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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ D ] / Did you know that

Did you know that translate Portuguese

6,877 parallel translation
Did you know that your face gets kind of weird when you try to channel your inner mom?
Sabias que a tua cara fica esquisita quando tentas canalizar o teu lado maternal?
Did you know that he was...
- Sabias que ele andava...
How did you know that it was a gang that beat me up?
Como sabias que foi um gangue que me bateu?
Hey, did you know that Allen saved a woman and a baby from a fire today?
Sabias que o Allen salvou uma mulher e um bebé de um incêndio hoje?
- Did you know that?
- Sabias disso? - Não.
Did you know that?
Sabias disso?
Did you know that Hong Kong is an island as well?
Sabiam que Hong Kong também é uma ilha?
They call it Nyan Kun, by the way. Did you know that?
Chamam-lhe Nyan Kun.
Did you know that?
Sabias isso?
Did you know that?
Did you know that Annika and Lindsay are dead?
Sabia que a Annika e a Lindsay estão mortas?
Did you know that my dad moved to bumblefuck New York with his bimbo girlfriend after he cheated on my mom and left her with four kids to raise by herself?
Sabias que o meu pai se mudou para a merda de Nova Iorque com a namoradinha depois de trair a minha mãe e de a deixar sozinha com quatro filhos?
Did you know that we were all gonna be here at the same time?
Sabias que íamos estar aqui ao mesmo tempo?
Did you know that by week 16, your baby's only the size of an avocado but it can hear?
Sabias que na 16ª semana, o bebé é muito pequeno, mas consegue ouvir?
How did you know that?
Como é que descobriste isso?
For example, did you know that Jesus didn't really die on the cross?
Por exemplo, sabias que Jesus não morreu realmente na cruz?
Did you know that? No.
- Sabias disso?
- Yeah, and did you know that our genetic alignment with apes is almost 98 %?
- Sim, e não sabes que a nossa similaridade genética com a dos macacos é de quase 98 %?
Did you know that Gil's birthday is the exact same day as Elvis?
Sabiam que o aniversário do Gil é no mesmo dia do Elvis?
Did you know that my mother and Mrs. Garrett worked together?
Sabias que a minha mãe e a Mrs. Garrett trabalharam juntas?
How did you know that?
Como sabia isso?
How did you know that Andy Stroud was to be your husband and not just another guy out for a date or something else?
Como é que soube que o Andy Stroud iria ser o seu marido e não apenas mais um homem que queria sair ou algo do género?
Did you know that the name Spivak is Ukrainian?
Sabia que o nome Spivak é ucraniano?
She can't walk now, did you know that?
Ela não pode andar.
Let all of Italy know what he did and prove to them that you are not a tyrant but an enlightened Medici.
Deixe que toda a Itália saiba o que ele fez. E prove que não é um tirano mas um Medici iluminado.
You know, I used to think that you were good at what you did.
Sabes, pensei que tu... fosses bom no que fazias.
So when he asked you about the driver, you said that you didn't know anything, but you did know. You knew the driver was Tony Agrerro- - his name's right on the side of the truck.
Então, quando ele perguntou sobre o motorista, disse que não sabia de nada, mas sabia que o motorista era o Tony Agrerro, o nome dele estava na porta da pick-up.
She was interesting, she was artistic, intellectual, and, you know, she did drugs, too, but that was all part of the package of building a home.
E também consumia droga. Mas tudo isso fazia parte do "pacote" da construção do lar.
Speaking of which, when exactly did you know you were going to do that? Oh, um...
Por falar nisso, quando é que decidiste fazer isso?
Did you know it was almost 20 years before they tested that DNA found on Hanna Dean?
Sabia que se passaram quase 20 anos antes de terem testado aquele ADN encontrado na Hanna Dean?
How did I know you were gonna say that?
Como sabia que ias dizer isso?
You know, he did this because he was hoping that we would be able to work together again, and he thought he might have some interesting cases to solve.
Sabe, ele fez isto à espera que pudéssemos trabalhar juntos novamente e pensou que poderia ter casos interessantes para resolver.
So, the woman that gave Ana the USB drive, did you know her, or do you know anything about her?
Então, a mulher que deu a pendrive a Ana, conhece-a ou sabe alguma coisa sobre ela?
I just did that to, you know, rile you up.
Disse aquilo para te agitar, para atear a chama.
You know, I'm no doctor but that did not sound too good.
Sabes, não sou médico, mas isto não parece bem.
You know, your partner's ratting to the LAPD? Did you know about that, you dumb fuck?
Sabias que o teu parceiro se chiba à polícia de LA?
You know perfectly well that I did.
Sabes muito bem que sim.
I know that you did everything you could for me.
Sei que fizeste tudo o que é possível por mim.
I know what I did was unforgivable, but I also know that Cosima really cares for you.
Eu sei que aquilo que fiz não tem perdão. Mas também sei que a Cosima gosta mesmo de ti.
You didn't know that I could sing, did you?
Tu não sabias que eu sabia cantar, pois não?
Did you know she was going to do that tonight, throw Bill at me in that way?
Sabia que ela iria fazer aquilo, atirando-me para o Bill daquela maneira?
And did you also know that she has told me to marry Bill?
E também sabe que ela disse-me para casar com o Bill?
And I hope you know that whatever you did, it wouldn't have made any difference.
E quero que saibas que fizesses o que fizesses, não iria mudar nada.
you have this piece of you now that I'll never really know, and my guess is, maybe more than anything I ever did for you or shared with you, that's the piece that's gonna make you who you are.
Que tu e o teu pai... têm esta parte de vocês agora que eu nunca vou saber realmente, e e o meu palpite é, talvez mais do que tudo que eu alguma vez fiz por vocês ou partilhei convosco, é essa a parte que vai fazer de vocês aqui que vocês são.
( SIGHS ) I thought that you'd be this scary dragon bitch, and we'd go get our revenge, you know, blasting all those who did us wrong.
Pensei que... que serias um dragão assustador, e iríamos atrás de vingança.
I cannot remember a day in my life That you did not know every secret in the kingdom.
Não consigo lembrar-me de um dia na minha vida em que não soubesses de cada segredo do reino.
What i did not know that night Is that you did not need my aid.
O que eu não sabia naquela noite é que não precisava do meu socorro.
What are you doing here? How did you know that I was...
- Como é que sabias...
How on earth did you know that?
Mas como é que soubeste disso?
But don't get me wrong, it feels good to know that we did save lives by, you know, getting over a hundred contaminated drugs off the streets.
Não me entendam mal, sabe bem saber que salvamos vidas, ao retirar centenas de drogas contaminadas das ruas.
Did he get into any trouble at Hazelton that you know about?
Sabe se ele se meteu em algum problema em Hazelton?

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