When we were together translate French
588 parallel translation
I told you that last night when we were together.
Je vous l'ai dit hier soir lorsque nous étions ensemble.
From the time I was able to walk, we were both happiest when we were together.
Depuis mes premiers pas... notre bonheur, c'était d'être ensemble.
When we were together, you told me a lot of things.
Tu m'as raconté un tas de choses.
Mostly I remember the nights when we were together.
Je me souviens surtout des nuits qu'on a passées ensemble.
He used to say that when we were together.
C'est ce qu'il disait quand nous étions ensemble.
- Just like when we were together.
- Même mariés, on l'était déjà.
Do you remember when we were together in that factory?
Tu te souviens quand on était dans cette usine?
We quarrelled often when we were together...
Nous nous disputions souvent quand nous vivions ensemble.
No more than I missed them when we were together.
Pas plus que quand tu étais là.
Almost as lonely as when we were together.
Presque aussi seule que lorsqu'on était ensemble.
Perhaps even more than when we were together.
Peut-être plus que de notre temps.
No, I didn't drink when we were together.
Non, je ne buvais pas quand nous étions ensemble.
Still, I never flirted when we were together.
N'empêche que j'ai jamais dragué quand on était ensemble.
- I'll tell you what I can't forget. That the last time we were together, when she turned to me with pleading eyes she wanted sympathy or a kind word.
- Ce que je ne peux oublier, c'est son regard suppliant, la dernière fois que je l'ai vue.
There's a picture of us together when we were kids.
C'est une photo de nous quand on était jeunes.
Then he said to say that we were together when it happened...
Je devais dire qu'on était ensemble
You know, when we were all kids together, just growing'up, he was kind of wild, of course.
Quand on ètait gosses, en grandissant, iI était plutôt sauvage, bien sûr.
Ole and I ran around together when we were kids.
On a été gosses ensemble.
You see I wanted to be able to remember the good times with Dad when we were all together.
Vous voyez, je voulais me rappeler des bons moments avec papa, quand on était tous ensemble.
Over there in Africa, when we were soldiers together,
Là-bas, en Afrique, quand nous étions soldats ensemble,
It was uh... when we were getting her things together to send back to her parents.
En rassemblant ses affaires pour ses parents.
When we were in the taxi together, I felt as though I were on a great golden cloud.
Dans le taxi, j'étais sur un gros nuage d'or.
We were together when you met her.
Nous étions ensemble quand vous l'avez connue.
We went around together when we were in college. University of Colorado.
On sortait ensemble quand on étudiait à l'Université du Colorado.
When we first started to go together you were the best sport I ever saw.
Quand on a commencé à sortir ensemble tu étais la fille la plus sympa qui soit.
When we were younger, we did so many things together.
Jeunes, on faisait plein de choses.
We were flying together when all a pilot had for breakfast... was a cigarette and a hangover.
On a volé ensemble quand un pilote avait la gueule de bois pour tout petit-déjeuner.
Remember those first days when we were riding together, Ortero?
- Tu te souviens de nos débuts?
We've worked together for 5 years. When I met you, you were this small.
On bosse ensemble depuis cinq ans.
You see, i-i-it's just that I know we were together part of the day - - When was that?
On s'est vus ce jour-là.
What were you thinking when we walked together in the street, last night?
Qu'est-ce que tu pensais quand on marchait ensemble dans la rue, hier soir?
When we were up at Cambridge together... We became very good friends for a while.
Tous deux à Cambridge, nous étions très bon amis.
We were chatting here together when you two burst in and took us by surprise.
Nous bavardions quand vous avez fait irruption.
The way I used to when we were friends, and worked together.
De la même manière que quand nous étions amis et travaillions ensemble.
We were handcuffed together when he escaped.
Nous étions menottés ensemble quand il s'est échappé.
I guess that... when Sondra and I... were alone together, we got more violent.
Je crois que, quand Sandra et moi nous sommes retrouvées seules, les choses se sont gâtées.
Don't take it personally, but when we didn't live together, well... we both know what you were doing then.
Non pas que... Mais quand nous avons été séparés... nous savons comment tu vivais.
When every place we went was better because we were together... and I suddenly realised the emptiness was gone... and the world just might be worth living in again... I knew it was time for the acid test.
Quand partout oú nous allions, devenait magique... et que par le fait d'ìtre ensemble... je réalisais que brusquement, le vide était comblé... et qu'il valait la peine de vivre en ce monde... je savais que c'était le moment d'avaler l'acide.
Leave each other? When were we ever together?
- Quand avons-nous été ensemble?
He loaned me cigarettes when we were kids together.
Il me filait des clopes quand on était jeunes.
When we were children we got used to sleeping together... it was our secret.
Quand nous étions enfants, nous avions l'habitude de dormir ensemble. C'était notre secret.
I remember you were a champion... when we went to university together.
Je me souviens que vous étiez un champion quand nous sommes allés à université ensemble.
Koda and I are old friends from when we were working together at the port.
Koda et moi sommes des amis de longue date.
I don't know if the twins... mentioned anything about, you know... when Jimi and them first met... but we were all living together.
Je ne sais pas s'ils vous l'ont dit, mais quand ils se sont rencontrés nous habitions tous ensemble.
Remember when you found us together yesterday and I said we were just talking about Jean? Yes?
Quand vous nous avez vus hier et que je vous ai dit qu'on parlait de Jean.
You never fought anyone when we were training together.
C'est bien la première fois que je vous vois blessé.
When we were doing time together, you always said... You didn't want to be just a punk. You wanted to be a boss.
Quand on était ensemble, tu disais que tu ne voulais pas rester une petite frappe, mais devenir un vrai chef de gang.
I was thinking of when we were young together.
Je me remémorais notre jeunesse passée ensemble.
Yesterday, when we were here together, did anything happen between us?
Hier, quand nous étions ensemble, quelque chose c'est passé entre nous?
When we were all thrown together on this fleet for the first time, some of us had troubles, didn't we?
Quand on s'est tous retrouvés ensemble dans la flotte, au début, certains ont eu des problèmes.
Seriously, Sybil, do you remember when we were first... manacled together?
- Tu te souviens quand on s'est rencontré...
when we first met 137
when were you born 26
when we were kids 120
when we're together 26
when we were young 21
when we got there 24
when were you going to tell me 27
when we're alone 19
when we come back 37
when we broke up 18
when were you born 26
when we were kids 120
when we're together 26
when we were young 21
when we got there 24
when were you going to tell me 27
when we're alone 19
when we come back 37
when we broke up 18