To the contrary translate French
811 parallel translation
- To the contrary.
Bien au contraire.
If you've heard any report to the contrary, it's based on malicious rumour.
Si vous avez entendu le contraire, c'est une rumeur malveillante.
There is unfortunately a certain amount of evidence to the contrary.
Malheureusement, les preuves disent le contraire.
Have I ever said anything to the contrary?
Ai-je jamais dit le contraire?
- Haven't heard anything to the contrary.
À ce que je sache.
To the contrary, you don't know how happy I am to see you.
Bien au contraire, je suis vraiment ravi de vous voir.
Yeah, but, Dr. Clitterhouse, you heard Miss Keller's testimony to the contrary.
Oui, mais vous avez entendu le témoignage contraire de Mlle Keller.
Well, I have information to the contrary.
On m'a dit le contraire.
No matter what you'd say to the contrary there'd always be something inside of me that would say you were lying.
Vous pouvez dire le contraire, quelque chose en moi me dit que vous mentez.
I see marriage as a sort of permanent welding... a growing together of two trees – in spite of anything my sister can demonstrate to the contrary – into a sort of permanent mess – mass. Like a permanent grafting of two trees into a permanent graft.
Le mariage pour moi est une soudure, deux arbres poussant ensemble... malgré ce que ma soeur peut démontrer à l'inverse... pour former une sorte de permanent fouillis... feuillage... comme deux arbres greffés ensemble de façon permanente.
Now I would seem discourteous if I didn't insist to the contrary.
Maintenant, je serais discourtois si je n'insistais pas pour le contraire.
I would not have had anything to the contrary, it was a beautiful woman, even too much for me If it were not for Mr. Rudolph.
Je n'avais pas à me plaindre, elle était une belle femme, Même trop pour moi, s'il n'y avait pas M. Rodolfo.
My good sir, in spite of Mr. Holmes'theories to the contrary things have been seen and heard on those marshes that cannot be explained away by the use of logic.
Mon cher monsieur en dépit de ce que pense M. Holmes, la logique ne peut expliquer tout ce qui se passe dans les marrais.
To the contrary, he was suffering from delusions and an overabundance of confidence and told his partner he was on the verge of a discovery that would amaze the world.
Il vous adorait et vivait pour son travail. Rien ne laisse supposer qu'il ait voulu mourir. Au contraire.
Professor Einstein to the contrary... there is just so much time.
Pour contredire le professeur Einstein, chaque seconde compte.
- I have information to the contrary.
- On m'a dit le contraire. - C'est un mensonge.
Everyone has problems with it, but not say anything to the contrary.
Ça ne veut rien dire, tout le monde a des ennuis avec lui.
Tu n'as pas démenti que tu n'avais pas déjeuné.
I'm only human, rumours to the contrary, and I'm as curious as the next man.
Jusqu'à nouvel ordre, je suis humain etje suis curieux.
But until I get evidence to the contrary, Steve has to be number one boy on my list.
Mais jusqu'à preuve du contraire, Steve doit être le suspect numéro un.
On the contrary, it may prove to be most enlightening. In fact, before you go, you can be of definite service.
Au contraire, elle pourrait s'avérer salutaire, et avant que vous ne partiez, j'aimerais vous demander un service.
- On the contrary... it may turn out to be of great importance.
- Au contraire... il se peut qu'elle se révèle de grande importance.
On the contrary, you should first talk to Her Highness, the princess.
Au contraire, vous devriez d'abord parler à Son Altesse, la princesse.
Furthermore, it is madame's wish that while half of the interest... shall be deposited as usual in madame's account, the other half, contrary to custom, shall be delivered in cash into madame's personal custody.
"soit virée comme d'habitude sur mon compte. " L'autre moitié, contrairement à d'habitude, "devra être remise en espèces à Madame."
On the contrary, we seem like milksops compared to you.
Au contraire, comparés à vous, nous sommes des chiffes molles.
No, on the contrary. We're going to have a lot more people in.
Invitons plutôt d'autres personnes.
On the contrary, I'm looking forward to it.
- Au contraire, j'ai hâte d'y assister.
