When we were young translate French
314 parallel translation
When we were young telegrams were new, expensive and exciting.
Quand on était jeunes, les télégrammes étaient nouveaux et chers.
None of us was any good when we were young
Ce Narita que tu connais...
We did have fun, when we were young, didn't we?
Nous nous amusions bien, quand nous étions petits.
We became friend at college when we were young, because of that extraordinary resemblance.
Nous nous sommes liés très jeunes au collège à cause de cette ressemblance étonnante.
When we were young, geisha were seen as very different creatures
Autrefois, les geishas étaient des créatures à part.
Her romance kept us in suspense... when we were young!
Ne prenez pas ça trop au sérieux, comme l'a fait votre sœur. Yuki, ton aventure nous avait toutes vraiment passionnées.
When we were young we wanted to change society.
C'est vrai, nous avons voulu changer la société.
No, I think we like to look back, remember when we were young.
Non, je crois qu'on aime se remémorer l'époque où on était jeune.
Now, let me welcome you all to this reunion. An occasion for us all to think back to those extraordinary years, when we were young and had a cause to live for!
Laissez-moi vous accueillir à cette réunion, une occasion de nous remémorer ces extraordinaires années où nous étions jeunes et vivions pour une cause!
The way it was when we were young.
Comme quand on était jeune.
I was thinking of when we were young together.
Je me remémorais notre jeunesse passée ensemble.
We all tormented frogs when we were young
Son visage prendra autant d'expressions.
Tu te rappelles quand nous étions jeunes?
When we were young and foolish and still singing in bowling alleys...
Quand j'étais jeune et bête, et que je chantais encore dans les bowlings.
We all had flings when we were young.
On a tous eu des aventures.
When we were young, they would hire us to gather seaweed.
Quand nous étions jeunes, on nous demandait de récolter les algues.
When we were young, he bought a traction machine to stretch us.
Quand nous étions petits, il nous allongeait sur une machine à étirer.
You and I were so close when we were young.
On était si proches, petits.
When we were young... and alive.
On était jeunes... et en vie.
There might have been another time when we were young, but I'm not sure.
Peut-être quand on était jeunes, je suis pas sûr.
You know what we should have done when we were young studs?
Tu sais ce qu'on aurait dû faire quand on était jeunes?
Do you remember what papa used to tell us when we were young?
Souviens-toi de ce que disait papa quand nous étions jeunes.
When we were young, we were very close.
Enfants, nous étions très proches.
I started thinking back to when we were young....
Et je me suis souvenu de quand nous étions mômes...
It's a dance Dad and I danced when we were young.
- C'est une musique qu'on dansait avec ton père, quand on était jeunes.
You belong with us, like it was when we were young.
Tu devrais être avec nous, comme quand on était jeunes.
We were friends when we were young.
Plus jeunes, nous étions amis.
Remember how things were when we were young?
Tu te souviens comment c'était, quand on était jeunes?
When we were young and saw injustice, we fought it.
Quand nous étions jeunes, nous combattions l'injustice.
Do you remember when we were young?
Te souviens-tu de notre enfance?
When we were young... my father was always drunk.
Quand nous étions jeunes... mon père était toujours ivre.
Nowadays, young people go hiking, but not when we were young.
Les jeunes de maintenant font des randonnées, mais nous, on ne connaissait pas ça.
When I married Félicité, we were both very young.
Quand j'ai épousé Félicité, on avait à peu près ton âge.
And then when you didn't come back and we thought you were dead well, it wasn't an easy situation for Sandra to face alone so I went away with her and stayed until Young Pete was born.
Après ta disparition, quand on t'a cru mort, ce n'était pas une situation facile à affronter pour elle, et nous sommes parties ensemble jusqu'à la naissance.
We were all pretty young when we started out.
Quel âge a votre fils?
When last we met, you were quite violent about a young lady.
La dernière fois qu'on s'est vus, vous étiez agressive contre une jeune femme.
" Because when they were young we fed and sheltered them?
" Parce que nous les avons nourri et protégé?
And just when we were trying so hard to make an elegant young lady out of you.
Et juste au moment où on s'évertue... à faire de toi une jeune élégante.
when I was young we were worse off than you are!
La vie était dure quand j'étais petite.
What we all mean to each other and, of course, your mother and me... when you were all young... and then now...
La famille... Ce que nous sommes l'un pour l'autre. Il y avait votre mère et moi, quand vous étiez jeunes.
There was a time when you could've saved me, Papa by letting me marry Chance, when we were both young and clean.
Tu aurais pu m'éviter ces "déceptions", comme tu dis. En me laissant épouser Chance, quand nous étions innocents.
A nickname I gave Leonard when we were very young.
J'avais surnommé Leonard ainsi quand nous étions jeunes.
We're living in different times, When you and I were young kids, there were no heroes, We got all sorts of heroes now,
Les temps ont changé. Nous, on n'avait pas de héros. Maintenant, il y a un paquet de gamins qui m'admirent!
And it came at a time when we were both too young to handle it.
Et c'est arrivé alors que nous étions trop jeunes pour le gérer.
Our parents separated when we were very young.
Nos parents se sont séparés quand nous étions très jeunes.
When we were little kids, and too young to understand John Kennedy said, "Ask what you can do for your country."
FELICITATIONS PROMOTION 1969 Quand nous étions enfants, tropjeunes pourcomprendre, John Kennedy a dit : "Demandez ce que vous pouvez faire pourvotre pays".
They are from my wife... when we were very young.
Elles viennent de ma femme, quand on était très jeunes.
In the old country we were taught as very young children that there's no shame in supplicating yourself when you respect someone.
Au vieux pays, on apprend aux enfants qu'il n'y a pas de honte à supplier quelqu'un qu'on respecte.
You were 50 and I, a young girl, when we married in St. Petersburg.
Tu avais 50 ans et moi je n'étais qu'une jeune fille, lorsque nous nous sommes mariés à St Petersbourg.
When Xena and I met, we were very young.
Nous étions jeunes quand nous nous sommes connus.
We were starting to have a nice chat When a young girl took her away... To meet a man who was my age.
Eh malheureusement, quand la conversation commençait à vraiment démarrer, une jeune fille est arrive et elle l'a entraînée vers heu... un homme, un homme de mon âge
when we first met 137
when were you born 26
when we were kids 120
when we were together 36
when we're together 26
when were you going to tell me 27
when we got there 24
when we're alone 19
when we come back 37
when we broke up 18
when were you born 26
when we were kids 120
when we were together 36
when we're together 26
when were you going to tell me 27
when we got there 24
when we're alone 19
when we come back 37
when we broke up 18