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Did you know him translate Portuguese

941 parallel translation
Did you know him well?
Conheceu-o bem?
Did you know him?
Did you know him while I was away?
- Conheceste-o en quanto eu estava fora?
Well, did you know him socially or in a business way?
Conhecia-o socialmente ou profissionalmente?
- Did you know him well?
- Conhecia-o bem? - Não.
Did you know him very well?
Conhecia-lo bem?
did you know him, Miss Gravely?
Você conhecia-o, Menina Gravely?
Did you know him before that?
Conhecia-o antes disso?
- Did you know him well?
- Conhecia-o bem? - Sim.
Did you know him well?
E conhecia-o bem?
- Did you know him?
- Conhecia-o?
Did you know him?
- How well did you know him?
- O que mais sabe?
- Did you know him?
- Conhecia-lo?
Did you know him, Danby?
Conhecia-o, Danby?
Did you know him?
Yes, but... did you know him?
Sim, mas... Conhecia-o?
Did you know him?
Você o conhecia?
- I know, baby, I know. But don't forget, you did a lot for him, too.
Eu sei, querido, mas também fizeste muito por ele.
- Yes, what did you know about him?
- Sim, o que sabia dele?
Did you know she seated him at her right?
Sabe que ela o sentou ã direita dela?
No, not that you killed him, but that you know who did.
Não, não que o senhor o matou, mas que sabe quem o fez.
I clipped a note to that Garlopis application... to have him thoroughly investigated... - before we accepted the risk. - I know you did, Walter.
Na ficha do Garlopis, pedi que fosse investigado antes de ser aceite.
One night I brought home $ 100 and gave it to him. You know what he did?
Uma noite, trouxe 100 dólares para casa e dei-lhos.
How did you know I saw him?
Como sabe que eu o vi?
How did you come to know him?
Como você o conheceu?
That's what I told him and he did it, you know?
Foi o que eu disse a ele E ele fez isso, você sabe?
If you know who did it, why don't you have him arrested?
Então por que não o prendem?
- What did he look like? - You'll know him when you see him.
- Como é que ele era?
I have nothing personal against Maydew though you know him to be the son of a carpetbagger from Boston Who came here to feather his nest before you game roosters who did the fighting could get back home!
Nada tenho de pessoal contra Maydew, embora seja sabido que é filho de um arrivista de Boston, que aqui se estabeleceu ainda antes que vós, que estáveis lutando, regressassem.
Did you know when he leaves the palace, the guards cheer him louder than they do me?
Sabíeis que quando sai do palácio, os guardas o saúdam mais alto que a mim?
Now you say you did not know him?
Agora, diz que não o conhecia.
I don't know what you did to him, but I haven't seen him in such a state since he was kicked in the head by a polo pony at Old Westbury.
Não o tinha visto assim desde que um pónei de pólo o escoiceou na cabeça.
What you did to Aron tonight, I don't know what it will do to him
O que fez ao Aron esta noite, não sei como irá afetá-lo.
Then how did you know I killed him?
E como sabe que o matei?
Ned did not kill him, that too, you know!
Sair! Ainda não!
I guess you didn't know him any too well, did you?
Não o conhecia muito bem, pois não? Não preciso de o conhecer.
( laughs ) : You know, I told him, I told him that thirst was gonna kill him, and it surely did.
Sabes, eu disse-lhe, eu disse-lhe que aquela sede ainda o iria matar, o que foi verdade.
I did not know that you had sent him to spy on me.
Não sabia que o mandara espiar-me.
Did you hear him say it or did you already know it?
Ouviste-o ou já sabias?
Darling, you met him, I know you did... Mag Wildwood's friend.
Tu conheceste-o - amigo da Mag Wildwood.
Did you ever get to know a man better by askin'him questions?
Alguma vez conheces-te melhor um homem por lhe fazeres perguntas?
Cassius, when did you really know you had him?
Cassius, quando teve a certeza que o tinha derrotado?
You know what he did to me last Saturday? He came out to the club waving a check for $ 7,000 and insisted that I break up my golf game, go in and open the bank and hand over to him $ 7,000.
No sábado, chegou ao Clube a acenar com um cheque de 7 mil dólares e fez-me interromper o golfe para ir ao banco e dar-lhe os 7 mil.
Then, why did you burn him? I don't know.
Então, porque o queimou?
Did you know your brother would kill him?
- Tu sabias que o teu irmão o ia matar?
You know, folks up north sort of consider him as a hero for bringing in Luke Santee like he did.
Sabe, as pessoas do norte o consideram um herói por entregar o Luke Santee como fez.
oh no pleas dont think not now we'v got food and nice wood fire wiat a minute, I know, you know him you did'nt meet him..
- Por favor, não penses. Agora não. Temos comida e um fogo quentinho.
Did you know that Marian was engaged to him?
Sabia que a Marian estava noiva dele?
- What the hell did you know about him?
- Que raios sabias dele?
What do you mean? Did you know everything about him?
Não o estou a compreender.

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