They will find you translate French
375 parallel translation
Now, or they will find you here.
- Vite, ils arrivent!
If I scream, they will find you here and Catalina will know you've been in my room.
Si je crie, on te trouvera ici... Catalina le saura...
Sooner or later they will find you, and then you will have to kill.
Tôt ou tard, ils vous trouveront, et vous devrez tuer.
Wherever you may hide your head, they will find you.
Où que tu caches ta tête, ils te retrouveront.
If danger threatens, Safiya will hide you, but if the soldiers persist, and you think that they will find you, take this and use it.
Si un danger vous menace, Safiya vous cachera. Mais si les soldats continuent leurs recherches et que vous pensez qu'il vont vous trouver, prenez ceci et utilisez-le.
They will find your body and declare you dead.
Vous serez déclaré mort.
When you steal 600 million, they will find you... unless they think you're already dead.
Celui qui vole 60 millions de dollars sera retrouvé sauf si on le croit mort.
they will find you?
qu'ils vous trouvent?
There are only 8 little letters in this phrase, you will find, but they mean a lot more than all the other words combined.
Cette petite phrase ne contient que 7 lettres, tu me diras mais elle signifie cent fois plus que toutes les autres phrases.
If they don't find him, you will get the sack, father?
Si on ne l'attrape pas, te mettra-t-on à la porte?
I've thought about that, too. We'll go now while they're still asleep... and in the morning, when they find their guns... you and I and Boy will be gone.
On leur rendra leurs armes pendant qu'ils dorment, et au matin, quand ils les verront, on sera déjà loin.
Do you think they will find him?
Pensez-vous qu'ils le retrouveront?
Do you remember? What do you think your precious John Does will think, when they find out that you had no intention of doing it?
Que diront vos chers John Doe lorsqu'ils sauront que vous n'en avez jamais eu l'intention?
What do you think your precious John Does will think, when they find out that you had no intention of doing it?
Que diront vos chers John Doe lorsqu'ils sauront la vérité? Qu'on vous a payé pour ça?
What will they say when they find out I was right... and that I tried to tip you off?
- Que diront-ils... en apprenant que j'avais raison... et que j'ai essayé de vous le faire comprendre?
Things will go badly for you if they ever find out, won't they?
Vous seriez flambé si on savait.
- What are you doing now? What do you think the newspapers will say when they find out about this?
Que vont dire les journaux?
But if you will ruin everything find when they arrive here.
Mais vous gâcherez tout si vous êtes ici quand ils arriveront.
You know what will happen if they find me?
Vous savez ce qui arrivera si on me trouve?
You will meet them in a moment as I talk with them and I warn you that what you hear them say you will find hard to believe but they speak the truth.
Vous allez les découvrir je vais leur parler, et je vous avertis que ce que vous entendrez va vous sembler difficile à croire mais c'est pourtant la vérité.
When they find nothing, will they leave, do you think?
Quand ils verront qu'il n'y a rien, ils repartiront?
They will look for you until they find you.
Il continuera à te chercher.
My Aunt Polly will send for the police. And they'll find us in your old rat-filled basement and you'll go to jail.
Tante Polly va appeler la police et ils trouveront votre cave pleine de rats.
There will be trouble if they find you here.
Vous aurez des problèmes.
Perhaps if we took the bottle somewhere else where they will not find you.
On peut peut-être aller boire Ià où ils ne vous trouveront pas.
The other characters who inhabit this place you may never see, but they're there, as these two gentlemen will soon find out.
Son copilote : Peter Craig Les autres habitants, vous ne les verrez peut-être jamais
- You think the police will believe that, when they find out you, and Miss Mary were out searching for the treasure together? Swine!
- Vous pensez que la police va vous croire, quand ils découvriront que vous, et Mary étiez ensemble à la recherche du trésor?
If you break communicator silence, they will know where they may find us.
Si vous brisez le silence radio, ils sauront où nous trouver.
They will stop me and find you.
