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Her translate Portuguese

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[Jones] We see Jessica going through that, reaching out to someone that she knows loves her, that hopefully she can, you know, really get the help of adults and professionals to come in and help her with that.
Vemos a Jessica a pedir ajuda a alguém que ela sabe que gosta dela e esperamos que consiga a ajuda de adultos e de profissionais que a ajudem.
It's beyond simply being depressed. She thinks her life is worth nothing.
É mais do que estar deprimida, ela pensa que a sua vida não vale nada.
And she thinks her life really only exists as a problem to other people.
E pensa que a sua vida é apenas um problema para as outras pessoas.
And she has been treated time and time again as an object, so her sense of self and her sense of agency, her sense that anything she can do can make things better is gone.
Foi repetidamente tratada como um objeto, por isso a sua autoestima, a noção de que é capaz de recuperar desapareceu totalmente.
Her grades are good. " And it has nothing to do with that.
Tem boas notas. " Mas não tem nada que ver com isso.
I think it was important to show that it's not a pretty death, it's not an easy one, and then the pain that never ends for her parents immediately thereafter, who are left with this horrible burden.
E também existe a dor interminável dos pais que ficam com esse horrível peso em cima.
If someone watching this is feeling like their life doesn't have worth, I hope that you see around Hannah in this show all the people who care about her, and know that there are those people in your life as well.
Se alguém que estiver a ver isto achar que a sua vida não tem valor, espero que veja neste programa que a Hannah tem à sua volta imensa gente que gosta dela e que tenha noção de que também tem pessoas assim na sua vida.
But eventually, Raf won her over.
Mas por acaso, Raf a reconquistou.
See, he didn't quite trust her, or her new girlfriend, Eileen.
Ele não confiava muito nela, ou em sua namorada, Eileen.
And so, Rafael lied and told his sister his cancer was back, and lured her back to the Marbella.
Rafael mentiu para Luisa dizendo que seu câncer voltou, e a atraiu de volta ao Marbella.
It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress.
Dá azar se o noivo vir a noiva com o vestido.
I thought all of her eggs were in the freezer.
Achei que os óvulos estavam congelados.
LATIN LOVER NARRATOR : She wouldn't be so grateful if she knew "beautiful sister" set her up in the first place.
Não ficará grata ao saber que foi a irmã linda quem armou para ela.
You remember that Rose had just threatened to kill her if anyone figured out their scheme.
Lembre-se que Rose tinha ameaçado matar Eileen se alguém descobrisse o plano.
LATIN LOVER NARRATOR : It was her or Scott.
Era ela ou o Scott.
I will support her myself.
Eu vou sustentá-la sozinha.
Now, wait a minute. - It involves her, too.
Espere aí, isso a envolve também.
( gasps ) Mateo, run over to Abuela's room and borrow her foundations.
Matelio, vá até sua Vovó e pegue suas bases.
LATIN LOVER NARRATOR : And that's when it hit her.
- E foi aí que ela percebeu.
LATIN LOVER NARRATOR : It should be noted that on the day of Xiomara Gloriana Villanueva's wedding, the power was out, her dress was ruined, there weren't even any paper cranes because they were deemed a fire hazard, but it was still completely magical.
Notem que no dia do casamento de Xiomara Gloriana Villanueva, a energia havia acabado, o vestido estava arruinado, não haviam origamis por causa do risco de incêndio, mas ainda estava mágico.
At least to the people who loved her most.
Ao menos para quem a amava.
And you chose her before. A long time ago.
- Já a escolheu antes!
And, friends, at this moment, all Petra wanted was for Rafael to say no, to choose her, and to keep choosing her.
Amigos, neste momento, Petra só queria que Rafael a escolhesse, e continuasse a escolhendo.
the name of the ex is not said unless you want her in his head.
Nunca diga o nome da ex, ou ficará na cabeça dele.
Do you know how hard it is for Kirsten to keep seeing her mother like that?
Sabes como é duro para a Kirsten ver a mãe daquela maneira?
Her chamber... the computers, the monitors... everything.
A câmara, computadores, monitores... tudo.
Stinger must have found her. Calm down, okay?
- O Stinger deve tê-la encontrado.
He told her something that I'd shared with him in confidence.
Ele contou-lhe algo que partilhei em segredo.
Anyone who knows where to find her is a target.
Todos que sabem onde encontra-la são alvos.
Cameron was the only person I told, but then he told Maggie, and she had her moved... again, so now I've lost her again.
O Cameron foi a única pessoa a quem contei, mas ele contou à Maggie, e ela tirou-a de lá... Novamente, então agora perdi-a... novamente.
And second, you need to put the screws to Maggie, get her to tell you where she moved your mother.
Segunda, tens de pressionar a Maggie. Obriga-la a dizer-te para onde levou a tua mãe.
She ordered me to tell her.
Ela obrigou-me a contar-lhe.
- you did violate her trust, and that's big.
- Traíste a confiança dela, e isso é grave.
There's something going on with her, but I don't know what.
Passa-se alguma coisa com ela, mas não sei o quê.
She'll come around, just give her time.
Ela vai cair em si, dá-lhe um tempo.
You have to tell her where her mother is.
- Diz-lhe onde está a mãe dela.
- What did you say to her?
- O que lhe disseste?
- I may have simply put her on notice about using you to get information back to Stinger Senior.
- Talvez a tenha apenas avisado sobre usar-te para passar informações ao Stinger Sénior.
- We need her.
- Precisamos dela.
And you know this because you know her so well?
E sabes disso porque a conheces tão bem?
That's her job. Because women have judgment.
É que as mulheres têm discernimento.
It's her job to go, " That's enough of you, I think.
São elas que têm de dizer : " Já chega de gente igual a ti.
She doesn't realize this until after you fuck her.
Às vezes, ela só percebe isso quando ele a fode.
It's in her pussy.
Ele está dentro da rata dela!
So, we think maybe somebody's been throwing handfuls of pennies at her face.
Achamos que alguém lhe atirava moedas ao focinho.
She's like, "Should I pet her?" "I don't think you should ever pet our dog, honey."
E ela diz : "Faço-lhe festas?" "Acho melhor nunca tocares nesse cão."
I took her to the vet. I took the dog to ask her what to do.
Levei o cão à veterinária e perguntei-lhe o que fazer.
I said, " Put four in her asshole right now.
Eu disse : "Enfie-lhe quatro no rabo agora mesmo."
Give her heroin. Shoot her up. "
Dê-lhe heroína, injete-a.
It only costs $ 400 a day to keep her like that. "
Só custa 400 dólares por dia mantê-lo assim. "
Anyway, so, my daughter, here was her question. She said, " How come his mother didn't just dip him again?
Portanto, eis a pergunta da minha filha, ela disse : " Porque é que a mãe dele não o voltou a mergulhar?

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