When we were translate French
10,061 parallel translation
Why couldn't we do it when we were on our own?
Pourquoi ça ne marche pas quand on est seuls?
The other part of it is, when we were calling The Wheel looking for an officer who spoke Serbian, you were the only one in the entire department who fit the age and physical profile.
Et aussi parce qu'on a demandé au central un officier parlant le serbe, et que tu es la seule du département à correspondre avec l'âge et le physique.
When we were dating you never wore anything of mine, except that one time when you wore my thong.
Quand nous sortions ensemble, tu ne portais jamais quelque chose à moi. excepté la fois ou tu as mis mon string.
Sherlock remembered seeing them in a picture when we were here the other day.
Sherlock s'est souvenu les avoir vus sur une photo lors de notre dernière visite.
And he only told me because he had to when we were in the middle of that takeover battle.
Il me l'a dit parce qu'il le devait quand nous étions au milieu de cette bataille pour le rachat.
Mmm, I liked it better when we were shopping.
Je préférais quand on faisait du shopping.
You remember when we were kids and we used to pass that book around, Helter Skelter?
Tu te souviens enfants, on se prêtait ce livre, Helter Skelter?
I think you should become a citizen because even back when we were alone in our apartment, this is what you always wanted.
Je pense que tu devrais devenir un citoyen car même en revenant en arrière quand nous étions seuls dans notre appartement, C'est ce que tu as toujours voulu
Because when we were sick a few weeks ago, you didn't seem to care.
Car quand on est tombés malades il y a quelques semaines, tu n'avais pas l'air de t'en soucier.
When we were in high school, we did a little number.
Quand on etait au lycée, on avait un numéro.
I should have known that when we were planning a family that he was a traitor who had installed surveillance cameras in my bedroom.
J'aurais du savoir que quand mon mari et moi envisagions une famille qu'il était, en fait, un traître qui avait installé des caméras de surveillance dans ma chambre!
That's a once-a-year thing, and you already used it on Halloween, when we were ten-foot-tall Ralph Macchio.
C'était un bon pour une fois, et tu l'as utilisé à Halloween, quand on était le Ralph Macchio de dix mètres.
I dropped my yogurt when we were running, so no.
J'ai fait tomber mon yaourt quand nous courrions, donc non.
Remember when we were A-list?
Tu te rappelles quand on était sur la liste?
Okay, this is a little weird, but, um... when we were married, how would you describe our... sexual relationship?
D'accord, c'est un peu étrange, mais, quand on était mariés, comment aurais-tu décrit notre... vie sexuelle?
Well, it kind of made sense a little bit when we were told that, you know, he was trying to get out of New York because Jeanine Pirro was after him.
Ça nous a semblé plutôt logique quand ils ont dit qu'il avait été forcé de quitter New York parce que Jeanine Pirro était à ses trousses.
You know, we did this once before, to a Mexican kid, when we were bored.
On a déjà fait ça à un gamin mexicain, on s'ennuyait.
Remember when we were in that church, making Crowley human?
Tu te souviens à l'église? Quand on humanisait Crowley?
Dang, just when we were starting to have fun.
Juste quand on commençait à s'amuser.
When we were closing in on Lee,
Quand on classait l'affaire de Lee,
When we were little'uns.
Quand on était encore petiots.
~ When we were lads, I mean, 11 and 12, there was some business about a servant girl being sacked by the vicar and not going quietly.
- Quand on était gamin, à 11 ou 12 ans, il y a une histoire à propos d'une bonne mise à la porte par le vicaire et qui ne s'est pas bien passé.
I mean, back when we were in the league, we talked to the media about football instead of airing our dirty drawers.
À mon époque, on parlait de football aux journalistes.
You know, one night when we were at the academy, one of our training officers busted me and Clay trying to sneak back on campus after lights out.
Une nuit quand on était au lycée, l'un de nos entraîneurs nous a grillé moi et Clay essayant de nous faufiler sur le campus après le couvre-feu.
I'd have to go back to when we were 5.
Il faudrait remonter à l'époque où on avait cinq ans.
She and Audrey added to it when we were trapped in the school.
