Suit up translate French
1,119 parallel translation
Get your armor and suit up.
Va te mettre en tenue.
Jones, Cobb, suit up.
Jones, Cobb, en tenue.
Well, suit up.
En tenue.
Let's suit up.
En tenue!
Suit up?
En tenue?
SlPOWlCZ : It's time to suit up.
Medavoy, change-toi.
Now he won't even suit up.
Il ne met plus son survêt.
You had marks so dark, you were embarrassed to suit up for gym.
Tu avais tellement de bleus que tu étais gêné de te changer pour la gym.
Fletch doesn't show up, we just suit up Bobby, give him a shot and he goes in.
Si Fletch se pointe pas, Bobby le remplace au pied levé?
But I must confess that there is a part of me that always looks forward to making up.
Mais une part de moi aime la réconciliation qui suit.
If it follows you up, it's a black bear.
Grimpe à un arbre. S'il te suit, c'est un ours noir.
Just Hanging Up The Suit, Agnes,
Je range mon costume.
If you're followed, if you screw this up... your lady is dead.
Si on te suit, ou si tu essaies un coup pourri... la petite dame y passe.
Put on your wash-and-wear suit, cllp-on bow tie, have your landlady tie your shoes for you, then you show up at the church.
Tu mets ton costard à pli permanent, ton nœud pap', tu fais cirer tes pompes et tu te pointes à l'église.
Diving suit matches up also.
Le costume aussi.
It managed to kill the child, with the jump suit all buttoned up. If you accept Professor Cameron, it buried the body, having undone one top button.
Il le tue, tous boutons boutonnés et, selon le Pr Cameron, défait un bouton du haut et enterre le corps.
So if you could put on a clean suit, brush those teeth and put on some cologne to cover up that wombat smell he'll see you tomorrow afternoon.
Tu vas donc mettre une chemise propre, te brosser les dents, mettre du parfum pour couvrir cette odeur de marsupial et il te verra demain après-midi.
Every once in a while, they let me dress up in my soldier's suit and try to impress somebody.
De temps en temps, on me laisse porter mon uniforme pour faire impression.
If you follow the gorge of the Padas River and the coastal mountains, you end up here.
Si on suit la gorge de la rivière Padas et les montagnes côtières, on arrive ici.
He who would come with me, must renounce himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Celui qui me suit, doit renoncer à lui même, prendre sa croix et me suivre.
He gives up everything and follows. Shall I write that?
Il abandonne tout et le suit, dois-je écrire cela?
Ever noticed how the snappy talk dries up once a guy starts soiling his union suit?
T'as vu comment on la ferme... quand on fait dans son froc?
If that don't suit your fancy... you can stay here and I'll give my affy-davy as before... to speak to the first ship I sight and send them back to pick you up.
Si ça ne vous convient pas, vous pouvez rester ici et je promets aussi sous serment de vous signaler au premier bateau que je croiserai sur ma route.
The clues that keep you on track are never where you look for them. They fall out of the pocket of somebody else's suit you pick up at the cleaners.
Et les indices décisifs ne sont jamais là où on les cherche, mais ils tombent de la poche du costume que le teinturier vous a remis par erreur.
CouIdn't it be just a guy dressed up in a clown suit?
Ca ne pourrait pas être juste un type déguisé en clouwn?
Get into your flight suit. We're ready to go up.
Mets ta tenue de vol. On va bientôt décoller.
When was the Iast time you called a girl for a date a week in advance... showed up in a nice suit with a bouquet of flowers... and took her out for a romantic, candIe-Iit meal?
C'était quand la dernière fois que tu as invité une fille, que tu es arrivé dans un beau costume avec un bouquet, pour l'emmener à un dîner romantique aux chandelles?
- Are we picking up the entity?
- On suit toujours l'entité?
I think the real world's strange enough without getting up on stage and parading around in a bathing suit and heels.
Le monde réel est suffisament étrange... Sans avoir à se ballader sur une scène en maillot de bain et talons aiguilles.
Okay, Sofia, suit him up!
Bon, Sofia, habille-le!
Mess up my suit.
Je veux pas salir mon costard.
He's acting on his internal feelings and then making up stories to explain them.
Il suit ses impulsions et invente ensuite des histoires pour se justifier.
- Only one showed up. I sent him to try the suit on.
Il en est venu qu'un, je lui ai dit d'aller essayer le costume.
How many people are gonna wanna dress up in a rubber Mant-suit?
La perspective de déguiser en fourmi n'attire pas les foules!
Ease up, young agent.
On se calme. On nous suit depuis le train.
Girl, I got to tell you, that suit look like a piece of "good God" wrapped up in some "have mercy" with a side of :
Je dois te dire, ce maillot de bain me fait dire "Mon Dieu", "Ayez Pitié", avec un petit côté...
But if I don't show up in a rubber suit shaped like the state of Florida... I'll be the laughingstock of the whole school.
Si je n'ai pas un costume aux formes de la Floride, toute l'école va se moquer de moi.
In the pouring rain, wearing their best suit... they jack up the car, remove the flat... getting dirtier until, after a grueling struggle... they finally put the spare on.
Et en costard sous la pluie on met le cric et, couvert de cambouis, on se bat pour changer la roue
To me it's just a made-up word. A politician's word so that young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie and have a job.
Mais ce n'est qu'une formule... politicienne... qui vous permet d'avoir un costard... et un boulot.
I suppose you're gonna bring Al up on a sexual harassment suit too. - I am perfect! I'm the producer!
- L'audimat augmenterait.
It'd suit you a whole lot better in this get-up than a name like Calamity Jane.
Ça t'irait beaucoup mieux dans cet accoutrement que Calamity Jane.
He's following up this Lois Fields lead.
Il suit la piste de Lois Fields.
Your tuition goes up every year, and your dad's salary isn't following it.
Les frais scolaires augmentent et Ie salaire de ton père ne suit pas.
When the driver takes off the next day... to pick up the cash, we pull the plug, we follow.
Quand le chauffeur va chercher l'argent, on enlève le bouchon et on le suit.
I remember my father all dressed up in the red suit the big black boots and the patent leather belt sneaking around downstairs. He didn't want us to see him but he'd be drunk, so he'd crash into something and wake everybody up.
Je me souviens de mon père dans son costume rouge... avec ses bottes noires et sa ceinture en cuir... descendant furtivement pour ne pas être vu mais tellement soûl... qu'il se cognait et réveillait tout le monde.
I was up late programming some patterns for a suit when everything went dead.
Je travaillais à la conception d'un nouveau patron lorsque tout s'est éteint d'un coup.
I'm goin'home. You gotta show up wearing that suit, or otherwise I'm not going.
Il faut arriver en costar.
Come on. I just took my suit out. I'm all dressed up.
Je viens de sortir mon costume, je suis bien habillé.
He's pretty adorable... the way he follows you around and looks up to you.
C'est adorable la façon dont il vous suit, dont il vous regarde.
I should show up in my other suit.
Il me faut mon autre costume.
As seen in this footage against these automated tanks the Lexo suit stands up to heavy punishment and returns it in kind.
Comme le montre ces images de tanks automatisés... Ie Lexo peut être mis à rude épreuve... et sait rendre la pareille.
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up top 130
up yours 130
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up top 130
up yours 130
up to you 126
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87