
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87