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Translate.vc / English → French / [ L ] / Let them through

Let them through translate French

234 parallel translation
- Let them through.
- Laissez-les passer.
Let them through.
Laissez-les passer.
Let them through Evans, yes.
Faites-les entrer, Evans. Oui.
Let them through, boys.
Laissez-les passer.
Break ranks. Let them through.
- Laissez-les passer.
Let them through!
Laissez passer!
All right, Your Ladyship. I'll let them through.
- Bien, je les laisserai passer.
All of it, anything, don't let them through!
Faites tout ce que vous pouvez pour les empêcher de passer!
- All right. Let them through.
- Laisse-les passer.
Here, let them through.
Oui, ils sont tous là.
Let them through.
Faites-les entrer.
Let them through. Stand your ground.
Laissez-les passer, restez en place.
Let them through.
Laissez passer.
- Shall I let them through?
- Dois-je les laisser passer?
Let them through.
Dégagez, laissez-les passer.
Let them through.
On les laisse passer.
Back up, back up, let them through.
Laissez-le passer.
Let them through.
Laisse passer.
Let them through!
Laissez-les passer.
- OK, let them through.
C'est en ordre. Laissez-les passer.
Say, come on, stupid. Let's run through the act for them.
Allez, espèce de sotte, faisons-leur le numéro.
I wasn't going to let you go through with holding them up, after I found out how much you cared for her.
Je n'allais pas te laisser les escroquer... après avoir appris à quel point tu l'aimais.
Now, Mrs. Upjohn, I want you to take your arms and let them wave through the air with the greatest of ease.
Levez les bras et agitez-les.
We'll take them back with us and let the Colonel put them through the mangle.
On va les ramener avec nous et laisser le colonel s'occuper d'eux.
I like the way you act... even though you did let them cattle get through.
J'aime vos idées, même si vous avez laissé ce bétail arriver à bon port.
- We'll have to let them go through.
On va devoir les laisser passer.
You ain't gonna tell the newspaper reporters, are ya, and let them make up their nasty stories and drag her name through the mud?
Vous ne direz rien aux journalistes? et les laisser écrire des horreurs sur elle, Allez-y, vous le regretterez.
No, just get names and destinations and let them go through. - I want them to think they're getting away.
Prenez les noms, les destinations et laissez-les partir.
Now, my plan is to let them keep their autonomy... But at the same time have all the advantages the combines enjoy... Through an associated purchasing company.
Mon projet préserverait leur autonomie, mais elles bénéficieraient d'achats faits en commun.
How can we let them go through with it, sir?
On ne peut pas les laisser aller au bout!
Let them charge through us.
Laissez-les charger.
Let them go on through.
Laisse-les avancer.
Let them wander through the atmosphere thirsting for the blue sky and the light
Laissez-les vagabonder a travers l'atmosphere assoiffes d'azur et de lumiere
Let them begin to function through you.
Laissez-les fonctionner à travers vous.
I'm going to let them through.
Je vais leur permettre de passer.
Let them through.
Dégagez, vous entendez?
I let them pass through the empty spots of my flesh.
Je les laisse traverser l'abîme de ma chair.
You've let them slip through your clutches not once, but three times!
Ils ont glissé entre vos griffes non pas une, mais trois fois!
You could have opened your ranks and let them go through
Vous auriez pu les laisser passer.
You're keeping your promise, and when you get up there, you're gonna let them boys know you're through with that kind of business?
Tu promets de leur dire que tu te retires de ces affaires?
Let them go through.
Laissez-les passer.
All right, but let's get them through as quickly as we can.
Très bien, procédons le plus rapidement possible.
And if one comes through all the tests? He will let them know
- Et s'ils veulent revenir?
I'd pick up the biggest thing around and I'd just bash their brains right through the top of their skull before I'd let them beat me up again.
Je prendrais le plus gros truc que je puisse trouver et je... je lui taperais sur la tête... je lui éclaterai la cervelle avant qu'il me batte à nouveau.
And it was only because U2 themselves, the band and Paul McGuinness, and everyone involved took so much appreciation from the fact that these fans had trudged through the Rocky Mountains in abominable weather and they were just determined not to let them down.
C'est seulement parce que U2, les membres du groupe, Paul McGuinness et toutes les personnes impliquées ont été touchés par le fait que ces fans avaient traversé les montagnes Rocheuses par un temps abominable, qu'ils ont décidé de ne pas les décevoir.
- Let them out through the mall entrance.
- Qu'ils sortent par Ia porte centrale.
We have got to see this thing through, please, don't let them panic.
On doit étudier cela, ne les laissez pas paniquer, je vous en prie.
And after all we've been through together... how could I let him get to them?
Mais après ce qu'on a vécu, comment ai-je pu le laisser faire?
The sultan will retreat and he'll let you rule, if you pay him a tribute, if you send him troops when he'll ask for them, and if you'll grant him the right to pass through your country with his army whenever he wants to.
Le Sultan retirera l'armée et te laissera le trône en échange d'un tribut, d'une aide en soldats quand besoin il y aura et du droit de traverser ton pays avec l'armée quand bon lui semblera.
Let them come through.
Laissez-les passer.
We can't let them slip through our fingers.
On ne doit pas laisser filer l'occasion.

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