We were translate French
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We were both relieved when your fever finally broke last night.
On était soulagés que ta fièvre cesse cette nuit.
One day, Cyan and I, we were tracking a, uh, a Dark One through the Outlying Territories.
Un jour, Cyan et moi, on pistait un être sombre sur les Terres Éloignées.
You know, after you were born we were trying to decide on a name to call you, and she wanted to call you Herb.
Tu sais, après ta naissance, on essayait de te choisir un nom et elle voulait t'appeler Herb.
It's... we... we were just trying...
C'est... on... on essayait de...
I used the same one on Andi when we were dating.
J'ai utilisé la même technique sur Andi quand on sortait ensemble.
Remember when we were dating and that guy in the bar put his arm around her?
Tu te souviens quand on sortait ensemble et qu'il y a eu ce gars au bar qui a mis son bras autour d'elle?
Well, I hated it when we were in our 20s and guys were hitting on me all the time.
En fait, je détestais ça quand nous avions 20 ans et que les gars me draguaient continuellement.
We were taught it referred to the ship that brought her to us.
On a appris que ça référait au vaisseau qui l'a amenée à nous.
We were brought here for a reason, Gaia.
On nous a amené ici pour une raison.
We were meant to rise from the ashes.
On est censé se relever des cendres.
We're living in a different world today than we were yesterday.
Le monde dans lequel on vit n'est plus celui d'hier.
We were betrayed, remember?
On a été trahis, tu te souviens?
I think that if we were to attack these two bridges and these choke points down here in the south, we could stall his army from entering the capital by three, maybe even four days.
Si on attaque ces deux ponts et ces goulets là, au sud, on pourrait retarder de trois jours l'entrée de son armée dans la capitale.
30 years ago, when we were back in Clark Hall, could you ever have imagined that the two of us would be sitting here?
Trente ans en arrière, on était à Clark Hall. Vous auriez imaginé qu'on serait assis ici?
What, we were standing on it?
On se tenait dessus?
We were lucky that you were.
C'est nous qui étions chanceux.
If the West could show Russia that we were serious about laying down our weapons, they might see that it's safe for them to start laying down theirs.
Si l'Occident montre à la Russie qu'on envisage de déposer les armes, elle verrait peut-être qu'elle peut en faire autant.
When I was in choir in high school, we were never invited to the White House.
J'étais choriste au lycée. On ne nous a pas invités ici.
"All that night, we were in a great bustle"
"Toute la nuit, nous étions dans un grand remue-ménage"
He knew we were wearing vests, right?
Il savait qu'on portait les gilets, hein?
Sandstorm knew that we were coming.
Sandstorm savait qu'on viendrait.
They must have known Roman was a part of the sale and that we were on to them.
Ils devaient savoir que Roman faisait partie de la vente et qu'on était après eux.
They're gonna know we were here.
Ils vont savoir qu'on était là.
No sign we were here. You're welcome.
Pas de traces qu'on était là.
If this is where we were raised... it should mean something, right?
Si c'est là ou nous avons été élevés... ça devrait signifier quelque chose, n'est-ce pas?
We were best friends back in the day.
On était meilleurs amis.
We were going to start a farming community.
On allait commencer une communauté agricole.
We were dead without you. Oh...
On était fichus sans toi.
I really felt like we were meant to have three.
J'avais vraiment l'impression qu'on était destinés à en avoir trois.
And we sat here until the place closed, trying to convince each other that we could handle the distance. And we were wrong.
On a passé la soirée ici, à essayer de se convaincre qu'on supporterait l'éloignement.
I remember when we were together, she said she never wanted to get married.
Quand on était ensemble, elle était contre le mariage.
It was very brief. It was another life and, you know, we were... we were kids.
Ça a duré très peu de temps, c'était il y a un siècle.
I remember when we were together, she said she never wanted to get married.
Même quand on était ensemble elle disait ne jamais vouloir se marier.
Hey, I thought we were gonna talk about... you know.
Je pensais qu'on devait parler de... tu sais.
Um, you don't know us, but my father grew up in this house, and we were wondering if he could take a look around.
On n'est pas d'ici, mais mon père a grandi dans cette maison. Vous permettez qu'il fasse le tour?
This would be easier if we knew what we were looking for.
Ça serait plus facile si on savait quoi chercher.
You just said we were both fine.
Tout va bien, vous l'avez dit.
Last time we were out at night didn't go so well.
La dernière fois qu'on est sortis la nuit ne s'est pas très bien passée.
We were just having a little fun.
On voulait juste s'amuser.
We were passing through on the way to Mazatlan, thought we'd stop for the night.
Nous passions juste pour aller à Mazatlan et avons pensé nous arrêter ici pour la nuit.
Place brings back memories... when we were all together.
Le lieu m'a rappelé des souvenirs... quand on était tous ensemble.
Good catch. We think it's because he gave us his exact location, he had to move fast because he knew we were coming.
Selon nous, ayant donné son emplacement, il a dû agir vite avec nous à ses trousses.
She also had someone else's blood on her, enough to run a sample through CODIS and we were able to confirm that it belongs to Yates.
On a trouvé sur elle du sang d'un autre, assez pour lancer une recherche et on a pu confirmer qu'il s'agit de celui de Yates.
But, uh, last night, technically this morning, we've made some headway on the case and we were able to locate Tommy Yates.
Mais cette nuit, techniquement ce matin, on a un peu progressé sur l'affaire et on a réussi à localiser Tommy Yates.
Tom, we got so lucky when you were shot.
Je sais. Tom, on a eu de la chance quand tu t'es fait tirer dessus.
Neither were we.
Nous non plus.
In response to the mayday, we scrambled an H-65 helicopter and a response boat to the coordinates, but the results were negative.
- Non. On immédiatement envoyé un hélico H-65 et un bateau aux coordonnées, mais les résultats étaient négatifs.
The precipitation levels were below, even the lowest estimates, uh, we plan to see profits rise as we maintain those contracts over the next few months....
Les niveaux de précipitations ayant été inférieurs aux estimations basses, nous tablons sur une hausse des profits générés par ces contrats pendant les mois à venir.
We were almost killed.Right.
- C'est vrai.
We were friends.
Nous étions amis.
Why the fuck were we just hiding behind that damn tree?
Pourquoi on s'est planqués?
we were here 38
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were there 68
we were close 44
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were friends 142
we were young 47
we were here first 26
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were there 68
we were close 44
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were friends 142
we were young 47
we were here first 26