You had me at translate French
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They had me out there among the clouds but I bounced back just to fool them. And look at you, a major.
Ils m'ont eu à travers la fumée, mais je me suis vite rétabli.
If you had listened to me, at least we'd have ships and men with us.
si vous m'aviez écouté, nous aurions des navires et des hommes avec nous.
And only yesterday you were asking me why you ever had to go back to school at all.
Et hier encore tu me demandais... pourquoi il fallait que tu retournes à l'école.
Give me a chance to show you a better time than we had at that frozen-faced party.
Je pourrais te montrer comment mieux s'amuser qu'à cette soirée coincée.
Let me go. I had nothing to do with it at all. What's the matter with you?
Laissez-moi, j'ai rien à voir là-dedans.
You know, I always had to cheat at math in school to pass. This brings it all back to me.
A l'école, je trichais en maths, tout ça me revient à présent.
I was just thinking how crazy I was not to take a good look at you when I had the chance.
Je me dis juste que j " ai été fou de ne pas bien vous regarder quand je le pouvais encore.
You had me worried. If you're going for a ride would you drop me off at home?
Puisque vous faites une balade, vous pourriez me déposer?
If it had been the other way round, if I'd shot you and then myself, I might have run at the last minute.
- Mais, si les rôles avaient été renversés, si j'avais dû tirer sur toi et me tuer ensuite, j'aurais peut-être fui, moi aussi.
When you and me worked at coney island, you had the loudest voice on the boardwalk.
Quand on travaillait ensemble, aucune fille ne chantait plus fort que toi.
Hey, one of those herrings you had in Sweden just winked at me.
Hé! Un hareng de Suède m'a fait signe.
If there were any reasonable chance for me to help you, it'd be different. But, during this quiet little weekend in the country... my family's been threatened... I've had a knife thrown at me, I've been shot at, I've been suspected of murder.
Si je pouvais vous aider j'agirais autrement mais durant ce calme week-end à la campagne ma famille a été menacée, j'ai servi de cible et on m'a suspecté de meurtre.
From the moment you looked at me, I had an idea you had an idea.
Dès que vous m'avez regardée, j'ai su que vous saviez.
Mr. Matuschek, the last time I had the pleasure to be at your apartment was several months ago when you sent me after your briefcase.
Je n'avais pas eu le plaisir d'aller chez vous depuis que vous m'aviez envoye chercher votre porte-documents.
Mon fils m'a dit combien riche... combien charmante vous étiez et en vous voyant, je peux dire qu'il est maître de l'euphémisme.
If I had a balloon that would take me there and back, mind you, I don't know that I wouldn't have a go at it.
Si le ballon pouvait me ramener, voyez... je dirais peut-être pas non.
You had a moustache at the time, and you tried to meet me in the casino. - No.
Vous portiez la moustache, et vous avez voulu me faire danser dans le casino.
If I didn't give them to you in a concentration camp where you had more persuasive methods at your disposal I certainly won't give them to you now.
Si je me suis tu... sous les moyens persuasifs de vos tortures... ce n'est certainement pas ici que je parlerai.
When you came to me at Melbridge shortly after he disappeared... I told you I was sure he hadn't deserted you knowingly. I told you a door in his mind had opened, but another had closed.
Quand vous êtes venue me voir, après sa disparition, je vous ai dit qu'une porte de sa mémoire s'était refermée.
Don't tell me you had to rely on your feminine instinct to arrive at that conclusion.
Ne me dites pas que votre instinct féminin vous a conduite à cette conclusion.
You know Joe, you shouldn't a had a leave me at that knitting table with all those wacky wrens.
Ce n'est pas plus compliqué! C'est une vraie drogue.
Why do you keep looking at me as if I had a hole in my head?
Pourquoi me regardez-vous comme si j'étais un fantôme?
I see you took me at my word and had a right good time.
Je vois que tu m'as écouté et que tu t'es bien amusé.
Tell me Judge Brisson had you ever heard of Monsieur Journet before you arrived at La Morte Rouge?
Dites-moi, Juge Brisson, connaissiez-vous M. Journet avant d'arriver à La Mort Rouge?
If you had any consideration at all, you wouldn't even mention money! OK.
Dans ce cas-là, ne me parle plus d'argent.
- Very much so. He was a little reluctant about it at first, I had to rouse him with a little oxygen, now he's mad at me, you ought to hear him.
Il a fallu le ranimer à l'oxygène.
