And as you know translate Portuguese
9,227 parallel translation
You change it now and we lose, they'll wanna know why.
Se as mudar agora e perdermos, eles vão quer justificações.
You know, the ocean used to love when I pulled up islands...'cause your ancestors would sail her seas and find'em.
Sabes, o oceano adorava quando eu puxava ilhas, porque os teus antepassados erguiam as velas e descobriam-nas.
I know the community, I know the people, and, you know, how to deal with it.
Eu conheço a comunidade, Eu conheço as pessoas, tu sabes, como lidar com elas.
I miss wanting to keep back things you don't know about me, because then I can just spring them on you, whenever I choose knowing that you'd have listened, understood and helped me as you always did.
Sinto a falta de esconder coisas que não sabes de mim, pois assim posso surgir com elas quando eu quiser... sabendo que me tens ouvido... compreendido e me ajudado... como sempre fizeste.
But you'd better know that I'm not gonna give up my job without a fight as your tutor, because I'm pretty good at that and I suspect that you might have fallen behind in that department.
Mas tens que saber que não vou desistir sem lutar, enquanto teu tutor, pois sou bom nisso, e suspeito que tenhas ficado para trás nesse quesito.
And I just can't take living like everyone else, you know?
E não consigo viver como as outras pessoas, sabes?
I know I put you in the fire by bringing us here, and you might be still mad at me about that, but I make the best decisions I can for you.
Sei que te compliquei a vida quando viemos para cá, e que ainda podes estar chateado comigo, mas tomo as melhores decisões que consigo por ti.
You know, she's got a month before she starts school... and we haven't been to the States for so long.
Falta um mês para ela começar as aulas... e não vamos aos Estados Unidos há tanto tempo.
Things were just getting a little too close to home and, you know, when those things start to happen...
As coisas estavam a tornar-se demasiado pessoais. Quando isso começa a acontecer...
I mean, it's less about the magazines and more about sponsoring impoverished youths, so that they can chase their dreams and actually make something of their lives, you know.
Quero dizer, as revistas não são o importante, mas sim o patrocínio de uma juventude empobrecida, de forma a que eles possam perseguir os seus sonhos, e que consigam fazer algo com as suas vidas.
And you don't know what happens over time, things change, and entire worlds change.
Não sabes o que aconteceu com o passar do tempo. As coisas mudam. O mundo muda.
You know, and they seem so sincere and hopeful, But you know the clubs don't last And I think they take individuals'life savings
E eles parecem tão sinceros e esperançosos, mas os clubes não duram e acho que levam as poupanças das pessoas com eles quando os convencem a acreditar nessa ideia e nessa oportunidade de negócio.
Their stories are real stories, you know at disney, We sold stories and we told stories and we're really good at it.
As suas histórias são verdadeiras, como a Disney, vendemos e contamos histórias e somos bons nisso.
You know, the people being able to question our government and hold it accountable. that's the principle that the United States of America was founded on.
As pessoas serem capazes de questionar o governo e pôr a responsabilidade nele, foi nesse princípio que os EUA foram fundados.
We don't know if you can hear, ladies and gentlemen. But, oh, the flight is moving along as it should be...
Não sabemos se ouvem, senhoras e senhores, mas o voo está a decorrer como devia.
You know, gums bleed, and there's cold sores...
Sabes, as gengivas sangram e há as aftas...
With the aid of science, humble rocks and stones will bridge that mystical gap we know as the leap of faith, leading us closer to God, who, I assure you, ladies and gentlemen, is very real.
Com a ajuda da ciência, humildes pedras forjaram a ponte para a nossa fé, aproximando-nos de Deus, quem, eu garanto, senhoras e senhores, é muito real.
Well, as you know, Homeland Security has been our top priority and yes, yes, we have been working together with X-Corp along with other developers, all in an effort to protect the people.
Como sabe, a Segurança Nacional tem sido a nossa maior prioridade, e sim, temos trabalhado com a X-Corp, e outros desenvolvedores no esforço de proteger a todos.
Those fellas get to go home at night, see their families, kiss their wives, and play with their kids, build that little white fence around the house, and, you know, sing hallelujah.
Estes companheiros voltam para casa à noite. Vêm as suas famílias, beijam as esposas, e brincam com os filhos. Constroem uma cerca branca ao redor da casa e cantam Aleluia.
You know, agents will flip-flop, and ops will go sideways.
Sabe, os agentes vão por trás, e as Operações pelos lados.
You know when you wake up at 3 : 00 in the morning and the TV's still on and there are these dead-eyed, plastic people talking excitedly about paring knives and you want to just quietly die?
Quando deixa a tv ligada até ás 3 da manha, e há essas pessoas de plástico.. a falar de lixos emotivos, e tu só queres morrer.
You have to face the truth and grit your teeth and... and know that things are gonna get better.
Tens de enfrentar a verdade, ranger os dentes e saber que as coisas vão melhorar.
You know, people say that fear fear makes meat stringy and it gives it a strange wild taste, but let me tell you from experience a little bit of fear makes meat sweet.
As pessoas dizem que o medo, o medo faz a carne ficar fibrosa e dá um gosto estranho e selvagem, mas, deixa-me dizer por experiência própria, um pouco de medo torna a carne doce.
You know, you are such a good fixer, you really are and I appreciate you trying to fix this, but, it's not Emily's nail.
Resolves sempre as coisas. É verdade. E agradeço que estejas a tentar, mas...
We were on the road in Spain, and I noticed that the people there pronounce the letter S with, like, a T-H "th" sound, so instead of saying Spain, they say Thpain, you know, and it's like the whole country has a crazy speech impediment, so I wrote a thong about that.
