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Monday night translate French

467 parallel translation
- You met her mother on Monday night.
- Vous avez rencontré sa mère lundi soir.
Stamp of Monday night on time cards, light ink.
Tampon lundi soir sur les cartes de pointage, encre légère.
Here is card of one man who finish work on Monday night... yet stamped with heavy ink of Tuesday.
Voici la carte d'un homme qui a fini de travailler lundi soir... et pourtant tamponnée à l'encre noire de mardi.
Also could establish alibi for man who remain on field Monday night... to conceal self in test plane.
Pourrait aussi établir un alibi pour l'homme resté lundi soir... pour se cacher dans l'avion.
You're sure Miller didn't sleep here Monday night?
Vous êtes sûre que Miller n'a pas dormi ici lundi soir?
Airborne and seaborne invasion in force is to be launched on Monday night. - Monday night?
L'invasion aérienne et navale est prévue lundi soir.
On Monday night, Hitler tried his invasion.
Le lundi soir, Hitler tentait l'invasion.
This is Monday night. You left on Friday.
On est lundi soir, vous êtes partie vendredi.
I make that much in tips on Monday night.
Je gagne ça en pourboires le lundi soir.
I swear I was in Enghien Monday night.
- Je jure que j'étais à Enghien lundi soir.
- It was on Monday night?
- C'était lundi soir?
Next Monday night, I want you to drive up to the side of Cortlandt.
Lundi prochain, à la nuit tombée, passez en voiture devant le chantier.
Drive up to Cortlandt Monday night at 11 : 30.
Lundi soir, passez devant Cortlandt vers 23h30.
- It was Monday night.
- C'était lundi soir.
There is no jai alai on Monday night.
Il n'y a pas de jai alai le lundi soir.
He won't be found for three, not until the servants come back on Monday night.
Nous avons trois jours, avant que les domestiques rentrent et le trouvent.
Remember when you were in middle school you and I went to the movies every Monday night?
Tu te rappelles... quand on allait au cinéma le lundi?
Francie would like you to come out to the house on Monday night for dinner.
Francey veut que tu viennes dîner lundi.
I can not have Dennis until Monday night, and I need an orchestra.
Je ne peux pas avoir Dennis avant lundi soir, et j'ai besoin d'un orchestre.
All I thought the National Guard ever meant was that Daddy held a review every Monday night and you all held a dance twice a year.
Pour moi, la garde nationale, c'était la revue du lundi organisée par papa et la soirée deux fois par an.
- Monday night?
- Lundi soir?
Monday night?
Lundi soir?
Monday night...
Lundi soir...
And from now on, Monday night sitting is out, Tommy.
Je refuserai de garder les enfants le lundi.
Did we make it definitely tomorrow? You said Monday night.
- Tu avais dit lundi soir.
Well, Lancey, are we all set for Monday night?
Lancey, tu es partant pour lundi soir?
As of now, they're going to live another 42 hours plus or minus two percent Now, that takes us up to 1 0 : 30 Monday night
Les trois hommes peuvent survivre encore 42 heures à 2 pres Jusqu'a lundi 22h30
There's a launch window for a shot at 8 : 48 Monday night
Il y a une fenetre de lancement lundi à 20h48
Check launch weather for Monday night There's a hurricane out there 600 miles off the coast and headed out to sea
Il y a un cyclone Loin des côtes, et il s'éloigne
Everything goes right, we'll probably be dumping the whole eight Monday night.
Si tout se passe bien, on les balancera tous mardi soir.
There's gonna be ladies'night... every Monday night of the week.
Ce sera la soirée des dames tous les lundis.
Take the YCL meeting Monday night.
Tu me rends un service? Va à la réunion lundi.
Well, Leon Van Heusen, one of our members, called in an Opus last Monday night.
Eh bien, Leon Van Heusen, l'un de nos membres, a signalé un Opus dans la nuit de lundi dernier.
I usually do my laundry on Monday night, so...
Je fais ma lessive le lundi soir.
I think next Monday night, hopefully.
J'espère pouvoir organiser ça pour lundi soir.
A friend of mine called. Very heavy. There's a party Monday night.
Un ami m'a appelé, un mec important, il y a une soirée lundi soir.
Thank God for Monday Night Football.
Dieu merci, il y a Monday Night Football.
Well, three nights ago, on Monday night...
Et bien, il y a trois nuits, lundi...
Every Monday night there you was, Floyd, just like a true brother.
Tu étais là tous les lundis soir, comme l'un des nôtres.
- Good night darling. See you Monday.
Embrasse ta mère.
From Saturday night to Monday morn, There's always joy ahead
De samedi a lundi Que de plaisirs nous sont promis
From Saturday night to Monday morn, I wish that I were dead!
De samedi a lundi J'ai le temps de mourir d'ennui!
Son, I hope it's not just Saturday night with a cold Monday morning to follow.
Jeune homme, j'espère qu'il ne s'agit pas là d'un dimanche ensoleillé qu'un lundi pluvieux viendra chasser.
Monday is always a slow night.
Le lundi, c'est toujours calme.
Yes, Monday is a slow night, but I'll do better next time.
Le lundi, c'est calme. Je ferai mieux après.
Good night, Mary. I have to run. See you on Monday.
A lundi.
Just through tomorrow night. We have to leave first thing Monday.
Il nous faut repartir très tôt lundi matin.
60 million people watch you every night of the week, Monday through Friday.
60 millions de gens te regardent tous les soirs, du lundi au vendredi.
Did anybody know it was Monday night?
Monday night is audition night.
Le lundi soir est... le soir des auditions.
I just watch, Monday and Friday nights, and Saturday Night Live.
lundi et vendredi soir, plus "Samedi Soir en direct".

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