Ils m'attraperont et vous trouveront.
When the French will find out where they stand with you.
Quand les Français sauront à quoi s'en tenir sur vous.
I must warn you, when you do find him, he will not be as you remember - they leave us afterwards only a hollow shell of ourselves.
CHAL : Je dois vous avertir. Quand vous l'aurez trouvé, il ne sera plus le même.
Yes, I think you will find they've left one behind.
DOCTEUR : Oui, je pense qu'ils en ont laissé un derrière.
When they find you, my old man will offer another thousand.
Quand on retrouvera votre corps, mon vieux offrira 1000 $ de plus.
What will your precious employers say when they find you had me sacked... so that you could creep into bed with my...
Que diront vos précieux employeurs quand ils sauront que m'avez licenciée pour pouvoir coucher avec ma...
If they can prove those scrolls don't tell the whole truth of your history, if they can find some real evidence of another culture from some remote past, will you let them off?
S'ils prouvent que ces Manuscrits ne disent pas toute la vérité sur votre histoire, s'ils peuvent trouver de vraies preuves d'une culture d'un passé ancien, les laisserez-vous tranquilles?
They will look for you, but they will not find you.
Ils vous chercheront, mais ils ne vous trouveront pas.
When they come and find you, Miss Henley will send you to a reform school and we'll never get adopted.
Quand on te trouvera, Miss Henley t'enverra en maison de correction et on ne sera jamais adoptés.
How long will Logan last when they find out he opposed you?
Combien de temps restera Logan une fois son opposition connue?
You watch, they'll be back. The Kawada mob will find out.
Si jamais Kawada le retrouve, ça va chier.
Why don't you just, unobtrusively, see if you can find out who they are, how they got here, who invited them, and let me know, will ya?
Allez donc discrètement vous renseigner sur eux. Ce qu'ils font ici, qui les a invités et tenez-moi au courant.
What about the little pardners that look up to you? What will they think when they find out?
Que vont penser les petits crapauds quand ils l'apprendront?
You call the police and what will they find?
Tu appelles la police et qu'est-ce qu'elle découvre?
But you will find that they are not symmetrical. You will find that one weighs heavier than the other.
Mais vous verrez qu'elles ne sont pas symétriques, que l'une pèse d'un plus grand poids que l'autre.
Nobody can tell for sure, but my team will immediately notify you, if they find something.
Difficile à dire. Mes hommes nous informeront de la moindre découverte.
Remember, there are still people who will kill you if they find out you're alive.
Et je ne donne pas cher de votre peau.
- W-w-w-well, what if they find it? - They will shoot you.
Ils vous tuerons
If they find out you've seen this, your life will be worth less than a truck load of dead rats in a tampon factory.
Filez. S'ils savent que vous avez vu ça, votre vie vaudra moins qu'un wagon de rats morts dans une usine de tampons périodiques.
They'll take you to an island in the South Pacific... where Diana will never find you.
Ils vont vous déposer dans une île du Pacifique où Diana ne pourra jamais vous retrouver.
If they find out you know MAYOR They will hang me instead of you
S'ils s'en rendent compte, tu connais le bourgmestre, ils me pendront à ta place.
They will certainly search this room, and then they find you.
Ils fouilleront surement cette cellule et ils vous trouveront.
I don't know if anyone will ever find this, but if they do and it's you, Dave, or you, Arnold, don't ever play it,
Si quelqu'un trouve ceci, si c'est toi, Dave, ou toi, Arnold, ne regardez pas.
they will 407
they will come 44
they will kill me 27
they will kill us 20
they will find us 18
they will die 30
they will kill you 73
they will not 19
they will kill him 17
they will be 52
they will come 44
they will kill me 27
they will kill us 20
they will find us 18
they will die 30
they will kill you 73
they will not 19
they will kill him 17
they will be 52
find you 17
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they come 53
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they said 545
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they come 53
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they told me 111
they don't like me 19
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they told me 111
they don't like me 19