Did you like it translate Portuguese
1,514 parallel translation
Every time I'm on TV, I call home and ask him, "Did you like it?"
Sempre que apareço na televisão, ligo e pergunto-lhe se gostou.
How did you like it there, Kyle?
O que achaste daquilo lá, Kyle?
Did you like it?
Está a gostar?
He thinks that dad did it on purpose... to make you, you know, like him.
Acha que o pai o fez de propósito. Para te tornar... como ele.
I know I did something bad. I'm a sick person. You don't know what it's like to be me.
- Eu sei que fiz algo ruim, sou uma pessoa doente... você não sabe o que é ser como eu...
Caitlin doesn't look to me for support. She looks right through me, you want to know the truth. Mr Emerson, you may think that this is none of my business, but the one thing that I did find out about Caitlin is that she is very troubled, and she doesn't feel like she can talk to you about it.
Sr. Emerson, pode achar que isso não é da minha conta, mas uma coisa que eu descobri sobre Diane é que ela está com muitos problemas e ela não acha que pode conversar com você.
And it is your life that will end if you continue to push like you did today.
A sua vida vai acabar se continuar a esforçar-se como hoje.
I don't like how you did it, but I shouldn't have gotten in your way.
Não gosto do que fizeram, mas não devia ter interferido.
You're an ass because you're trying to wrap it in the flag, like you did a good thing.
É um tolo porque quer se convencer - de que fez uma coisa boa. - Você é tolo e hipócrita.
Believe me, sir, you want this to stay a hypothetical, because I'm thinking if something like that did happen, you'd be duty-bound to report it, and the hospital would be in danger of losing its accreditation as a transplant site.
Acredite, vai querer que isto seja só hipotético. Porque eu estava a pensar que se isso acontecesse, teria de o declarar e o hospital poderia perder a acreditação para transplantes.
Wow, did it really take all this stuff to make you look like this? No!
Ena, foi mesmo preciso isto tudo para ficares assim?
Isn't he with you? " And I was like, he did it.
Ele não está contigo? " E eu fui do tipo, ele fê-lo.
So you did not like it after all?
Afinal, não gostou?
Come on, it's not like you did anything in those plays.
Também não fazias nada nessas peças.
She did it because she felt like it, because you were'red', that's what she said.
Ela fazia isto porque tinha vontade... porque você era "vermelha", assim que ela dizia.
I don't believe it. How did you find it just like that?
Muito obrigado, Sait Abi.
It looked like you just straightened it out and put it right back, but you never did, did you?
Pareceu que o devolveste, mas não o fizeste, pois não?
Then everything went black, just like it did for you.
Depois ficou tudo negro, como a ti.
If you didn't kill Terrence Steadman how did someone make it look like you did?
Se não mataste o Terrence Steadman... - Vou tirar-te daqui.
When you're feeling down, Did you know that you can change it like that?
Sabia que, quando se sente em baixo, pode mudar isso depressa?
The car you stole the backpack from, what did it look like?
O carro de onde roubaste a mochila, como é que era?
I think the jury would like to know, why did you do it?
Acho que o júri gostaria de saber porque o fez.
And when the media circus starts, you know, like it did at Duke with that whole lacrosse rape scandal who do you think they're gonna get to do the perp walk on the 6 : 00 news?
Quando a imprensa começar a falar, como no caso do Duke, no escândalo da violação do lacrosse, quem pensas que vai ser o culpado no noticiário das seis?
Then when he dented it, knowing you'd murder him if you found out he trashed it to make it look like feminists did it.
Depois, quando o amassou, sabendo que o matava se descobrisse, destruiu-o, para parecer que feministas o tinham feito.
If you wanna get into the country, you do it the legal way, like my parents did.
Só estou a fazer o meu trabalho, Clark. Se quiserem entrar no país, têm de o fazer da maneira legal, como os meus pais fizeram.
Now, you guys really want to focus on learning these plays, because these are the exact same plays that we run and if you learn it right here, like we all did, you'll have a pretty solid understanding of what's going to be expected of you once you get to varsity.