Elle et Audrey l'ont rallongée quand nous étions coincés dans l'école.
Ah... when we were dating.
Au début de notre rencontre?
We used to play in them when we were children.
On y jouait quand on était enfants.
So... when we were in MTAC...
Donc, au MTAC...
I... saw him when we were back at the memorial.
Je l'ai vu quand on était au mémorial.
Where were you when we all burned?
Où étais-tu quand nous avons toutes brûlé?
Now, I can't tell you everything about the Stitchers program, but when we are done, you will look back and know that you were part of something very important.
Je ne peux pas tout te dire à propos du programme, mais quand on aura fini, tu verras et tu sauras que tu faisais partie d'un truc très important.
Plus, we're not as young as we were when she was like this.
En plus, nous ne sommes plus aussi jeunes que nous étions lorsque qu'elle avait cet âge.
When you didn't stop while we were getting gas,
Quand vous vous êtes pas arrêtés quand on prenait de l'essence,
We were already awake when you texted.
On était déjà réveillés.
You don't appear physically capable of the crime that we're investigating, but I imagine you were in better form when Jim Sullivan was killed.
Vous semblez physiquement incapable du crime sur lequel nous enquêtons, mais vous deviez être en meilleure forme quand Jim Sullivan a été tué.
You were a complete disaster when we started.
Vous étiez dans un état catastrophique quand on a commencé.
We were at the summer camp up the coast when the virus hit.
Nous étions au camp d'été plus haut sur la côte quand le virus a frappé.
When you struck that JC Penney's pose, I knew we were in.
Quand tu as pris cette pose à la JC Penney ( grande chaîne américaine de magasins ), j'ai su que c'était ça.
So we grabbed what we could and we were looking for somewhere to hide and that's when we realised the ghosts couldn't come in here.
On a pris ce qu'on pouvait et on a cherché où se cacher et on a réalisé que les fantômes ne pouvaient pas entrer.
When we found out what the ghosts were saying, we weren't surprised because the words, they were already inside us.
À la découverte des paroles des fantômes, on n'était pas surpris, car les mots étaient déjà en nous.
In doing so, that's when we found a bunch of the black plastic trash bags that were floating in the water.
C'est à ce moment-là que l'on a trouvé les sacs plastiques qui flottaient dans l'eau.
When we met, you were sleeping with your married boss.
Quand on s'est rencontrées, tu couchais avec ton patron marié.
If you reconstruct the case of Kathie, there were several people who saw Kathie when we know she was dead.
Si on reconstruit l'affaire de Kathie, il y a plusieurs personne qui ont vu Kathie alors que nous savons qu'elle était déjà morte.
Were you here when I mentioned that we're underground?
T'as entendu quand je t'ai dit qu'on était cachés? On a des secrets.
And last night at the station, when we said we were gonna charge him.
Et la nuit dernière, au poste, quand on lui a dit qu'on allait l'inculper.
We don't know when they were killed, but it's definitely possible he did it.
On ne sait pas quand ils ont été tués, mais il peut l'avoir fait.
You know, when we first met, you were in such a good place.
Tu sais, lorsque nous nous sommes rencontré pour la première fois, tu étais dans une bonne période.
We're the same age but you remember everything clearly of when you were younger. Mom told you about that. There was a big fire in our house in the past, and it was only that inhaled toxic gas.
Nous avons le même âge mais tu te souviens clairement de tout quand tu étais plus jeune. et il n'y a que toi qui as inhalé des gaz toxiques.
We were gonna shoot some more pics, uh... when we got to the top.
On allait prendre plus de photos, quand on serait en haut.
We were all heartbroken when we heard about William.
Nous sommes tous chagrinnés quand nous avons appris ce qui est arrivé à William.
when we were kids 120
when we were together 36
when we were young 21
when we were married 24
when we were dating 17
when we first met 137
when were you born 26
when we're together 26
when we got there 24
when were you going to tell me 27
when we were together 36
when we were young 21
when we were married 24
when we were dating 17
when we first met 137
when were you born 26
when we're together 26
when we got there 24
when were you going to tell me 27