At the police station translate Portuguese
457 parallel translation
At the police station, Ellie tries to free her fellow countryman.
Na delegacia de polícia, Ellie tenta libertar o seu compatriota.
Wasn't he at the police station this afternoon?
Ele não estava na delegacia esta tarde?
How about dropping you off at the police station?
Posso deixá-lo na esquadra?
See if they have a stretcher at the police station.
Veja se têm uma maca na esquadra da polícia. Levem-no para lá.
Roger's gonna meet us at the police station.
O Roger vai ter connosco à esquadra.
There are a few things belonging to Mrs. Wendice at the police station.
Há algumas coisas da Sra. Wendice na esquadra.
That phone call at the police station, that wasn't the concierge at the hotel.
A chamada, que recebi na esquadra, não era do porteiro do hotel.
Maybe you could ask at the police station?
Podias perguntar na esquadra da polícia?
You identified her at the police station?
Identificou-a na delegacia?
He did seem more willing to talk when we were at the police station.
Ele parecia mais disposto a falar quando estavamos na esquadra.
At the police station, they told me you had beaten up a large Chinese gentleman.
Na esquadra, disseram-me que tinhas dado uma tareia a um chinês graúdo.
Well, sir, the lads are at the police station reporting a theft.
Os rapazes estão na esquadra a comunicar um assalto.
I called at the police station, and they told me you were out.
Não o consegui contactar na esquadra.
Four, that you were caught in possession Of an offensive weapon Viz, the big, brown table down at the police station.
Quarto, de ter sido apanhado na posse de uma arma de ataque, ou seja, a grande mesa castanha que está na esquadra.
The big, brown table down at the police station?
A grande mesa castanha que está na esquadra?
I'm in the subway, at the police station.
Estou no metro, na esquadra da polícia.
- He is at the Police Station.
- Ele está na esquadra de polícia.
- Yes, she was at the Police Station, and had been there quite a while and I thought...
- Sim, ela estava na esquadra de polícia e ficou lá uns tempos e eu pensei que era melhor...
It was a slaughter. So bad that at the police station, Balbo threw up when he saw him!
Ele foi tão massacrado que, na esquadra, Balbo vomitou quando o viu!
- Ask at the police station.
- Pergunte na esquadra da polícia.
I pray at temples, mosques and churches. Sometimes, I end up at the police station, too.
Se não me disseres agora, os meus homens te farão falar.
At the police station in Camelford, Kathy Draper talked to Quebec Bureau of Health official Claude Lapointe.
Na esquadra de Camelford, falámos com o Sr. Lapointe, do Departamento de Saúde.
Come and explain this at the police station.
Depois falamos disso! Para a esquadra!
I'd hoped to learn more from you before confronting them at the police station.
Assim queria saber mais antes de ligar para a polícia.
My father is already at the police station.
O meu pai já está na delegacia.
We don't need your charity, my father eats at the police station.
Não precisamos da tua caridade, o meu pai come na esquadra da policia.
What are you going to tell him when Miss Mallow's remains turn up at the police station?
O quê dirá à polícia se o corpo da Srta. Mallow aprarecer na delegacia?
- At the police station.
- Na esquadra de polícia.
I dumped him in the Transit at the police station.
Eu deixei ele na kombi em frente a delegacia.
I was with him at the police station.
Eu estive com ele na esquadra.
We met at the police station.
- Conhecemo-nos na Polícia.
Do you know what it's like to be pulled out of work to pick up your daughter at the police station?
Sabes o que é tirarem-me do trabalho... para vir buscar a filha à esquadra?
I just picked up Jeanie at the police station.
Fui buscar a Jeanie à esquadra.
I heard my dad talking on the telephone to a guy down at the police station.
Ouvi o meu pai a falar de um tipo na esquadra da polícia.
Remember this afternoon at the police station?
Lembras-te, na esquadra?
This afternoon at the police station, Nick the dick. Who's Nick the dick?
Hoje disseste "Vou-te foder, Nicck".
Yes, but not at the Police Station.
Pois, mas não na esquadra de policia.
i have it- - agent crabtree will have the keys to the handcuffs - at the police station.
O agente Crabtree tem as chaves das algemas na polícia.
I have a friend who works at the crime lab at the police station.
Tenho um amigo que trabalha no laboratório de uma esquadra.
I'll see you at the police station.
Vêmo-nos na esquadra de polícia.
I'm sure they read it at the police station.
tenho a certeza que leram isso na Esquadra de Polícia.
If they're not set at exactly the right minute, an alarm automatically goes off at the nearest police station. Get it?
Se não for activado no preciso minuto, soa automaticamente um alarme na esquadra mais próxima.
Now, at half past nine, Dr Kemp, with a bodyguard of police, will leave this house and walk down to the police station.
Às nove e meia, o Dr. Kemp com um grupo de polícias, sairá de casa e irá a pé até à esquadra.
Put me through to the police station at Llanwelly.
Ligue-me à esquadra da polícia de Llanwelly.
He's not at the hospital, or the police station.
Já procuramos nos hospitais e delegacias, e não aparece.
- But I must see Quinlan at the U.S. Police station.
- Mas tenho que ir à esquadra americana do Quinlan!
The Journal of Debates reports that after attempting escape the boy was caught and is being held at the Rodez police station.
Relata-se que, após uma tentativa de fuga, o rapaz foi apanhado e está detido na esquadra de Rodez.
Then anyone, anyone at all could've gone into the police station...
Qualquer um poderia ter ido à esquadra da polícia...
At the police station..
He's down with the police at the station.
Está lá metido na esquadra.
The phone never just rings at a Police station, no way, no how.
Ninguém atende na policia.
at the movies 19
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the party 41
at the hospital 120
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the party 41
at the hospital 120