Who's that from translate French
1,001 parallel translation
So, the meat is done. The hero of today who made sure that we can continue shooting in safety is our Representative Kim. Let's hear from him!
Le repas est cuit. C'est notre Directeur Kim.
I know that sounds odd coming from a man Who's brought you some of the worst,
Je sais que ca sonne faux venant d'un homme qui t'a apporté du malheur dans ta vie
Anyone who's followed the modern trend of pscyhological investigations must be aware that any person suffering from severe mental strain, such as the prisoner may have been following on so many rehearsals and things, may bring about a sudden condition in which the patient is no longer either conscious of or responsible for their actions.
Quiconque connaît la psychologie moderne... sait qu'une personne ayant des troubles mentaux... tels que la prisonnière peut en avoir... peut se retrouver dans un état où le patient... n'est plus conscient, ni responsable de ses actes.
" Certain evidence leads us to believe that this is the same murderer who has already claimed eight victims from among our city's children.
" Certaines preuves nous portent à croire qu'il s'agit du meurtrier qui a déjà tué huit enfants dans nos villes.
If ever I get back to Texas on that range again... the first man who says "inspection" to me... he's going to be S.O.L., because he'll hear from my six-shooter.
Si jamais je retourne un jour au Texas, le premier qui me parle "d'inspection", il passera un sale quart d'heure, parce que je le flinguerai.
- Chances? That's fine talk... coming from a fella who just got through slapping tigers in the face.
Quel discours venant d'un homme qui gifle le museau des tigres!
An account from Hungary tells of a village doctor who, having sold his soul to the Evil One, became a vampire's henchman and thus an accessory to a series of horrid crimes in that region.
Un récit de Hongrie nous apprend que le médecin du village, qui avait vendu son âme au malin, devint un assistant du vampire et son complice dans une série de crimes odieux commis dans la région. Il devint ainsi de plus en plus dangereux.
I sometimes think, Sir Charles that a great government resembles a beautiful woman who, intoxicated with her own beauty is apt to withdraw from a sincere suitor the favors she's always granted.
J'aime comparer le gouvernement à une femme, qui, trop consciente de sa beauté, repousse les faveurs de son soupirant.
He must understand that I can't accept money from a man who... hates me so much that he's separating me from my boy.
Je crois que si. Je ne peux accepter l'argent d'un homme qui... me hait tant.
This is one of the many startling statements made by Longfellow Deeds... New York's new Cinderella Man... who went out last night to prove that his uncle, the late M.W. Semple... from whom he inherited 20 million dollars... was an amateur in the art of standing the town on its cauliflower ear. "
C'est l'une des nombreuses affirmations effrayantes de Longfellow Deeds... le nouvel homme-cendrillon de New York... qui est sorti la nuit passée pour montrer que son oncle, feu Mr W. Semple... de qui il a hérité 20 millions de dollars... était un amateur dans l'art de faire parler de lui. "
No one's interested in my adventure but Jerry, who knows it's innocent... just as well as he knows that he just got back from Florida.
Cela n'intéresse que Jerry. Il sait que je suis innocente, comme il sait qu'il revient de Floride.
You're the only man who can save him from this mad thing that's happening.
Vous êtes le seul homme qui puisse le sauver de cette insanité.
- Takes a magician to get into this coat. - That's who I took it from.
- C'est une veste de magicien.
Drop that gun before somebody takes it. - Who's gonna take it away from me?
Rangez ce pistolet avant qu'on vous le prenne!
You're not gonna have a country that can make these kinds of rules work, if you haven't got men who can tell human rights from a punch in the nose.
Aucun pays ne pourrait faire fonctionner ce genre de règles, s'il n'y avait des hommes ayant appris à se battre pour appliquer les droits de l'homme.
Back in this country, the boys who had returned from overseas begin to find out that the world has moved on during the time they spent in France.
Les rapatriés s'aperçoivent vite que le monde a évolué pendant qu'ils combattaient.
Well, who's that from?
De qui est-elle?
One of you, in order to stop Rice from telling who killed Miss Dean... turned out the lights at that switch... or that switch, or that switch... and took the gun from Jimmy's pocket and shot the butler.
L'un d'entre vous, afin d'empêcher Rice de dévoiler qui a tué Mlle Dean... a éteint les lumières avec cet interrupteur... ou celui-ci, ou celui-là... et à volé l'arme de la poche deJimmy et a tué le majordome.
I've told you who I am and where I come from and what my father's business is here, and that, in an emergency should be introduction enough.