Vocês vão querer aprender estas tácticas, pois são exactamente as mesmas que nós usamos, e se aprenderem bem como nós todos fizemos terão uma compreensão sólida do que esperamos de vocês para entrar no futebol universitário.
Like I'd tell you if it did?
Como se eu te dissesse se doesse?
It's going to make that stint you did for jacking a car feel like a week in cabo.
Vai parecer que aquele tempo que já passaste na prisão era umas férias.
'Cause if you did, it's almost like we ate pizza with her.
Porque se comeu, é como se comêssemos com ela.
Did you go into that apartment... discover that your ex-wife had committed suicide... and proceed to tie her hands, move a chair... do whatever was necessary... to make it look like somebody had killed her?
Entrou no apartamento, viu que a sua ex-mulher se suicidara e amarrou-lhe as mãos, colocou uma cadeira, fez o necessário para dar a sensação de que alguém a matara?
I'm sorry. I sent you a letter, but it never got there... but I thought it did, so I thought you didn't like me.
Mandei-te uma carta, que não chegou, mas achei que não gostavas de mim.
You buried him to look like some witch did it. No.
Enterrou-o de modo a parecer que foi uma bruxa.
And I'm glad you did it, because I like it here.
Mas ainda bem que o fizeste, porque gosto de estar aqui.
Susan, when someone loses it like you did, there's usually a reason.
Susan, quando alguém se descontrola assim, há sempre um motivo.
It's just a matter of time before you pull her under just like he did.
É só uma questão de tempo até que a magoe, como ele fez.
And he'll track it back to me, you know, just like you did.
E vai fazer-me perguntas, tal como tu.
It even looked like you did.
Parecia mesmo.
Did you expect them to like it?
- Esperavas que gostassem?
Why did you have to phrase it like that?
Por que falaste assim?
Did you like it?
- Gostaste?
I like how you did it by twos.
Gostei como contaste dois a dois.
Did he tell you what it looked like?
Ele disse-lhe com que se parecia?
I was walking across the quad and she had dropped her bag, and I was like, you know, rushing to... to go and pick it up for her, and, uh... and we kind of, like, did that whole, like, you know, kind of in a cartoon- - kind of bumped heads, and...
Estava a atravessar o dormitório, e ela tinha deixado cair a mala, e eu fui a correr... para a apanhar para ela, e, e nós como que, fizemos aquela cena da banda desenhada, como que batemos com as cabeças.
- Did you really like it?
- Gostas mesmo?
You did it yourself? You carve one like that for anyone else?
Fizeste algum para outra pessoa?
No, You Don't. You Did It On Purpose To Screw Me, To Make Me Look Like A Scumbag In Front Of Andi.
Fizeste isso de propósito para me tramar, para me fazer parecer um canalha perante a Andi.
Tom, the second time we did it with the lights on, it's not like there's anything you haven't seen.
Tom, foi a segunda vez que o fizemos com as luzes acesas, não é como que não há nada que tivesses visto.
I really did have to share Dad with you guys when I was growing up, and I didn't like it.
Tive de partilhar o meu pai convosco e não gostei.
It was--it was kind of like you were there, like we- - we did, we felt your prence.
Mas foi como se lá estivesses, sentimos a tua presença.
Well, it would just mean the world to Freddy if he could have his bachelor party at Tehnbrook like you did, but he can't unless he's a member.
Seria excelente para o Freddy poder ter a despedida de solteiro em Tehnbrook, mas só é possível se for membro.
It kinda seemed like you did.
Pareceu-me mesmo que precisavas.
did you sleep well 186
did you 5422
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did you call me 65
did you have a good day 34
did you get it 332
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did you hear that 1358
did you find it 130
did you see a doctor 19
did you 5422
did you miss me 258
did you call me 65
did you have a good day 34
did you get it 332
did you know 464
did you hear that 1358
did you find it 130
did you see a doctor 19
did you know that 655
did you say something 194
did you do it 192
did you see that 1004
did you hear me 503
did you see it 273
did you see him 211
did you know him 151
did you just say 228
did you hear 352
did you say something 194
did you do it 192
did you see that 1004
did you hear me 503
did you see it 273
did you see him 211
did you know him 151
did you just say 228
did you hear 352