Estávamos em digressão em Espanha e reparei que as pessoas lá pronunciam a letra S com um som T-H "th", assim, em vez de dizerem Espanha, dizem Ethpanha e parece que o país todo tem um defeito de fala louco,
You know, I pestered him for years to throw things away and clean up the clutter.
Eu chateei-o durante anos para deitar coisas fora e arrumar as tralhas.
You know, every time you remember something, your mind changes it, just a little, until your best and your worst memories,
Sabes, sempre que te lembras de alguma coisa, a tua mente muda-a, só um bocadinho, até as tuas melhores e as tuas piores memórias... elas são as tuas maiores ilusões.
You know, me and Semi, when our hands were small enough, we used to reach into these machines, grab the chips that got caught in the chute.
Sabes, eu e o Semi, quando tínhamos mãos suficientemente pequenas, costumávamos mexer nestas máquinas, apanhar as fichas que ficavam presas na rampa.
And it's weird because you never know at that point in which you've lost that step.
Nunca sabes, naquele momento, quando é que perdeste as capacidades.
because of health issues, or maybe I just don't wanna continue to juggle family life and fighting life, you know?
Ou pode ser que eu não queira continuar a organizar a vida familiar com as lutas.
You know, you are as mean as a snake, and I love that about you.
Sei que é má como as cobras, e adoro isso em si.
She's as crooked as a dog's hind legs, and you know it.
Falta-lhe honestidade e tu sabe-lo.
The other day I'm looking at a dead one, and he's all the way down at the bottom, and all the other ants are... crawling all over him like it's nothing, you know?
No outro dia estava a ver uma morta, e estava totalmente no fundo, e todas as outras formigas estavam... a subir sobre ela assim, sabes?
I know, I know, uh, things are different for you and...
E eu sei... que as coisas são diferentes, para ti.
You know, their... boobs and vaginas, butts.
Tu sabes, as... mamas e vaginas, rabos.
You must consider high price also for our part. You know? For supervising, for training and these kind of stuff.
Temos também de contabilizar as nossa despesa, no tocante a supervisão, formação, etc.
Buddy's laying over here and what's left of the 1st Streeters, which, as you know, up until last night were the most vicious, violent gang in the city, responsible for more rapes and murders than your average Third World army.
Este tipo aqui e os outros é o que resta dos First Streeters, que como sabe, até esta noite, era o gangue mais brutal e perigoso da cidade. Culpados por mais violações e homicídios que exércitos de países de Terceiro Mundo.
The man you know as William Porter is our super-vigilante and that's him.
O homem que conhecem como William Porter, é o nosso super-vigilante, e isso é ele.
The Shias see him as the rightful heir of Muhammad, the Sunnis don't, and therein lies the... you know?
Para os Xiitas é o herdeiro legítimo de Maomé, já para os Sunitas...
But things could get nasty, and you're the only one of us who's ever actually, you know...
Mas as coisas podem tornar-se feias e é o único de nós que, de facto, já fez...
It would bother me more so because it would make it out to be like, you know, sort of like how it was when he was our counselor, and like he's basically directing us and thinking of the ideas, and it was tough.
Incomodava-me mais porque parecia que ele ainda era o nosso orientador e que, basicamente, nos dirigia e tinha as ideias, e isso foi difícil.
And he doesn't, you know, you gotta have the receiver as well as a giver.
E ele não... Tem de haver quem recebe e quem dá.
- This interest in trains and transportation, you know, started as a perseveration, but it's really become more of a career path for me.
O interesse pelos comboios e os transportes começou como uma perseverança, mas tornou-se de facto, para mim, mais um percurso profissional.
You know, as much as I love being your personal maid and running all these little errands for you you really need to get out of this apartment, buddy.
Sabes, por mais que goste de ser teu criado particular e fazer todas estas coisinhas para ti, precisas mesmo sair deste apartamento, meu.
I've been so busy, you know, with the internship and getting ready for school and stuff.
Desculpa não ter ligado, mas tenho andado ocupada com o estágio e a preparar as coisas para as aulas e isso.
And, you know, people were fighting for tickets outside.
E, sabes, as pessoas estavam a lutar por bilhetes lá fora.
I mean, the 17th Street Blips, they did tell me, you know, they gonna break in and "fuck my shit up."
Quero dizer, os Blips da 17th Street disseram-me que iam assaltar e "lixar-me as coisas".
Hey, man, you know, as much as I love snakes, I think we need to go to the bathroom real quick and drain ours.
Sabes, por muito que eu adore as cobras, acho que precisamos de ir muito depressa à casa de banho e esvaziar as nossas.
And, you know, I fully should've forgotten it... 'Cause it's such a small, random thing and people say bullshit...
E eu devia ter esquecido isso, pois foi uma frase tão casual e as pessoas dizem imensas tretas assim.
I know it must be very worrying, but I'm sure they'll find out why your wife is sick and get her home to you as soon as they can.
Tem uma filha linda, Sr. Su.
And once you know you're a carrier, managing it's quite straightforward.
Tenho de lavar as mãos.
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as your friend 23
and as i said 17
and as i recall 25
and as for me 30
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as your friend 23
and as i said 17
and as i recall 25
and as for me 30
and as of now 16
and as far as i can tell 27
and as always 27
and as it turns out 36
and as such 83
and as 20
as you know 1680
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
and as far as i can tell 27
and as always 27
and as it turns out 36
and as such 83
and as 20
as you know 1680
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me too well 26
you know that i love you 32
you know i love you 234
you know it 920
you know what they say 484
you know who i am 419
you know what you did 62
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me too well 26
you know that i love you 32
you know i love you 234
you know it 920
you know what they say 484
you know who i am 419
you know what you did 62