J'ai dit qui je suis et d'où je viens et ce que fait mon père, vu l'urgence, cela peut suffire.
Criminy, I mean, who in the world would suspect a gal magician with a vaudeville show that's strictly from hunger.
Qui soupçonnerait une pauvre illusionniste qui fait de la magie pour survivre.
- But that's not all, Grandfather. It seems, from what I could gather, that Mrs. Asterbrook, of the Asterbrooks... who was sitting at an adjoining table... resented bitterly the idea of Henry dropping a nickel into her décolletage... and complaining to the management because no chocolate bar dropped out of Mrs. Asterbrook.
J'ai cru comprendre que Mme Asterbrook se serait formalisée du fait qu'Henry ait introduit une pièce de 5 F dans son décolleté et qu'il se soit plaint de ne pas voir venir du chocolat.
- Yes, Grandpa. - If I were about 50 years younger... I'd take you right away from that s splendid young man you're going to marry... and who is going to make you a wonderful husband.
Si j'avais 15 ans de moins, je vous enlèverais à ce... parfait jeune homme qui sera un parfait mari.
That's enough father, thanks. I just wanted to know who it was from.
" Je t'écris pour te dire combien je suis fière
That's a lot of territory for a little guy who gets a Charley horse from reading the football scores.
C'est loin pour un petit gars dont les muscles raidissent quand il lit les résultats du football.
That's a funny diagnosis for a fellow who's supposed to have just come from vacation.
Drôle de diagnostic pour un type qui revient de vacances.
The police have asked me to announce that our neighborhood roads are free of the dangerous madman who escaped from Green Manors.
La police m'a demandé d'annoncer que les routes de la région sont sans danger quant au fou qui s'est échappé de Green Manors.
And now your weekly receipts, Mrs. Nolan. Now, there's one party, not very far from here, I wouldn't like to say who that didn't get any receipts this week.
Vous avez des voisins, qui, eux... n'ont pas payé cette semaine.
That's what we can expect from someone who studies bugs under a microscope.
On s'attend à ça de quelqu'un qui étudie les insectes au microscope.
Whiles I stood rapt in the wonder of it, came missives from the king, who all-hailed me'Thane of Cawdor', by which title, before, these weird sisters saluted me, and referred me to the coming on of time, with'Hail, king that shalt be!
Tandis que je restais ravi par la surprise, des courriers du roi me proclamèrent thane de Cawdor, titre dont les sœurs fatales m'avaient salué, me désignant aussi pour l'avenir avec ces mots :
Plains are ruined, houses are demolished, villages are burnt... cities are set on fire... and the people who hoped after the end of the previous war... to live peacefully and happily under the shinning sun... see that sun darken... from the black fumes of disaster and calamity.
Les plaines sont dévastées, les maisons démolies, les villages brûlés... Les villes sont incendiées... et les gens qui espéraient après la fin de la guerre précédente... vivre dans la paix et le bonheur, sous un soleil radieux... voient ce soleil s'assombrir... à cause des fumées noires du désastre et des calamités.
The day she left, a boy from charity who worked here went missing too. And two things together... that's a milestone.
Le jour de son départ, un petit de l'assistance qu'on employait a disparu.
It is the street of social success, the avenue of achievement, the golden goal for all who struggle and aspire to reach the top and sometimes find that from the top, there's no other place to go.
C'est la rue de la réussite sociale, l'avenue du succès, le but ultime de ceux qui veulent atteindre le sommet. Mais une fois au sommet, il est impossible d'aller plus haut.
Who's bluffing now? It so happens that I was with Lionel less than an hour ago. And it was transparently clear from his demeanour and conversation that he had not the faintest suspicion that you and I had any relationship other than that of, as he would probably put it, old pals who used to roast chestnuts together round the jolly old nursery fire.
J'étais chez Lionel, il n'y a pas une heure et il était évident, d'après son attitude qu'il ne soupçonnait rien entre toi et moi, sinon des relations "de vieux copains" qui ont joué ensemble étant petits.
That's a silly question coming from a man who knows all the answers.
- Pourquoi? Drôle de question pour quelqu'un de si malin!
- I wonder who that's from.
- Je me demande qui l'envoie.
The police have good reason to suspect that the man who shot and killed a bus driver in the Orchard Street Depot tonight is Gunther Wyckoff a recent fugitive from the State Hospital for the Criminal Insane.
