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You suck at this translate French

84 parallel translation
God, you suck at this game.
T'es vraiment nul à ce jeu.
You suck at this!
T'es nul!
You're tired. You looked all night. And clearly, you suck at this.
Tu l'as cherché toute la nuit et visiblement tu es nul.
That's really exciting. That's how you say I'm sorry, then you suck at this.
C'est vraiment super, si tu t'excuses comme ça, tu crains.
Wow, you suck at this Nancy Drew stuff.
Tu crains à ce truc de détective.
You suck at this, Chris.
T'es nul à ce jeu, Chris.
You suck at this.
Tu sais pas t'y prendre.
You suck at this.
T'es nulle à ce jeu.
- -God, why do you suck at this?
Mon Dieu, pourquoi tu crains au foot?
You suck at this game, you know that?
T'es trop nul à ce jeu...
You suck at this.
Tu es nulle.
You suck at this!
Tu es nul!
God, you suck at this.
Tu es vraiment trop nul.
You suck at this.
Tu es nul pour ça.
You suck at this!
T'es vraiment mauvais!
Yeah, and, dude, you suck at this Casanova shit.
Ouais! Et mon pote, t'es nul à ce truc de Casanova.
- You- - you suck at this, Moran.
- Toi- - tu crains là, Moran.
You suck at this game.
Tu es affreux à ce jeu.
And we threw the teddy bear back and forth. You know, on one level, you could say this is childish. And I gave the teddy bear suck, suddenly, at my breast.
On se lançait l'ours et soudain... je sais, c'était assez enfantin, j'ai donné le sein à l'ours,
So if you don't get that computer back on-line, sir... this unstable gravity well's gonna suck us in... one molecule at a time, sir! - So?
- Alors?
- I can't make the strawberry shortcake. You suck at this game.
- Soupe ou salade au choix.
You know, at first, I thought this was gonna suck.
Au début, j'ai cru que ça allait craindre...
You really suck at this.
Vous n'êtes pas très douée.
You look like you've been doing this forever and you still suck at it?
T'as du métier mais t'es toujours aussi naze!
- It wasn't me. - This guy yelled "you suck" at my wedding.
Ce type a crié "t'es nul" à mon mariage.
- Yeah, that's right. Wow, you really suck at this.
Adam Horner, mais il ne me regarde même pas.
I was going to tell you you really suck at this.
J'allais vous dire que vous êtes à chier pour ça.
Josh, you suck at this game.
Josh, t'es nul à ce jeu, mec.
Boy, you really suck at this.
Ma parole, qu'est-ce que tu crains.
You really kind of suck at this whole "just friends" thing
Ca pue vraiment le rôle être "Juste amis".
Look at this! You fucking suck!
Tu as perdu la tête!
Okay, Bones, you really suck at this.
Bones, vous n'assurez pas.
You kind of suck at this game, don't you?
Vous êtes nul à ce jeu, hein?
I suck at this. You do not suck.
Tu n'es pas nulle.
- You really kind of suck. - Karen! . at this whole "just friends" thing.
T'assures pas, avec notre amitié.
Boy, for somebody with such a big mouth, you sure suck at this.
Tu as beau avoir une grande bouche, tu es vraiment nulle.
I mean I don't want to get all motherly on you or anything, but you really suck at this game.
Je suis pas une mère casse-pied, mais tu es nulle à ce jeu.
Wow, you really do suck at this.
T'es vraiment nulle.
You know you suck at hiding how you feel and, look, I'm sure that Claire doesn't want to be at this party any more than you wanted to throw it, right?
T'es pas douée pour cacher tes sentiments, et Claire ne voulait pas plus être à cette fête que toi l'organiser.
You guys suck at this.
Vous craignez, les gars.
When will you not suck at this? When you don't suck at...
Quand t'arreteras de craindre à...
Aw, you suck at this.
- T'es nulle.
You really suck at this.
T'es vraiment pas doué pour ça.
You really suck at this.
- T'es vraiment nul.
You know, you don't actually suck at this.
- Tu sais, tu n'es pas mauvais du tout.
Why did you pick this game if you suck at it?
Pourquoi as-tu choisi ce jeu alors que tu es nulle?
When will you not suck at this?
Quand cesseras-tu d'être nul?
Oh, my God, you guys suck at this!
C'est pas croyable comme vous êtes nuls!
You really suck at this gay friend thing.
Tu es vraiment nul dans ce rôle d'ami gay.
You really suck at this gay friend thing.
Tu es vraiment nul à ce truc d'ami gay
You really suck at this gay friend thing.
T'es vraiment nul à cette histoire d'ami gay.

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