I thought translate Portuguese
134,217 parallel translation
And I thought I was tough to crack.
E pensava eu que era fechada.
I thought you'd changed your mind about me.
Pensei que tivesses mudado de ideias.
Someone I thought I knew.
Alguém que pensava conhecer.
I thought that meant that he would... stick through things no matter what, but... really what it meant was that as things got tough, he just... took off.
Pensei que ele queria dizer que iríamos superar tudo juntos. Mas afinal era que assim que as coisas se tornassem complicadas, ele ia embora.
I thought the whole idea of this evening was to make his friends like you.
Achei que a ideia fosse fazer com que os amigos dele gostassem de ti.
Yeah, I thought I should wake you up.
Pois, achei que te devia acordar.
Oh, my, and I thought only bees pour on the honey.
Céus, e pensava eu que apenas as abelhas faziam mel.
Yeah, I thought he could eat it by the fistful or rub it on his balls.
Sim, pensei que ele podia comê-lo ao punho inteiro ou esfregá-lo nas bolas.
When you said you were going to be training me, I thought there'd be more sword fighting involved.
Quando disseste que ias treinar-me, pensei que isso ia envolver mais combate com espada.
It's heavier than I thought.
É mais pesada do que pensava.
- I thought you understood what was at stake. - John!
I thought polyp was an animal... not a coral was an animal with lots of polyps.
Eu achava que um pólipo era um animal não que um coral era um animal com muitos pólipos.
I think I admitted to him that I thought this was far more deadly than some of the other things that are facing reefs.
Eu confessei-lhe que achava isto mais mortífero... BIÓLOGO DE CORAIS... do que outros problemas que os recifes enfrentam.
I thought we were okay.
Pensei que estava tudo bem.
It wasn't because I thought it was gonna disappear or I was trying to battle a problem called global climate change.
Não foi porque achava que iria desaparecer ou porque queria lutar contra as alterações climáticas globais.
I thought we would find bleaching.
Pensei que íamos encontrar descoloração.
I thought we would capture it.
Que íamos filmá-la.
I thought I was writing it for this tiny niche audience of hardcore space dorks.
Achei que escrevia para um nicho de apreciadores marrões.
I thought we'd buried all of that.
Pensei que tínhamos enterrado isso tudo.
I thought that you met Bunny when you pulled me off the street.
Pensei que tivesses conhecido a Bunny quando me tiraste da rua.
Wait a minute, I thought this is was a narco case.
Um momento... pensava que isto estava ligado ao narcotráfico.
I thought you were dashing and gallant, but now I see you for what you really are.
Eu pensei que eras atraente, e galante. Mas agora vejo-te, como tu realmente és.
He mentioned wanting a girlfriend, so I thought...
Ele queria uma namorada e...
I thought he'd be more like me or like you.
Esperava que fosse mais como eu ou tu.
I thought about it.
- Já pensei nisso.
When you told me we were having dinner in the Techtropolis parking lot, I thought you were kidding.
Quando disseste que íamos jantar no estacionamento da Techtropolis, pensei que era a brincar.
Never been in a dorm. This isn't what I thought it would smell like.
Nunca estive num dormitório, esperava outro cheiro.
I thought technical school would be dumb, but I actually really like it.
Pensei que a escola técnica seria parva, mas até gostei.
Deary me, I thought you were handsome, and now you've gone all cross and you're pointing a gun at me.
Meu Deus, achei você bonito... e agora está todo irritado e apontando uma arma para mim.
This is worse than I thought.
Isso é pior do que eu pensava.
- I thought you needed four arms for Venusian?
Achei que precisasse de 4 braços para o Venusiano.
Whoo-hoo! I thought I told you to go to your...
Pensei ter-vos dito para irem para os vossos...
I thought the traps would get you for sure!
Pensei que as armadilhas te iam apanhar, com toda a certeza!
But I thought employees were greatest treasure of all!
Mas os empregados não eram o maior tesouro de todos?
Listen, Daniel, I thought maybe you'd wanna hear about - what happened to Alice.
Daniel, é capaz de querer saber o que aconteceu à Alice.
That's what I thought.
Bem me parecia.
Yeah, I thought it all!
Sim, pensei nisso tudo!
I thought you'd left me.
Achei que me tinhas deixado.
Just as I thought... coward.
Tal como eu pensava. Um cobarde.
Although you might have thought of another way, but you've burned so much time searching for this hero, I'm afraid time has run out.
Mesmo que tenhas pensado noutra forma, perdeste tanto tempo à procura desse herói que o tempo se esgotou.
You know, I've lost a ton in Vegas, but I never thought I'd lose my life there.
Sabes, perdi muito dinheiro em Vegas, mas nunca pensei que perderia a minha vida lá.
I really thought we were gonna do great things.
Pensei mesmo que íamos fazer grandes coisas.
So I clear my head... think one single thought.
Por isso, esvazio a minha mente e foco apenas num pensamento.
But I don't think I ever prepared myself, or thought we were gonna see this.
Mas não estava preparado para o que íamos ver.
When I first interviewed you a year ago, I asked you if you thought your investigation would be a defining moment in the history of sport.
Quando o entrevistei há um ano, perguntei-lhe se achava que a sua investigação seria um momento decisivo na história do desporto.
They thought I was moving to another district, so...
Eles pensaram que estava a mudar-me para outra esquadra, então...
I just thought... in some ways you'd be... disappointed with me.
Apenas pensei... que ficaria desiludido comigo.
I always thought my nose was too big.
Sempre achei que tinha um nariz grande.
I hadn't really thought about it.
- Não tinha pensado nisso.
So we thought it would useful- - and I can't believe I am about to say this- - um...
Então pensamos que seria útil... E não acredito que vou dizer isto...
I even thought about killing myself, but I couldn't go through with it.
Até pensei em matar-me. Mas não consegui.
i thought you were mad at me 17
i thought you loved me 27
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought i was going to die 44
i thought it was you 92
i thought you loved me 27
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought i was going to die 44
i thought it was you 92