And I believe that its path that is to say the course of true love, contrary to the adage, should run smooth.
Et je crois que son chemin, c'est à dire le chemin que suit l'amour vrai, contrairement à l'adage, doit être calme.
- On the contrary, I've come to them.
- Au contraire, je suis allée les voir.
- Oh, to the contrary.
- Au contraire!
On the contrary, I am indebted to you for showing me the fortune... there is to be made out of Union Pacific.
Au contraire, c'est moi qui vous remercie de m'avoir montré la fortune qu'il y a à faire avec Union Pacific.
No evidence to the contrary.
Pas de preuve du contraire.
On the contrary, it would be a pleasure, and one that I hope soon to enjoy.
Au contraire, ce serait un plaisir... que j'espère avoir bientôt.
It would be interesting to teach them the contrary...
- Ce serait intéressant de...
On the contrary, I like to see a woman in love with one man.
Au contraire, j'aime voir une femme en amour avec un seul homme.
I shall prove the contrary by retiring to my customary retreat, unassisted.
Je vais prouver l'incohérence de cette remarque en me retirant sans aide extérieure.
On the contrary, his attitude was, "If the people want me, I'll be glad to serve."
Bien au contraire.
This one, on the contrary, is down-to-earth and treats me as well as possible.
Le mien, au contraire, est d'une grande simplicité et il me traite on ne peut mieux.
On the contrary, I can say there were moments in my marriage... which few women have been lucky enough to have experienced.
J'ai, au contraire, connu des moments que peu de femmes ont la chance de vivre.
On the contrary, in addition to our industry, the entertainment world has volunteered.
Au contraire, tout le monde du spectacle s'est porté volontaire.
Me? On the contrary, I just think they need to read my book,
Non, bien au contraire, je vois que Ia lecture de mon livre y fait défaut,
Oh, on the contrary, I happen to know he has a very high opinion of you.
Ça ne le contrarierait que très momentanément. Sachez qu'il a beaucoup d'estime pour vous.
Due to an oversight, which I hasten to state is contrary to the traditions of a great service, the defendant did not die.
À cause d'un oubli contraire à la tradition de nos services le défendeur n'est pas mort.
There's no need to be alarmed. Quite the contrary.
Il ne faut pas t'inquiéter, bien au contraire.
I don't want any harm come to you, on the contrary.
Je ne vous veux aucun mal, au contraire.
But Madame, I don't want to take the Duke away from you, on the contrary... everything is prepared to arrange your affairs.
Mais Madame, je ne veux pas vous retirer le duc, au contraire... toute est prete.
Contrary to the anticipated nationwide trend, media research reports a present level of want-to-buy at 25.6.
Contrairement à la tendance nationale qu'on attendait... les recherches des médias montrent un désir d'acheter de 25,6 %.
And I will remind the colonel that his presence here, uninvited is contrary to Army regulations not to mention the code of a well-mannered man.
Votre présence ici, non invité, est contraire aux règlements et au savoir-vivre!
A thing indecent... and contrary to the teachings of the holy scriptures.
Une chose indécente... et contraire à l'enseignement des Saintes Écritures.
On the contrary, you'd be wrong to expect immediate happiness.
Il ne faut pas espérer trouver le bonheur sitôt mariés.
On the contrary, we will demonstrate to them that he is possible happy being.
On va leur montrer qu'on peut être heureux. - A qui?
to them 177
to the beach 25
to the moon 20
to the sea 38
to the airport 39
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the top 23
to the north 16
to the hotel 25
to the beach 25
to the moon 20
to the sea 38
to the airport 39
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the top 23
to the north 16
to the hotel 25
to the kitchen 20
to the point 24
to the left 221
to the police 36
to the right 265
to the car 26
to the tune of 23
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the point 24
to the left 221
to the police 36
to the right 265
to the car 26
to the tune of 23
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the house 19
to the station 29
to the bridge 17
to the bathroom 47
to the wall 16
to the king 27
to the 197
to the front 27
to the side 32
to the door 21
to the station 29
to the bridge 17
to the bathroom 47
to the wall 16
to the king 27
to the 197
to the front 27
to the side 32
to the door 21