If you had seen him on the tram with his beady eyes staring at me...
Si vous l'aviez vu dans Ie tramway, ces petits yeux saillants qui me regardaient...
My dear, if you knew how many daggers I've had flourished before me by hysterical ladies of the opera. At an earlier period of my life.
Sais-tu ce que je fais des dagues brandies par des divas hystériques quand j'étais jeune?
If we are to be thrown much together you had better believe that at once.
Si nous devons nous revoir, vous devez me croire.
I know you scoff at the Allenby curse... but ever since my parents were killed... I've had the strangest dreams. Dreams in which it seemed I lived a long time ago.
Je sais que vous vous moquez de la malédiction des Allenby... mais depuis que mes parents ont été tués... je fais les rêves les plus étranges... dans lesquels il me semble avoir vécu il y a longtemps.
You had friendship in you then that met mine at the door.
Tu avais de l'amitié en toi, alors, qui me rencontrait à la porte.
- Whit used to look at me... shake his head, and wish I had brains like you.
Whit voudrait que j'aie ton intelligence.
You would have laughed at me if I had demanded matches and burned those last rubles I've got.
Vous auriez ri de moi si j'avais demandé des allumettes pour brûler mes derniers roubles.
Well, they tell me out at the hospital you've had quite a siege.
L'hôpital m'a dit que vous avez passé de sacrés moments.
They told me at the hospital you had left.
- Vous n'étiez plus à l'hôpital.
I've had them look at me, and, you know, flirt and all.
Je les laisse me regarder et me faire la cour.
Herr Moyzisch, do not look at me as if you had a source of income other than your salary.
Herr Moyzisch, ne me regardez pas comme si j'étais une source de revenus autre que votre salaire.
You mustn't laugh at me, darling, but it had always been a girlish dream of mine... to love someone by the name of Ernest.
Ne te moque pas de moi, chéri, mais c'était déjà mon rêve de petite fille d'aimer un garçon qui s'appelle Constant.
He told me he was going to the screening and had an appointment with you here, at five.
Il vient à 5 heures.
You don't know what a woman like me is. You've only had the women of your camps, animals crawling at your feet.
Tu ne me connais pas, tu n'as eu que des femmes de ton peuple se traînant à tes pieds.
First, you had to get me to keep my mouth shut at the inquest, didn't you?
D'abord, tu m'as fait taire, le temps de l'enquête.
What I was sore at was that crackbrained idea of yours that seemed to be taking up all of your time, your energy and interest and attention, so you had no time to concentrate on anything else!
Ce qui me fichait en rogne, c'était tes idées stupides... qui semblaient prendre tout ton temps, ton énergie, ton intérêt... et ton attention, t'empêchant de te concentrer sur autre chose!
I had to throw myself at you to get you to ask me to dance and then you walk me home and won't even talk to me.
J'ai dû me jeter à votre tête pour danser, et maintenant, vous ne me parlez même pas.
If your father had listened to me, you wouldn't be going to war at 19.
Ton père n'aurait pas dû te laisser t'engager à 19 ans.
And then I had to sit at your table and you order me some Cognac.
Alors, j'ai dû m'asseoir à ta table et tu m'as commandé un peu de Cognac.
I just figure that since you met me at the Blue Dragon that you took it for granted that I'd had other boyfriends before you.
Comme vous m'avez trouvée au "Dragon Bleu"... je pensais que vous comprendriez que j'ai connu bien des hommes.
Yeah, she was afraid you were sore at me, so she had me rush the growler.
Elle avait peur que vous soyez fâchée Elle m'a envoyé au distributeur
When you looked at me, I felt my life had begun.
Quand tu m'as regarde, j'ai senti que ma vie commençait.
You had your good side, Lafe, but you had your bad side too, like cheating'at stud and emptying my
T'étais pas un mauvais bougre. Mais t'étais pas un ange non plus. Tu trichais aux cartes et tu me faisais les poches quand j'avais trop bu.
But it was you who taught me that you can love two men at once, you had only to defend me.
Mais c'est toi qui m'as appris qu'on peut aimer deux hommes à la fois, tu n'avais qu'à me le défendre.
But I remember a nurse that the Kesslers had for Paulie. She did some of the weirdest things you ever saw. - I used to watch her at night.
Je me souviens de la gouvernante de Paulie, elle était bizarre.
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had your chance 121
you had fun 22
you had it 22
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had your chance 121
you had fun 22
you had it 22