Nous avons de bonnes raisons de suspecter que l'homme qui a tué un chauffeur de bus à la gare routière de Orchard Street ce soir est Gunther Wyckoff, qui vient de s'échapper de l'hôpital psychiatrique pour criminels.
You'll get it from your brother who's getting that stuff they shoot out?
Vous allez demander mon argent à votre frère... qui est en train de se faire administrer le remède de la maison?
I don't know who left them the money, but I do know, from what Howard's told me that they're worth several million dollars.
Je ne sais pas qui leur a laissé l'argent, mais je sais que Howard m'a dit qu'ils avaient plusieurs millions de dollars.
- Who's that from back there?
Qui est là?
Besides, any man who's held every rank from private to major, won a field commission, been breveted twice for exceptional gallantry... and won the Congressional Medal of Honor, there just isn't enough that we can do for him.
Et un homme ayant eu tous les grades de deuxiéme classe á commandant... qui a gagné des galons en bataille, deux brevets pour bravoure... et la Médaille d " Honneur du Congrés... eh bien, on ne saurait jamais en faire assez pour lui.
Coming from you, that's a very pleasant compliment. We'll just see who's right.
On verra qui a raison.
It's not possible that a man of your scientific curiosity... wouldn't want to find out who I am, where I come from.
Ce n'est pas possible qu'un homme comme vous... n'ait pas envie de savoir qui je suis et d'où je viens.
That's why you didn't know who I was. You can't tell the patients from the doctors.
On ne distingue pas les malades des médecins.
You'll tell them that your fathers defended your fatherland from the barbarian invader who threatened its sacred borders and that we of 1899, who fought on Monte Grappa, on the stony ground of the Carso and on the River Piave, are the same men we were then and so, when the cannon thunders it's the voice of the fatherland that is calling us and we shall answer :
Vous leur direz que vos pères ont défendu la patrie contre l'envahisseur barbare qui menaçait les frontières sacrées. Que nous, ceux de 99, qui nous sommes battus au mont Grappa, sur les pentes du Carso et sur le Piave, sommes restés les mêmes! Et alors, quand tonnera le canon, nous entendrons l'appel de la patrie et nous répondrons : présent!
She is a grand Southern woman mother of four boys very proud of her son, John, who came home from the wars and took over the task that his father laid down when he died under an assassin's bullet.
C'est une vraie femme du Sud mère de quatre enfants, très fière de son fils John qui est rentré de la guerre et a repris le flambeau que son père avait laissé choir en tombant sous les balles de son assassin.
Behind that door, you'll find an ex-car salesman from Minneapolis. who's conducting a very vigorous war to make General.
Dans l'autre pièce se trouve un vendeur de voitures de Minneapolis qui mène une guerre pour devenir général.
That's the kind of a remark I expect from a person... who has the IQ of a moron!
C'est le genre de remarque que j'attends d'une personne qui a le Q.I. D'un imbécile!
That's no compliment from a blue-belly who hasn't been weaned yet.
Ça ne me flatte nullement, venant de votre part.
500 bucks. That's not enough to investigate who's pinching soap from a Y.
Y a même pas de quoi enquêter sur des vols de savon au YMCA.
" Excuse this brief note, but the mere thought that my youngest is far from me... and who knows for how long, is an almost unbearable pain.
"Excuse-moi si je n'écris pas plus, " mais l'idée que, d'ici peu, ma petite s'éloignera de moi " et Dieu sait pour combien de temps,
Tell me, Father, what if he had made it back from Germany too, instead of just his wife that Jewish friend of yours who entrusted you with everything, what would you be today?
Dis-moi, papa, s'il était revenu d'Allemagne avec sa femme cet ami juif qui t'a tout confié, où en serais-tu aujourd'hui?
who's that 2692
who's that guy 128
who's that man 35
who's that girl 108
who's that lady 20
who's that woman 20
who's that for 26
from 995
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
who's that guy 128
who's that man 35
who's that girl 108
who's that lady 20
who's that woman 20
who's that for 26
from 995
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from new york 38
from time to time 154
from a distance 46
from the heart 21
from where 295
from the start 66
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from new york 38
from time to time 154
from a distance 46
from the heart 21
from where 295
from the start 66
from what i hear 195
from you 300
from the past 16
from here on 55
from this moment 32
from your wife 16
from this day forward 62
from me 297
from the beginning 207
from us 65
from you 300
from the past 16
from here on 55
from this moment 32
from your wife 16
from this day forward 62
from me 297
from the beginning 207
from us 65