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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ D ] / Did you find anything

Did you find anything translate Portuguese

699 parallel translation
- Tell me. Did you find anything?
- Descobriu alguma coisa?
Where did you find anything so beautiful?
Onde encontraste algo tão lindo?
Did you find anything else?
- Encontrou algo mais?
- Did you find anything?
- Encontraste alguma coisa?
And where on the face of this old earth did you find anything like him?
E onde é que, ao cimo desta terra antiga, o encontrou?
Jack, did you find anything out about this ship before you sent us out here?
Descobriste alguma coisa sobre o barco antes de nos mandar para cá?
Did you find anything?
Encontraste alguma coisa?
- You know how he got in. - Did you find anything in my room?
Sabe tão bem como eu como ele entrou.
Did you find anything?
Descobriste alguma coisa?
Did you find anything?
Encontrou algo?
Did you find anything useful?
Descobriu alguma coisa útil?
- Did you find anything?
- Achou alguma coisa?
Did you find anything?
E encontrou alguma coisa?
Achou algo que ajudasse?
- Max, encontrou alguma coisa?
Max, did you find anything on 51's body?
Max, encontrou alguma coisa na revista ao 51?
Did you find anything?
Encontraram alguma coisa?
Did you find anything else, you know, of a private nature?
Averiguou algo mais de... caráter privado?
- Did you find anything else?
- Achou algo mais? - Claro! Veja...
May I ask, did you find anything of interest?
Enchanté! Encontrou algo interessante?
Did you find anything?
Descobriu alguma coisa?
Did you find anything out?
- Soubeste alguma coisa?
Did you find anything on your flight?
- Achou alguma coisa no seu vôo?
- Did you find anything from Tryst?
- Você não achou Tryst?
Did you find anything in there?
Encontraste lá alguma coisa?
Did you find anything interesting?
Encontraste alguma coisa interessante?
- Did you find anything?
Nada. Descobriste alguma coisa?
- Did you find anything upstairs?
- Encontrou alguma coisa Ia encima?
You didn't happen to find anything in this brush, did you?
Suponho que não encontrou nada neste pincel.
Did you find out anything?
Descobriste alguma coisa?
Did you find out anything today?
Esqueci-me de perguntar. Descobriu alguma coisa hoje?
Did you find out anything?
- Descobriu algo?
Did you find out anything?
- Acharam alguma coisa?
Well, what about Amanda? Did you find out anything from her?
Descobriste alguma coisa?
You didn't find out anything even today, did you?
Você não descobriu nada até hoje, não é?
- Descobriu alguma coisa?
Did you find out anything that we don't know?
Descobriu algo que não saibamos?
Max, descobriu alguma coisa na conversa com o Capitão Groman?
Toby. did you find out anything?
Toby, descobriste alguma coisa?
- Did you find anything?
Max, você é tão corajoso.
Listen, 99, did you find out anything about that restaurant that sold me the poisoned coffee?
99, encontrou alguma pista no restaurante que vendeu o café envenenado?
- Did you find out anything?
- Did you find out anything?
- Descobriu algo?
Did you find out anything?
Descobriram alguma coisa?
- Did you find out anything?
- Descobriste alguma coisa?
Yes, Helwig, did you find out anything?
Sim, Helwig, descobriu alguma coisa?
Harve, did you find out anything about Zemko?
Harve, conseguiu descobrir algo sobre Zemko?
You can communicate Reichsführer - - That the Allies did not find anything.
Pode dizer ao Reichsführer que os aliados não verão nada.
Tell me, did you... did you find out anything?
Diga-me, descobriu alguma coisa?
- Did you find out anything?
- Pudeste descobrir porque os expulsaram?
Did you find out anything in Washington?
Descobriu algo em Washington?

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