My father said translate French
964 parallel translation
My father said he was only eight months old.
- Mon père dit qu'il a 8 mois.
How do you know what my father said to me before he...
Vous ne pouvez pas savoir ce que mon père m'a dit avant de...
There's always been a great feud between the Gallardo men and the Miura bulls. They've been killing each other for generations. My father said that's what they're made for.
Les Gallardo et les Miuras... s'entre-tuent depuis des générations.
If one of them asked for my hand and my mother said yes, my father said no. And when my father said yes, my mother said no.
S'il demandait ma main et que maman disait oui, papa disait non... et vice versa.
I don't have any sales resistance, as my father said.
Je suis du genre manipulable, comme dit mon père.
My father said it was my duty to tell them.
Mon père voulait que Je le leur dise.
My father said that if we only had one little part of what you'll have...
Il dit que si seulement on avait une petite part de ce que tu as,
My father said nothing.
Mon père n'a rien dit.
So I know the rest of it will happen just the way my father said the miracle.
Alors, je sais que le reste se produira comme mon père l'a raconté.
My father said the earth is our mother.
Mon père disait que la terre est notre mère.
My father said I " d live to be hung.
Mon père me traitait de graine de pendu.
Are you sure, Mrs. Wilson? My father said he saw him just this morning.
Mon père m'a dit qu'il l'avait vu ce matin!
That's not what my father said.
Ce n'est pas ce que mon père à dit.
Bess, you heard what my father said
Bess, vous l'avez entendu.
I wanted size ten but my father said I grow fast
Trop grandes. Mon père a dit que mes pieds grandissent vite.
The best thing for me is to be M. de la Mole's secretary. My father said that you want to leave for Languedoc.
... -...
My father said to wait here
On bouge pas, mon père a dit.
"My father was about to throw," he said, " when one of the Spaniards stabbed him in the back.
Mon père était sur le point de lancer, a - t-il dit, quand l'un des Espagnols l'a poignardé dans le dos.
You said my father was your friend and that my mother loved you!
Je sais qu'on ne peut pas se voir, mais fai besoin de te parler.
What my father said was true.
Père a raison.
My father-in-law said he saw you come in by the gates.
Mon beau-père m'a dit vous avoir vu passer.
But you both said Baron Otto would break down and confess if we confronted him with this gentleman pretending to be my father.
Vous disiez que le baron Otto craquerait s'il voyait ce monsieur qui se fait passer pour mon père.
And--and he came and took me to the trading post. He said he was my father.
Il m'a fait venir au comptoir, en disant être mon père.
I remember something my father said.
Je pense à certaines paroles de mon père.
What if he woke up one day, and my father took away... all the automobiles he let him have to sell and said :
Si un jour, mon père lui retire les voitures et lui dit :
Colonel Mantle, my father held that foal up in his arms and said : "Judy, here's a champion. By Victory- -"
Colonel... mon père l'a tenu dans ses bras et m'a dit : "Judy, voici un champion!".
My father gave me this ring and said if ever he lost his temper with me to bring it to him and he'd forgive me.
Mon pêre me l'a donnée en disant que s'il se fâchait avec moi, il suffirait de la lui ramener pour qu'il me pardonne.
The way you said that, you sounded like my father.
Vous parlez comme mon père.
Well, somebody phoned me. They said you'd have news of my father.
Quelqu'un m'a téléphoné et m'a dit que vous aviez des nouvelles de mon père.
At La Veronica tonight. A great big fat goat insulted my father's name. Said he had cats in his belly.
Un porc a insulté la mémoire de mon père.
That's what your father said too. And here I am... on my knees.
Ton père disait ça aussi, et me voilà... à genoux.
That's the second time you've said things about my father.
Tu insultes encore mon père.
You killed my father because he said your Führer was the Antichrist.
Vous avez tué mon père, parce qu'il a dit que votre Führer était l'antéchrist.
I want you to tell my father... what I've just said.
Je désire que vous racontiez à mon père.... ce que je viens de dire.
- I thanked them for us. I said, " My mother thanks you. My father thanks you.
J'ai remercié... et j'ai dit : "Ma mère vous remercie, mon pere vous remercie... ma soeur vous remercie... et je vous remercie."
So she just looked at my father who lay there at her feet, and said,
Alors, elle a regardé mon père, qui gisait à ses pieds, et elle a dit :
She said I must tell you all that happened to me when they shot my mother and father.
Elle m'a dit de te raconter ce qui s'est passé lorsque mes parents ont été fusillés.
"Every book's a confession," my father always said.
Papa disait : "Tout livre est une confession."
- My father always said that.
- Mon père disait toujours ça.
After he passed, my father slapped me right across the face. When I asked him what that was for, he said, "Just so you'll never forget the day you saw the President of the United States."
Après son passage, mon père m'a giflé pour que jamais je n'oublie que j'avais vu le président.
I wonder what my father would have said.
Qu'aurait dit mon père?
Well, they were all I had on the side of sayin'my father loved me... when all the world said he didn't.
Elles sont tout ce que j'avais pour prouver que mon père m'aimait, alors que tout le monde disait le contraire.
Before my father died... he said I was to look for the coming of a red bull on a green field... and a sahib on a white horse leading 900 first-class devils.
Avant de mourir, mon père a dit que je devais attendre l'arrivée d'un taureau rouge dans un champ vert et d'un sahib sur un chevaI blanc à Ia tête de 900 puissants démons.
Father Victor said I should join the soldiers of the Red Bull like my father.
selon Ie père Victor, je devrais rejoindre Ies soldats du taureau rouge.
It couldn't be true what you said about my father.
Ça ne peut pas être vrai.
Judge said he had a right to do what he did to my father.
Judge a dit qu'il avait le droit de frapper mon père!
He said my father made Frances kill herself, because he wouldn't marry her.
Frances s'est suicidée parce qu'il ne voulait pas l'épouser.
That's what my poor father said just before he died!
C'est ce ce que mon pauvre père a dit avant de mourir
My step-father never said a word at first... night after night... But one night I had a feeling...
soir après soir... j'eus l'impression que...
If I said : "I'll give you my daughter" he'd say : "I don't want a father-in-law with dirty hands".
Ça signifie que si je lui disais : "Je vous donne ma fille", il me répondrait : "Je ne veux pas d'un beau-père qui a les mains noires."
My father, Chief Maygro, said to give you some food while he talks.
Mon pére, le chef Maygro, a dit de vous nourrir pendant qu " il parle.
my father is 24
my father is dead 46
my father 1334
my father was 24
my father told me 25
my father's dead 51
my father used to say 21
my father died 40
my father gave it to me 16
my father was right 16
my father is dead 46
my father 1334
my father was 24
my father told me 25
my father's dead 51
my father used to say 21
my father died 40
my father gave it to me 16
my father was right 16
my father's 33
said 374
said that 16
said it 16
said no 16
said what 30
my fair lady 19
my family 595
my favorite 192
my favourite 55
said 374
said that 16
said it 16
said no 16
said what 30
my fair lady 19
my family 595
my favorite 192
my favourite 55