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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I thought you might

I thought you might translate Portuguese

3,512 parallel translation
I thought you might want to talk.
Pensei que talvez quisesses falar.
I thought you might ask that.
Sabia que ias perguntar isso.
I thought you might want to know their names.
Pensei que gostasse de saber os nomes.
I thought you might want it.
Pensei que a queria.
I, um... I thought you might like to know we're tracking Griffin Cole, and I'm confident we'll find him.
Estamos atrás do Griffin Cole, e acredito que vamos encontrá-lo.
There was a moment where I thought you might fail...
Houve um momento em que pensei que podias falhar...
I thought you might work here for a while.
- Pensei que podias trabalhar aqui.
You see... I thought you might work here for a while.
Sabe, achei que poderia trabalhar aqui durante um tempo.
I thought you might die of it.
Teremos sempre este elo.
But er, I thought you might be grateful, a young man asking you to walk out.
Devemos aprender com os nossos erros.
I thought you might be thirsty.
Pensei que tivesse sede.
I thought you might like to play a game.
Pensei que gostarias de jogar alguma coisa.
I thought you might drive her from the street, but... here she is.
Achei que poderia levá-la a partir da rua, mas... Aqui está ela!
I thought you might say that.
- Calculei que dissesses isso.
I thought you might, uh, enjoy some coffee.
Imaginei que quisesses um café.
For a moment there, I thought you might cane her.
Por momentos, pensei que ia dar com a verdasca à irmã.
I thought you might be hungry.
Achei que estarias com fome.
I thought you might be hungry. You ate nothing at supper.
Deves estar com fome, não comeste nada ao jantar.
I thought you might want to know where the cameras are, sir.
Deves querer saber onde estão as câmaras.
- I thought you might.
Pensei que fosse gostar.
I thought you might be up to something.
Pensava que estavas a preparar algo.
I thought you might like to dine with me.
Pensei que gostarias de jantar comigo.
As a courtesy to you, I thought you might want to discuss this in private.
Como cortesia para contigo, pensei que talvez quisesses discutir isto em privado.
I mean, just this morning, you were saying you thought it might ruin our friendship.
Hoje de manhã, tu disseste que a nossa amizade estava arruinada.
And I thought since your company brought me both of them, that you might...
Pensei que, como sua empresa me enviou as duas, talvez...
I just thought you might have seen them- - that's all.
Pensei que talvez pudesse tê-los visto.
I thought Mr Branson might try to burn the house down but I didn't think you would. No?
- Não?
I thought I might move back in here tonight, if you'll have me. Not yet.
Pensei voltar a dormir aqui esta noite, se me deixasse.
I thought if you saw her all dressed up you might give her a chance.
Pensei que se a visses arranjada, talvez lhe desses uma hipótese.
I just thought you might like to know that there is a very large naked man eating raw fish by the south docks.
- Achei que gostarias de saber que há um homem muito grande e todo nu a comer peixe cru nas docas a sul.
You actually thought I might kill her.
Na verdade, pensei que podia matá-la.
"I think some of our members may have thought " the default issue was a hostage "you might take a chance at shooting," he said.
" Acho que alguns dos nossos membros podem ter pensado que a questão do incumprimento era um refém que valia a pena tentar alvejar.
I thought this might cheer you up.
Achei que te ia animar.
I thought I might find you in here.
Sabia que te encontrava aqui.
I thought I might find you in here.
Pensei que não fosse encontrar-te aqui.
I thought I might buy some trinket, just to show you I'm not entirely immune to your seduction.
Temos de o tentar convencer, os dois.
I thought we might go, together. Oh. Thank you so much.
E botões, é claro, e agulhas e linhas.
I thought you two might be together, hating me.
Pensei que estavam juntos a odiar-me.
I thought I might have intimidated you. No. No way.
- Pensei que te tinha intimidado.
Well, I thought the events of the day might be keeping you up.
Bem, pensei que, com os acontecimentos do dia, pudesses manter-te acordada.
I just thought that it might help keep up the ruse between you and Haley.
Pensei que podia ajudar a manter o ardil entre ti e a Hayley.
I thought you still might be upset about my brief dalliance with Steven.
Achei que ainda estivesses chateada por mim e pelo Steven.
And now that Rufus and I aren't together, well, I thought you two might be.
E agora que o Rufus e eu não estamos juntos, pensei que vocês iriam ficar.
I am. I just thought you might know off the top of your head.
Mas achei que podias ter alguma ideia de antemão.
I thought it might be you.
Walker, bem me parecia que era o senhor.
I didn't want to make things worse by telling you I thought it might be real.
Não queria piorar as coisas dizendo-te que achava que podia ser real.
If you are ready to talk about it, I'd very much like to know, but I'm not going to ask you about it anymore. I just thought you might want these.
Se estiver pronto para falar, gostaria muito de saber, mas não vou voltar a perguntar.
I thought you might have a plan.
Há três testemunhas, juro por Deus.
You couldn't stand the thought that I might actually be happy.
Não suportaste a ideia de que eu podia ser feliz.
I thought I might find you here.
Pensei que ia encontrar-te aqui.
I just thought you might want all the facts at your disposal.
Apenas pensei que quisesse todos os factos à sua disposição.

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